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Obama on new gun control legislation after the Colorado shooting...


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Mag's outlook on life is an illusion, and he lives in an alternate reality. He contradicts himself in 2 different forms.....being that man is capable of making good decisions, and man isn't capable of making good decisions. Guns have obviously been the ultimate cause of all the massive genocides and murders since written history, invading countries, putting enemies and putting innocent and guilty people to death. Oh wait.......guns are relatively new to mankind, so all the violence and death throughout history can't be blamed on them.:rolleyes: Admit that people and only people are responsible for violence, take away one means and another will be found. Guns are the equalizer, they even out the playing field......plain and simple. There is so much evil in the world, there always has been and always will be.

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  Pokey said:
Mag's outlook on life is an illusion, and he lives in an alternate reality.

it's only an illusion once it's broken... Until then, I contend that it is reality.

I still have my keys in the ignition... well, for vehicles that require keys anyway. The one I built myself has no keys.

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  KZ900 said:
Teach your nieces to shoot.

there is no effing way I'm putting a gun in the hands of a 3 yr old or a 6 yr old...no....

go ahead, look up where I live, this corner of the state has such a low crime rate, you wouldn't believe it...

And when the random murder DOES occur, it's almost always spousal... so as long as I don't get married, I'll be safe.

Edited by magley64
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  magley64 said:
you keep coming back to 1 statistical anomaly, in a cross section of countries, I'm not ignoring Switzerland, you're ignoring the entire middle east, and all of africa...

I brought up Israel too, but you were too fucking stupid to understand that the violence there is nearly entirely caused by outside culture and actors. But, both exemplify that it's not the presence of guns, but the socio-economic and cultural influences that foster violence and that destroys your belief. Again, you're too stupid to wrap your head around it. Or, you're lying and too stubborn to admit you've been beaten. Or, and this my personal favorite theory, you're stupid and lying.

so go stand on your island of a statistic... one blip on the radar of all the gun culture surrounding it.

There you are again with "gun culture" hysteria. Fear. You are nothing but irrational, pussified fear.

Ignore all the data except for the one tiny cross section of a specific people...and I'm the one who's deluded...

Oh, I'm sorry, have you presented any data? Factor out the violent inner cities and America's gun and violent crime rate, given our incredibly high percentage of gun ownership, is astonishingly low - lower than some countries with extremely restrictive gun ownership and laws.

Not a single piece of anecdotal, fear-based bullshit you've ever puked out of your gob has supported the idea that gun prevalence, by itself, leads to higher incidents of violence or murder. And, Israel and Switzerland, as well as rural white America, stand in complete defiance of that retarded and simplistic viewpoint.

You're a fucking moron.

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  KZ900 said:
What is wrong with a 6 year old shooting a pellet or 22? I also think everyone should have to shoot, kill, clean, and cook something at least once in their life so they can appreciate the life that was given so they could live. To see an animal die for someone to eat is one of life's lessons that is disappearing.

Agreed. My earliest memories of shooting were at age 6, and received my first .22 rifle at age 7. At that age, I used to get to 'make myself useful' by cleaning small game my Grandfather would bring home...

Funny thing, I ended up living in the city for a while a short time later...Somehow it came up in school that meat/poultry were more-or-less dead animals--the looks of horror, tears and nausea around the classroom were priceless. :D

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The problem I see is Magz believes his way is the best way. It is certainly the best way for him. It's not even close to the best way for me.

I got no issues with this...

as I've stated in every one of these threads, my personal opinion of the subject doesn't account for much...I vote for the rights of the people, whether I agree with them personally or not.

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  magley64 said:
your latent racism is glaring...it's them "urban" kids doing all the shooting, "alls us white christian folk just use 'em fer dekerashin"

It's not racist to see the racial breakdown the FBI sees fit to publish on violent crime. It's not racist to see that one small demographic commits the overwhelming majority of violent crimes, and against each other, and in one particular geography above most else.

It's sad, it's unfortunate, but it's not racist to notice.

Now, back to you being a miserable little moron with a big mouth full of nothing...because when given the flying elbow of logic, you retreat into lame insults.

BTW, I'm an atheist of Jewish descent. So, your assumptions match your impeccable critical thinking skills.

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  serpentracer said:
here's some more

Here's lots of rapists that violated women with dangerous assault penises.


The penis was designed as a tool of sexual aggression. There is no legitimate use for a penis, it's a tool of sexual deviancy and harm. Every time you touch yours in the full length mirror, you're practicing for rape.

This disgusting penis culture glorifies the use of penises to harm women.

You're compensating for your penis with your penis.


If you were a real man, you'd love women tenderly with your elbow.

