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70" Sharp LED TV - $2000


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Didn't you buy that thing for your eventual move?


yup. And the house I thought I was going to get was perfect for it and that deal went to shit :(

I don't need to or have to sell it but if I can I will. It will work in the new place but might be better suited for something a tad smaller

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I was on the market for one of these last week but have recently decided to go with a 120 inch projector

I would recommend the LED over the projector any day. You are not going to even come close to the picture of an LED and projectors are just a pain after a while. You have to wait for them to boot and warm up which takes forever, the screen is so big that there are constantly things in the way, and do you honestly need 120" of TV? 70" is huge and can easily fill most rooms needs. Unless your sitting 20 feet from the TV I would reconsider.

Edited by JStump
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should've got the 80", sissy boy!

jk. i have a 52" i'd trade you, but too much trouble.

also, i have a projector in my basement home theater and unless the LED tv is 120", no, it does not compare. the projector gives the full experience.

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I have the same TV its amazing. In cant believe bad is selling. :nono: -baller status

I probably won't get rid of it but figured I would put it out there in case

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hlr5067wx/xaa dlp. getting the dmd chip replace in a few days as a couple pixels died

ah no thanks, definitely want to stick with the LED

The more I think about it the more I'm probably just going to keep it or sell it outright for $2k

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