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UN arms treaty could put U.S. gun owners in foreign sights...... This is not cool.


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Obama will do whatever he can to push his one world gov't, social equality, liberal ideology. Even if it means going outside the US legislature and system of gov't.

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This could decide Obama's election fate. He could gain some conservative support or lose a great deal of liberal support..... read: blue collar union support.

However, baby blue is easier to pick up on the scope.

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Bob the Builder? :dunno:


That us exactly what I think of when I see his people chant "yes we can".

Obama: Can we destroy American Capitalism?

Zombies: "Yes we can!" "Forward"

Obama: MSNBC can you help a fella out?

MSNBC "Yes we can!" "Lean Forward!"

Obama: All together now!

MSNBC and the Zombies: "Yes we can!" "Bush's Fault" "Forward" "Obama inherited Bush's Failed economy!" "Yes we can" "Forward" "Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush"

Obama: "Yes we can"

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That us exactly what I think of when I see his people chant "yes we can".

Obama: Can we destroy American Capitalism?

Zombies: "Yes we can!" "Forward"

Obama: MSNBC can you help a fella out?

MSNBC "Yes we can!" "Lean Forward!"

Obama: All together now!

MSNBC and the Zombies: "Yes we can!" "Bush's Fault" "Forward" "Obama inherited Bush's Failed economy!" "Yes we can" "Forward" "Bush, Bush, Bush, Bush"

Obama: "Yes we can"

almost sounds like a walmart cheer.

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But he revealed he was set Wednesday to tell the

UN gathering that 58 U.S. senators had signed a letter saying that they

would refuse to ratify any treaty that includes controls over civilian

guns or ammunition.

Ratification by two-thirds of the Senate is

necessary before an international treaty negotiated by the executive

branch can become U.S. law.

^----- This is why, it'll never fly here and guns will be fine and safe. It's political posturing perpetuated by the fear mongering news media (coincidence it's foxnews? icon_scratch.png ). Go about your business, nothing to see here.

Yea, it's all Obama... blame Obama for your ignorance. Ohh, and remember the DEMOCRATICALLY-controlled Senate is the one that ISN'T taking away your guns. So obviously if those liberal bastards are actually NOT condoning gun control, there's some other secret agenda that's going on because they can "do no right" in conservative's eyes.

So, put on the tinfoil hats and let's come up with what that possible secret agenda is. And no cheating by letting Fox news tell you what you're supposed to think it is.

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But he revealed he was set Wednesday to tell the

UN gathering that 58 U.S. senators had signed a letter saying that they

would refuse to ratify any treaty that includes controls over civilian

guns or ammunition.

Ratification by two-thirds of the Senate is

necessary before an international treaty negotiated by the executive

branch can become U.S. law.

^----- This is why, it'll never fly here and guns will be fine and safe. It's political posturing perpetuated by the fear mongering news media (coincidence it's foxnews? icon_scratch.png ). Go about your business, nothing to see here.

Yea, it's all Obama... blame Obama for your ignorance. Ohh, and remember the DEMOCRATICALLY-controlled Senate is the one that ISN'T taking away your guns. So obviously if those liberal bastards are actually NOT condoning gun control, there's some other secret agenda that's going on because they can "do no right" in conservative's eyes.

So, put on the tinfoil hats and let's come up with what that possible secret agenda is. And no cheating by letting Fox news tell you what you're supposed to think it is.

People in Shitcago might have a different opinion of the liberal agenda and the regulation (read take away your right) of firearms. Ironically isn't Chicago having a record setting shooting year? Odd, I thought no guns were allowed there. :rolleyes: Even jolly old england has been in the news several times for hand gun related crimes. Odd, arn't they basically handgun free too? Darn criminals just don't pay attention to the gun laws.:p

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But he revealed he was set Wednesday to tell the

UN gathering that 58 U.S. senators had signed a letter saying that they

would refuse to ratify any treaty that includes controls over civilian

guns or ammunition.

Ratification by two-thirds of the Senate is

necessary before an international treaty negotiated by the executive

branch can become U.S. law.

^----- This is why, it'll never fly here and guns will be fine and safe. It's political posturing perpetuated by the fear mongering news media (coincidence it's foxnews? icon_scratch.png ). Go about your business, nothing to see here.

Yea, it's all Obama... blame Obama for your ignorance. Ohh, and remember the DEMOCRATICALLY-controlled Senate is the one that ISN'T taking away your guns. So obviously if those liberal bastards are actually NOT condoning gun control, there's some other secret agenda that's going on because they can "do no right" in conservative's eyes.

So, put on the tinfoil hats and let's come up with what that possible secret agenda is. And no cheating by letting Fox news tell you what you're supposed to think it is.

