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Obama on new gun control legislation after the Colorado shooting...


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So you can't distinguish between a consentual act between adults and an unwanted physical assault?

Of course I can you fucking mook. I was toying with your clumsy point, which you made poorly. You didn't differentiate anything, but seem to think you did. You fucking suck at this.

You can't distinguish between something designed, and something evolved?

Of course I can, again you don't even understand what you're arguing or what you've typed. How you use a thing is all that ever matters not why or when it was invented or how it came to be. A rock evolved from natural processes, it's also a weapon and was probably the first weapon man ever picked up. You don't even have a valid point, and we've beaten the sense out of it 100 times.

You stupid motherfucking moron.

You don't like the fact that my opinion differs from yours, and is equally valid.

I don't like that you're a trembling, emotional twat, and ignore facts that defeat your stupid assertions, and instead just flank and obfuscate like a coward. Your opinion, stated as truths, are irrational and non-sensical displays of circular logic and child-like beliefs. I would respect your fear of guns, but you won't even admit it. And that's all your opinion is...fear dressed as an argument.

You sure like personal attacks and insults.... I bet it makes you feel special.

There are several thousand people on this site I haven't and will not insult. Even some I disagree vehemently with.

Guns cause violence, because they were invented to. And, if we give them up there will be less bad things. And religious white people are the real bad ones. And when you hold a gun you're practicing for murder. The more guns that are around, the more people will be compelled to murder, except for Jews and the Swiss, which you admit but can't explain.

Your psychotic ramblings. I'm not even using hyperbole...that's your own stupid shit, and we all see it.

You're a stupid, stupid motherfucker, and I'm enjoying saying it to you.

You fucking bet I am.

Hell, I don't think I've ever enjoyed anything more.

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he watches fox news. what do you expect him to believe? creationism, the bible, obama is the devil and guns don't kill. even though I can post almost every day 2 or more shooting stories just from cincinnati.

Yup.........Cinci is pretty much a shit hole anymore. And guns still don't kill people, neither do ball bats, pipes, knives, drugs, cars, rocks, sticks, fastfood, alcohol, rockets, IED's, grenades, tanks,......blah blah blah. People kill people, you just don't seem to understand that very simple logic. Guns in the right or wrong hands killing folks, can't even begin to compete with lets say something as simple as obesity. You seem to like posting shootings, how about you do a bit more research on the many other ways that just Americans are dying and or killing themselves. Once again......the majority of the time it is a very simple thing called CHOICE.

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he watches fox news. what do you expect him to believe? creationism, the bible, obama is the devil and guns don't kill. even though I can post almost every day 2 or more shooting stories just from cincinnati.

I don't watch Fox news, or any shitty TV news service for that matter. But, you're wrong about everything else why should this be any different?

You can post stories of gun violence every day, and it still won't change that more people use guns defensively than to murder. You can post 100 stories, and it still won't mean that guns do the murdering. You can spend all day of your empty, sad little sexless life posting news articles about misdeeds with guns, and I still won't hurt anyone with my gun because you think they have magic power over people.

I've shit things that had more common sense than you.

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You should have been done with it about 20 pages ago. If I had been so bitch slapped by my own words, I would have surrendered my account.

yup, you win at personal attacks....

still doesn't make you right, just makes you emotional...

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You can post stories of gun violence every day, and it still won't change that more people use guns defensively than to murder.

So every time he posts one of these, you should easily be able to post 2 or 3 examples of people using guns defensively in that same area...right?

And again with the personal attacks, you sure like to call people childish and emotional... clearly you're projecting.... afraid much?

Edited by magley64
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And again with the personal attacks, you sure like to call people childish and emotional... clearly you're projecting.... afraid much?

Fair enough.

still doesn't make you right, just makes you emotional...

Dude, wait, what?

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Fair enough.

Dude, wait, what?

his central claim in all of this is that anyone who personally feels that guns have no place in daily civilian life are all just afraid of guns, using nothing but emotional pleas, and have no logic...

When honestly, He's the one who's using emotionally charged arguments, and personal attacks.

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NVM, i guess i was secretly name calling by not name calling...?

