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Health care reform "Blows"


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at least the title is correct...

while I don't like it, there is clearly MORE caveat to the policy than this blurb captures... IE you never NEED what that pack of gum provides...

there aren't stores being forced to hand out gum to those who cannot buy it.

if we eliminate the mandate for health coverage, we should also eliminate the mandate for hospitals to treat those who can not pay...

... if you can't pay, we turn you away... have you got a rash? bring us cash... stabbed by your lover? We take discover... your mom has cancer? Visa's the answer...

Who cares how many innocent children die, as long as we keep our books in the black, right?

Edited by magley64
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I have a $2500 deductible IIRC... it's required in conjunction with my HSA... it means if I have a horrific accident, or get a crippling disease I won't be buried entirely in debt...

which means I pay about $30 a month in "insurance", and the rest of the money I keep in an interest bearing account until such time as I choose (or need) to spend it on something health care related.

i like it, and I'll probably get my eyes lazered when i have enough money in the account....

you better read your hsa agreement again. I didn't join the one we had at work for the simple fact they keep my money for ever and tell me what I can use it for. lol'

I don't think so folks. when I asked the guy what exactly benefit do I get out of it all he could say was it's tax free.:rolleyes:

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You wouldn't think but one MC accident was over $14,000, I paid $5000 of it, the rest was 100% covered. I only carry major medical because I can afford a Dr visit or other BS. It's major injuries or illness that destroys most people. So I protect against that.

I guess that's not bad if they cover 100%. mine is a $1500 deduct and they only cover 80%. so in the long run I guess yours is better.

I miss my old job's insurance. I paid in 0. 250.00 deduct and they pay 100% everything. my 23k broken leg with a rod put in it cost me $250.

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The OP has the same 2nd grade level of literacy and forum rules as I do on economics? :dunno:

Or politics should be under time wasters. :lol:

I didn't mean to call names, I just had to blow off steam. The endless tax increases and stupid manipulations of income and revenue. It's just a total waste of my time and money to pay them to repay me. Oh, and despite the gov site they say NO, they can not just apply it to future premiums. :wtf:

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Lots are going up. Mine is going up 10% unless I stand on one foot close my eyes and whistle Dixie, or something equally annoying. I don't care either way, I am also on an HSA and just let it accumulate.

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