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This thread is still going? Really?! Well now that I'm all caught up I'll let Magz know how I keep my gun secure and out of my daughters hands while also having access to it VERY quickly. I have a bio metric gunsafe mounted to the bottom of my bed. It requires my fingerprint to open it. It takes about 2 seconds for me to roll over and have a gun in my hand. Its very effective and I don't have to look for a key. Plus my daughter CANNOT open it. I don't WANT to kill anyone with it but I will choose my daughters safety over your life should you kick down my door and I will make that decision quickly.

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  twowheelsnake said:
This thread is still going? Really?! Well now that I'm all caught up I'll let Magz know how I keep my gun secure and out of my daughters hands while also having access to it VERY quickly. I have a bio metric gunsafe mounted to the bottom of my bed. It requires my fingerprint to open it. It takes about 2 seconds for me to roll over and have a gun in my hand. Its very effective and I don't have to look for a key. Plus my daughter CANNOT open it. I don't WANT to kill anyone with it but I will choose my daughters safety over your life should you kick down my door and I will make that decision quickly.

You're just practicing for murder with that thing, and you're contributing to our awful "gun culture" by having it around.

If you voluntarily disarm, we'll all be more civilized and Magz and snakeshit can sleep a little easier in their Lightning McQueen beds.

Do it for them.

BTW, this thread fucking rocks. It's like those blow up punching things I had as a kid. I don't care what you're doing you just can't walk by it without bopping that motherfucker just because it deserves it.


Go on, give it a flying elbow.

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  twowheelsnake said:
This thread is still going? Really?! Well now that I'm all caught up I'll let Magz know how I keep my gun secure and out of my daughters hands while also having access to it VERY quickly. I have a bio metric gunsafe mounted to the bottom of my bed. It requires my fingerprint to open it. It takes about 2 seconds for me to roll over and have a gun in my hand.

Right, that was the expensive alternative to which I was referring...

Good job, but you have my word I'm not breaking into your house... so you won't need it for me.

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  magley64 said:

Are you questioning the creator's intentions for a weapon that's used to commit 93,000 rapes per year in the United States?

What other motive could he have in mind, when the penis culture compels men to use their assault cocks to hurt so many women? That thing was built to penetrate women's bodies. No other use. None. Pissing? Yeah, sure, it's just rape practice. That toilet looks like a big vagina. Don't kid yourself...you're a rapist in all but practice, bud.

It's not like people target cum. It's a weapon, period.

If people would just give up their dicks, we'd live in the utopia that I dream of.

It's irresponsible for you to even have a dick. Think of the harm you could do to a woman. I say that somewhat rhetorically, we both no you're not hurting any women any time soon.



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  swingset said:
Are you questioning the creator's intentions for a weapon that's used to commit 93,000 rapes per year in the United States?

Creator.. wrong...

Now tell me how many times do you consentually shoot someone?

Your g/f b/f s/o whatever says to you, hey baby, get your gun out and come shoot me now, I really need you to shoot me tonight...

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  magley64 said:
Creator.. wrong...

He laughs at your arrogance. You probably believe in dinosaurs too. For a guy who thinks pieces of metal have influence on people, it's odd that you find the idea of a magic man in the sky so distasteful. You're a complex guy, did you know that? Retards often baffle the mind.

Now tell me how many times do you consentually shoot someone?

So rape is consensual? The more you know.

Your g/f b/f s/o whatever says to you, hey baby, get your gun out and come shoot me now, I really need you to shoot me tonight...

Actually, that's an eerily accurate description of my wife's foreplay. It gets me super fucking hot.

You're a floating turd amongst sinkers, Magz, a real mystery.



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  magley64 said:
So you don't understand the difference between rape and sex? Scary...

Sure I do, but you don't seem to be able to articulate the clumsy, half-assed and juvenile point you're trying to make. I understood you, but it doesn't mean you got a good shot off.

Let's go to the sanity chalkboard since you've shit yourself and can't focus:

1. Guns have legitimate uses other than killing. Some are designed for such non-lethal, non-weaponized uses. Even ones supposedly designed for killing can be used for completely recreational and non-weapon uses, thus their design or the inventor's motives are irrelevant. You refuse to acknowledge this, because why? You fail at thinking.

2. Penises, obviously, have other uses besides raping bitches. The penis (like a gun) is entirely dependent on the motives of the person who uses it to piss, rape, or in your case dribble a sad money shot on the belly of the first emotionally wrecked female you harass into a pity fuck. I'm taking your shit pile of an argument, and rubbing your face in it. And, you seem to like the taste.

3. You're a fucking moron.

4. See 3.



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  magley64 said:
So you don't understand the difference between rape and sex? Scary...

he watches fox news. what do you expect him to believe? creationism, the bible, obama is the devil and guns don't kill. even though I can post almost every day 2 or more shooting stories just from cincinnati.

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So you can't distinguish between a consentual act between adults and an unwanted physical assault?

You can't distinguish between something designed, and something evolved?

You don't like the fact that my opinion differs from yours, and is equally valid.

You sure like personal attacks and insults.... I bet it makes you feel special.

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