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Deputies shoot, kill man after knocking on wrong door


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Most of the time when they are serving a warrent of this caliber they recieve a no knock warrent from the judge, if they have the wrong house and they breech the door at 2 in the morning then bad is always going to be the out come. I dont care what is going on but if i hear my door kicked in and alarm going off at 2am I am grabbing my gun.

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I live 2 miles from a police station, a block from a Speedway, across the street from a PNC ATM, and 2 blocks from a Kroger. Anything a stranger wants from me at 2:00 AM isn't going to go well for him.

As for the story.... tragic. I wonder what would happen to the homeowners had the cops been shot.... illegal search and all.

Where is the illegal search? They knocked on his door, and that is not illegal.

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...how many of you gun totin' members pull your guns when a stranger knocks on the door?

...unlike the po-po, this here "gun totin' member" has yet to shoot an innocent person...

(with all due respect to the 99% of LEO's who are good, honest, and hard-working).

edit***: just so there's no misunderstanding, my comment was directed at Mr. Magley and his implication that armed citizens are (or will be) shooting up the populace, not at the wonderful men and women of law enforcement).

Edited by jblosser
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yes, i think it matters quite a bit...

if he had his gun at the ready, opens the door and sees 2 men pointing guns at him, then absolutely they caused the man to react...

According to the report I heard, they didn't identify themselves as police.

I have no idea what they were wearing, but I gotta imagine that if you were faced with a similar situation where 2 men knock on your door and then force themselves in when you go to answer it, you're going to react similarly...

You have stated nothing but speculation! First off, if someone was knocking at your door at that time, you are an idiot for opening the door without knowing who it is.

The account of the incident that I personally read stated nothing about them going inside. The report said that the officers knocked on the door and the resident answered aiming a gun at them.

I have been on a few house to house man hunts looking for a violent criminal, and not once was it ever necessary to force our way in. Even if the officers knew that he was inside, they are not going to force their way in to apprehend a muder suspect. They are going to make it a S.W.A.T. / C.R.T. call out and then begin P.A. announcements informing the residents to exit the home or officers will make entry to the structure.

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Wouldn't be a bad way to rob someone though... break into their house in the middle of the night, full SWAT gear (so your face is covered), flash a fake badge, guns drawn, tell the victims "Police, get down on the floor!", handcuff them and rob the place blind.

Happens all the time.

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Happens all the time.

Yep, more and more fake police out there.:( When in doubt #1 ask for identification, they must present credentials is asked. #2 or call 911 and ask if they have officers dispatched to your location.

I have yet to hear of someone resisting arrest with the belief that the officers were not real. It WOULD make for an interesting defense. :rolleyes:

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