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Obama on new gun control legislation after the Colorado shooting...


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Why must you keep feeding the trolls? Some may findout just how evil and desperate people are one of these days, and I wish them well. I am off to go bowling, and since it isn't in the best part of town, I will have along my little polymer and steel friend.

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I was recently was inspired by Magley to may be learn myself some elbow throwing kinda stuffs as a alliterative to my ccw and i found Diemon Dave can teach us all we need to know and he is easy to understand and they are available on dvd ,remember to say(like a juddy chop) when you first starting out and dont go ninjering no body that dont need ninjered


Edited by burnout_boy
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I can not believe I wasted time reading through this stupidity. There is no way you two actually believe the shit that you say. As long as you have laws people will break them wether its guns,cars, substance or anything else. And as long as humans are human there will be accidents wether its with guns, cars, substance, or anything else. People die every day from every reason under the sun, taking away guns won't stop people from dying and it won't stop crime. If people didn't die we could not live how we do for plenty of reasons. Also if it wasn't for guns and gun owners in America it probably wouldn't be called that today, and then you wouldn't have the freedom to spew your crazy and poorly executed ideas all over the intrawebs.

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3 more 2nd amendment victims

Freedom isn't always pretty, but it's always better than the alternative...which would be living under the rule of dipshits (like you). It turns out, even before there were guns, bad people murdered each other with alarming regularity.

80,000,000 legal gun owners didn't break any laws or hurt anyone today, and won't tomorrow or the day after that.

Oooooh, we're scary aren't we? Personally, if I were you I'd fear Magley's homo-erotic need to put flesh to flesh as conflict resolution. Given you two's closely identified beliefs, I sense a love connection.

Ever been elbowed? Frankie says "relax".

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Freedom isn't always pretty, but it's always better than the alternative...which would be living under the rule of dipshits (like you). It turns out, even before there were guns, bad people murdered each other with alarming regularity.

80,000,000 legal gun owners didn't break any laws or hurt anyone today, and won't tomorrow or the day after that.

Oooooh, we're scary aren't we? Personally, if I were you I'd fear Magley's homo-erotic need to put flesh to flesh as conflict resolution. Given you two's closely identified beliefs, I sense a love connection.

Ever been elbowed? Frankie says "relax".

About 165m gun owners in the US, not 80m, according to my numbers. Which makes your point even more valid.

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About 165m gun owners in the US, not 80m, according to my numbers. Which makes your point even more valid.

You're right, I was mixing up something else I read today.

There are 80,000,000 people who masturbated thinking about Michelle Jenneke’s Pre-Race Routine.

When you masturbate, you're just practicing for rape. Didja know that?

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Quote I received in an e-mail this morning:

After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military.

~William S. Burroughs

Interestingly enough, Burroughs shot his Wife in the head while playing 'William Tell' drunk.

Booze is some messed up stuff.

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more victims of 2nd amendment supporters.



where's all you ccw people out there protecting everyone?

Edited by serpentracer
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You are such a fucking troll, and my job/goal/responsibility is not to protect others. You should spend more time and effort outlawing fast food, tobacco, and alcohol.....nothing helps kill more people than these examples.

Edited by Pokey
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You are such a fucking troll, and my job/goal/responsibility is not to protect others. You should spend more time and effort outlawing fast food, tobacco, and alcohol.....nothing helps kill more people than these examples.

wrong, the spoon didn't make rosi fat remember?

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