The ratification angle is the safe move. The smart move would be to come up with a statement about how we respect our constitution and won't allow foreign entities to dictate our rights. He might even pull in some socially liberal gun-toters. Most of us aren't particularly impressed with Romney.

Disclaimer.... socially liberal? Yes. Fiscally conservative? Even more yes, so he could resurrect James Madison and Heston and place them on his cabinet and I still wouldn't vote for him.


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Yeah, I stopped taking this post seriously when I read the words "Fox News". Jesus people! Look outside that "news" station for your information. It's nothing but a propaganda channel...period. Hitler used these methods to gain and keep power and we know that. Yet we've all been to history class and continue to believe the dribble e see on corporate owned networks. Wake up everyone!

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Yeah, I stopped taking this post seriously when I read the words "Fox News". Jesus people! Look outside that "news" station for your information. It's nothing but a propaganda channel...period. Hitler used these methods to gain and keep power and we know that. Yet we've all been to history class and continue to believe the dribble e see on corporate owned networks. Wake up everyone!

So true MSNBC is way more entertaining. :lol:

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Yeah, I stopped taking this post seriously when I read the words "Fox News". Jesus people! Look outside that "news" station for your information. It's nothing but a propaganda channel...period. Hitler used these methods to gain and keep power and we know that. Yet we've all been to history class and continue to believe the dribble e see on corporate owned networks. Wake up everyone!

Will the US be asked to sign a small arms treaty in July? Yes. The rest is spin, dribble, and fear-mongering, but the issue is presenting and a response will be needed.

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Doesn't the treaty only deal with foreign arms trades, not domestic?

Hands up if you ever sold a gun internationally...

Didn't think so.

Nope I've been listening to the actual clips , and not the news media spin. Some UN member countries want to restrict domestic ownership specifically in the USA. Some also want to include ammo restrictions. We will have to see what the final treaty looks like, it isn't hashed out yet. Will it include ammo or domestic private firearm ownership restrictions who knows. I'm not getting bent out of shape until I see the finalized treaty. Does it have to be passed by congress or can it be done through executive order like the border state multiple long gun Purchase reporting was?

If you don't mind I'm gonna flip over to MSNBC to get my giggles in.

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Okay so let's say the extreme happens UN passes treaty banning US private gun and ammo ownership, and congress passes it. Worst case scenario right? Just a what if not saying it is happening or will happen.

Who comes to collect the guns? Local and state police? I don't think so most won't do it in my opinion. National guard? Ha! The active duty military? I don't see it happening. FBI? Secret Service? Armed dept. Of education? Maybe.. Armed EPA? Armed Fema?

will they send UN troops?

Seriously who would come and try to take them?

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Obama will do whatever he can to push his one world gov't, social equality, liberal ideology. Even if it means going outside the US legislature and system of gov't.

you cannot get this kind of info from fox news.

they are known for making up stories to make anyone other than a republican look bad.

they never deny the allegations either. they actually are known to fire people on their staff that refuse to participate in their stories.

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Though it deals with international firearms trading, many things are being discussed. One main idea is to have all private American gun owners register. Many of these nations one main goal is to make firearms only legal for governments to own. The problem is I don't trust Obama to negotiate anything for me having to do with my right to bear arms....whether foreign or domestic.

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you cannot get this kind of info from fox news.

they are known for making up stories to make anyone other than a republican look bad.

they never deny the allegations either. they actually are known to fire people on their staff that refuse to participate in their stories.

And MSNBC, CNN, and the Huffington Post only tell the news....no bias involved.


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Though it deals with international firearms trading, many things are being discussed. One main idea is to have all private American gun owners register. Many of these nations one main goal is to make firearms only legal for governments to own. The problem is I don't trust Obama to negotiate anything for me having to do with my right to bear arms....whether foreign or domestic.

you gotta stop getting your news from fox. their fear mongering is really working on you.

get your news from a unbiased resource that just prints or reports the issue without any kind of biased interjections thrown in there.

if you watch clips of other news and fox you can clearly see the difference in actual journalism and what fox does.

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you gotta stop getting your news from fox. their fear mongering is really working on you.

get your news from a unbiased resource that just prints or reports the issue without any kind of biased interjections thrown in there.

if you watch clips of other news and fox you can clearly see the difference in actual journalism and what fox does.

Are you fucking high? All news puts their spin on it. Pull your head out of your ASS, the shit is soaking into your brain.

I would love to know where I cam get UNbiased news. Please enlighten me where should I get my news?

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But he revealed he was set Wednesday to tell the

UN gathering that 58 U.S. senators had signed a letter saying that they

would refuse to ratify any treaty that includes controls over civilian

guns or ammunition...

By "he" you surely meant Wayne LaPierre, right?

Maybe you saw "58" and immediately connected that to Obama, since during the last campaign he thought that's how many states were in the U.S. ...;)

Has anyone told him there are only 50 or so?


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