Post #269, YOU call HIM emotional.


still doesn't make you right, just makes you emotional...
Post #270 you accuse him of calling people emotional.


nd again with the personal attacks, you sure like to call people childish and emotional

Dunno how to make it any clearer. Do you need a picture? . :confused:

This is why people think you are a troll.

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Post #269, YOU call HIM emotional.


Post #270 you accuse him of calling people emotional.


saying he's emotional isn't name calling, saying he's wrong isn't name calling, saying he's projecting isn't name calling...

THIS is name calling...

You're a stupid, stupid motherfucker, and I'm enjoying saying it to you.

Douchebag, asshole, cockbite, dipshit, chud, fucktard, mook, moron..etc these are name calling...

and this is the spiral of thinking that this individual falls into when he realizes he has nothing left.

Edited by magley64
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saying he's emotional isn't name calling, saying he's wrong isn't name calling, saying he's projecting isn't name calling...

THIS is name calling...

Douchebag, asshole, cockbite, dipshit, chud, fucktard, mook, moron..etc these are name calling...

and this is the spiral of thinking that this individual falls into when he realizes he has nothing left.

Oh......I know Swingset, and I am confident that he has plenty left.;) Although I have to agree that he has been a bit overboard on the attacks, I TRY to honor other peoples opinions but just don't have to respect or agree with them. We don't however live in some safe and peaceful Utopia, eventhough where you live seems to be safer than many places out there "so far".

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I hear ya brian, he might be a hell of a guy, but man does he need to take some valium or something... some sort of chill pill. He doesn't like it at all when anyone says anything against guns... Like so much so, that he considers them a family member or something...

I dunno...whatever...

I'm just waiting for him to challenge me at all aspects of life...

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So every time he posts one of these, you should easily be able to post 2 or 3 examples of people using guns defensively in that same area...right?

And again with the personal attacks, you sure like to call people childish and emotional... clearly you're projecting.... afraid much?

Not sure what you mean by the "same area", but here are a few examples of guns helping level the playing field and/or producing a touchdown for the victim. Remember that the media trash only tends to publish or report as they see fit, as you already are aware I am sure that they cannot be trusted.;)



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I hear ya brian, he might be a hell of a guy, but man does he need to take some valium or something... some sort of chill pill. He doesn't like it at all when anyone says anything against guns... Like so much so, that he considers them a family member or something...

I dunno...whatever...

I'm just waiting for him to challenge me at all aspects of life...

He is a good buddy of mine, and is very passionate in what he believes in. Much smarter person than I ever could be, he has taught me allot and is a good friend.:) Not much more can or really should be said on this subject matter......so I am signing off.

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The reason you can't and won't find copious news stories of people saving their own lives with guns is two fold. First, most don't generate a news article....and sometimes not even a police report. The one time my boss drew a gun on a person, who was attempting to rob him, there was no news article...yet it happened. That happens every day, far more than murders or gun violence.

Second, most in the news business are not interested in that slant, and even if their desks were filled with reports of people using guns in self-defense (including police officers, who are people too), their bias is much like snakeshit and Magz and they don't view self-defense with a firearm as satisfying to their papers or the public as a person doing evil with a gun.

However, you can go study Gary Kleck's work, or John Lott's (both peer-reviewed research), and learn something....but as we know some people prefer to stay ignorant...as their cognitive dissonance cannot be rocked by uncomfortable truths.

As to Magz, I have no cause or care to challenge you on any matter except those in which you are belligerently ignorant, and wrong.

You and I might find a great deal we agree on, and I would never pick a fight....but when your ideas are that of a lunatic, and you espouse them as empircal facts, you can expect to be called on it. Especially when it's of a matter I hold personal and believe strongly in.

Oh, here's one from today....


Gun shop owner uses his "assault" rifle to put an end to gun-thieves...possibly saving many lives from the stolen weapons that were going to leave his premises.

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Oh, here's one from today....


Gun shop owner uses his "assault" rifle to put an end to gun-thieves...possibly saving many lives from the stolen weapons that were going to leave his premises.

so you've got 1 in georgia as a self defense...

how many people have been shot/killed by guns today in georgia? around 600 murders a year, thats 2 to 1 on average... no?

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