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the ogre speaks on Colorado

kawi kid

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newsflash: you already live under a government like that.

I realize that. I asked him if that was the type of government he wanted to live under.

you can always look at the bottom of the wikipedia pages for the citations, then you just look at the cited sources directly.

Too much work. I'd rather wait for someone to post a study from a reputable source like you did in one of your earlier posts. Thanks :D

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I realize that. I asked him if that was the type of government he wanted to live under.

Am I happy about it? No... What are my choices? I could move to new zealand...(Yes, that is where I would go if I left this country) but I have family and friends here that I would miss. I could "rise up" and be jailed or killed. Or I could just accept that the united states is not perfect, but it's better than most places, live my life like I have been, and be happy with it.

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Tell that to a bunch of cave dwelling herdsmen that have been doing a mighty fine jody the last ten years of pissing off our superior military and quite a few Russians before that. :lol:
eh, if i can't get you to honestly think about it, at least i can release some endorphins...

I'm looking at it honestly. You are lookign at it through your rosey colored glasses as normal.

I'm finished.

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I'm assuming you've at least got some organization behind you, not considering taking on the military all by yourself...should it come to martial law...

or are you just expecting some faceless agency to rush in and protect you if you're named an enemy of the state...?

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how did this go from defending yourself and the ones you love to the merit of taking on the military? :nono:

People have suggested that the second amendment was in place (in part) to allow "the people" to defend themselves from the government...

usually these people are conservatives who also oppose scaling back the national defense budget...

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magz - "the people" have stood up against the government in the past, when it was needed.

guess you missed that part of history class


Pioneers defending their new homeland from invaders from another landmass in the 1700's. (A time when there were no planes, no satellites, no infrared scopes, no guided missiles, no rocket launchers, no drones, no tanks, no effective body armor... the list goes on and on)


a confrontation against the most sophisticated military on the planet on the same soil...in the 21st century.

not the same...

and I bet any group that declared war on the united states of america would find themselves destroyed rather quickly and without much in the way of collateral damage... you might make the news for a day or 2, something along the lines of "an unexpected explosion occurred in a field in BFE, authorities say that the building must have been a stockpile for weapons. The explosion apparently caused by a malfunction of one of the weapons. All occupants were killed in the blast."

Edited by magley64
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Pioneers defending their new homeland from invaders from another landmass in the 1700's. (A time when there were no planes, no satellites, no infrared scopes, no guided missiles, no rocket launchers, no drones, no tanks, no effective body armor... the list goes on and on)


a confrontation against the most sophisticated military on the planet on the same soil...in the 21st century.

not the same...

and I bet any group that declared war on the united states of america would find themselves destroyed rather quickly and without much in the way of collateral damage... you might make the news for a day or 2, something along the lines of "an unexpected explosion occurred in a field in BFE, authorities say that the building must have been a stockpile for weapons. The explosion apparently caused by a malfunction of one of the weapons. All occupants were killed in the blast."

im not talking about a small group of rednecks in a barn planning an attack on the US

but theres no arguing with you, you know everything anyways

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possibly because you know deep down that i have thought this through, and my position is just as likely as yours to be accurate?

honestly, if you actually HAD that mentality, things would be fine.

but your position being as likely as mine isnt the issue. its your position is the right way, the only way, and will always be the way.

lets ban all guns, spoons, and pencils. everybody should learn martial arts. and we should all just live in nice places like ashtabula county where no crime has ever taken place, ever.

now that i think about it....this makes a lot of sense....is there room in magley world for one more occupant? my bags are packed and ready to go

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If there is one thing there is plenty of in this county, it's room...

I never said to ban guns, I've never proposed it as an act of policy...

I've proposed it as an act of agency, that we as a people decide that there is no need for them in a peaceful society, but I've never suggested we "ban" guns.

IMO there is a big difference

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If there is one thing there is plenty of in this county, it's room...

I never said to ban guns, I've never proposed it as an act of policy...

I've proposed it as an act of agency, that we as a people decide that there is no need for them in a peaceful society, but I've never suggested we "ban" guns.

IMO there is a big difference

it is a big difference and it sure would be nice but thats where everyone thinks you live in Fairy Dream Town Land. This is not a peaceful society, it never HAS been and never will be. There isn't a treaty in the world that would give me any faith in humans to do the right thing

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There isn't a treaty in the world that would give me any faith in humans to do the right thing

so why would you want to continue to provide these people, that you don't trust, with free access to weapons that could easily kill you?

and I think if you did a study on violence in our history, you would find that we are way more peaceful now than we have ever been. (human beings)

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so why would you want to continue to provide these people, that you don't trust, with free access to weapons that could easily kill you?

because these people will kill me with something else if they really want to. I don't know why people don't get that its not the guns fault, its the people behind it. I'll take the chance of having a gun on me to provide better protection to myself and people i care about than walk around with no chance at all

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because these people will kill me with something else if they really want to. I don't know why people don't get that its not the guns fault, its the people behind it. I'll take the chance of having a gun on me to provide better protection to myself and people i care about than walk around with no chance at all

so if there were no guns, these people would kill you with "something else", and you would have less of a chance to defend yourself against "whatever that is" as a fairly well built, spry and strapping young lad that you are?

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so if there were no guns, these people would kill you with "something else", and you would have less of a chance to defend yourself against "whatever that is"?

yup...you can make a bomb out of household products. I will then be bombed and I will clearly not be carrying my own defensive bomb on me as thats not practical

people are lazy and stupid so guns are their first thought. As I've said before, rather defend myself with a lazy, moronic individual with a firearm with my own firearm

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so if you don't have a gun, and you want to take someone out, your first thought is, I'll mix up some chemicals in my kitchen and make a bomb?

LOL, that's just a funny thought...

My mind immediately goes back 1 level to swords/knives/blunt weapons and bare hands...but i guess a bomb is reasonable...

i have nothing to say to that...apparently I didn't think of every scenario, but now i have this mental image of some guy with a mustache chasing you with essentially a bowling ball with a wick coming out of it, just hissing away as he waits for the blast...

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