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RIP Hershy


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Hope you all dont mind but i decided to upload a few pics of my recently deceased pup. I havent gone threw my photo hard drive yet to find recent ones but here are a few that i found in a shoe box in the closet from when she was a pup to mid age, brings back a lot of memories.











Edited by 2talltim
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What a beautiful, happy pup! Thanks for sharing even though it must be hard to look back through some of those. Always good to remember the good times shared with our canine best friends. Don't beat yourself up over a misspelling, she sure wouldn't have loved you any less for it!

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I think the one where she is standing in her box trying to act all vicious over her food is my favorite. I could stick my head in there and she would growl like she wanted to take it off, then start licking me:)

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