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Obama on new gun control legislation after the Colorado shooting...


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Wait, I thought you weren't a warrior but a scholar?

Right.. I have no desire to assault anyone... I'd rather think of creative solutions to conflicts, but on the other hand, I don't fear my world as you obviously fear yours.

If you need a gun in your pocket to face your reality, have at it, who am I to tell you that you can't? Nobody... I just wish everyone knew the peace of mind I have on a daily basis.

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And yet idiots run out and buy 1400cc bikes with little or no experience because they look cool. Then after stalling ten times manage to wrap it around a bumper while trying to get out of first gear. I see many similarities.

Similarities, sure, but many stark differences, such as design intent...

"The weight of a gun isn't measured in pounds or ounces. It's measured in responsibility and moral fortitude that weighs on your heart to use it correctly and safely for protection, hunting or sport". :usa: God help those who use a firearm for illicit purposes :nono:

Yes sky fairy help them :nono:

It's a great slogan, but it also has an actual weight, a few pounds? Light enough to be handled by a child who has no concept of life or death let alone understanding of expanding gasses in a chamber propelling a piece of lead to deadly speed.

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Please anyone, give me one real world practical use that you have for a gun other than to injure or intimidate. Recreational aside, you can do anything for fun, and that's fine...

But if you're going to compare guns to matches, and bags, and running water...

Those all have a real world practical use, as well as being used as weapons...

What else have you ever utilized a gun to do? Honestly.

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Please anyone, give me one real world practical use that you have for a gun other than to injure or intimidate. Recreational aside, you can do anything for fun, and that's fine...

But if you're going to compare guns to matches, and bags, and running water...

Those all have a real world practical use, as well as being used as weapons...

What else have you ever utilized a gun to do? Honestly.

oh kanye west, why don't you understand that loving fish sticks makes you a gay fish?

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Is that why you won't let this thread die? Or is it just the overwhelming need to have the last word?

He's a scholar on a mission, you see.

I contended that only a person with a deep, overwhelming fear of guns would be so compelled to argue so doggedly against them page after page, day after day, especially when shown to be in error so often.

But Magz assures us all that we're the ones with a problem.

He knows that he's so at peace with life, guarded by those elbows, that he can't rest until we're all disarmed and civilized like he is.

He's obviously a wise soul who has encountered really bad people, and using his intellect and physical prowess, discouraged any harm that might befall him. It's a shame elderly people and handicapped people and diminutive women can't match his imposing presence...I guess in his idealized world it just sucks to be them when it's rapin time, but anyway he's safe in his bed because he's a warrior/scholar and that's what's important here.

Golfclap for Magz, he's really doing God's work. By God I mean the evil spirit that imbues hunks of metal with evil spirits of long ago when they were designed as weapons.

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I would guess that the Clutter family felt that same peace in Garden City, Kansas on 15 November, 1959.

Must have been the sick gun culture of the 1950's to blame.

I'd bet Christopher Newsom was in a zen like state while a gang raped and tortured him and his girlfriend, before his inevitable death when he was shot in the head, and then set on fire....he probably congratulated himself on being civilized and letting his elbows do the talking.


I mean, heck it's not like a CCW holder has ever stopped a carjacking. If he had a gun, and things went badly, he might have been.....uh......shot or tortured?

Anyway, stuff like this only happens to other people. People with underdeveloped elbows. We shouldn't even think about it, or prepare, because preparation equals murder practice.

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Please anyone, give me one real world practical use that you have for a gun other than to injure or intimidate. What else have you ever utilized a gun to do? Honestly.

1. A gun can be used to signal your location in the woods if you are lost, injured or in distress. In many cases it's better than a radio because anyone close by can hear three fast shots.

2. You can use them as display pieces, my dad had a musket that sat on the fireplace mantle for years

3. My grandfather used to use a shotgun to shot the top out of large spruce pines for a christmas tree

4. Rifles are used in military funerals, "21 gun salute"

5. They're a good way to start a race.


There, 5 uses other than killing or intimidating. :rolleyes:

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Is that why you won't let this thread die? Or is it just the overwhelming need to have the last word?

Probably the latter, honestly...

It's a shame elderly people and handicapped people and diminutive women can't match his imposing presence...

So which are you? Elderly, handicapped, or a diminutive woman? All 3?

I suspect you are actually none of those, and you're just afraid you are inept...

It's okay, I have no say over whether you should carry a gun, wear ballistic gear, carry a snakebite antivenom kit, or have a subscription to life alert...it's not up to me...

The only thing I find utterly absurd is your refusal to accept that 3 of those things are designed to save lives and one of them is specifically designed to take lives...

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So which are you? Elderly, handicapped, or a diminutive woman? All 3?

I'm a 42 year old man with a family, and my prime obligation is to see that they're safe, provided for, and remain so. If that means I bear the burden of all kinds of decisions that are distasteful to you, so be it. My primary job is to come home safe every night. I don't have any illusions that I'm a match for a 200lb hardened criminal, or his two friends. I'm NOT a warrior, don't pretend to be (like blowhards with elbows), and I cannot punch my way to safety when it matters....nor should I expect my wife to, or my daughter. Life isn't like hollywood, dipshit, real violence is brutal and unexpected, and good guys don't give flying roundhouses to thugs. The thugs are usually a physical match for you, or they don't even try.

My wife, btw, is 4'11" and weighs 98lbs. My daughter is even smaller. Should they have to contend with a grown man? You seem to only think this is about men. Do they have to live in a world where stronger, more aggressive men can have their way with them unimpeded? You certainly argue that they do. I work more comfortably away from home knowing both my wife and daughter could protect themselves against intruders....because even if I relied on fists, if I'm not there it's a moot point.

I realize, deep down, you don't give a fuck about my family's safety, btw, this is all about you and your goofy childlike views on guns. Thankfully, none of my household has to live in your fucked up world.

I suspect you are actually none of those, and you're just afraid you are inept...

Agreed, I am inept at physically overcoming anything and everything that could want to kill me for the contents of my wallet. I'm quite sure I'm not a physical match for a guy half my age who's hopped up on meth. I'm not inept at shooting, however. Until light sabers and force fields gain wide acceptance, I'll choose the best, most efficient tool for bringing my attacker or attackers to a stop and keeping him there.

It's okay, I have no say over whether you should carry a gun, wear ballistic gear, carry a snakebite antivenom kit, or have a subscription to life alert...it's not up to me...

But you want it to be up to you, and that's why you won't fucking shut up. You feel your ignorant, utopian ideas are superior to real life. Because you're scared, and emotional, and immature.

The only thing I find utterly absurd is your refusal to accept that 3 of those things are designed to save lives and one of them is specifically designed to take lives...

Design doesn't matter, we've been over this before. Your mental retardation is not allowing you to get past that the design of something is irrelevant to what it's used for.

Edited by swingset
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Don't forget you can use them to aerate your lawn. And my glock has perforated more paper than killed people.... well at least I think? I did leave it at home today so there is no telling what it will do when I'm not watching it.

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Don't forget you can use them to aerate your lawn. And my glock has perforated more paper than killed people.... well at least I think? I did leave it at home today so there is no telling what it will do when I'm not watching it.

Are you relying on elbows today for safety? I never leave home without mine. I go sleeveless a lot so that thugs see my elbows, they know I be representin.

Sometimes, I point a little elbow their way. Yeah, you want some of this? Didn't think so.

Gotta think like a scholar.

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Design doesn't matter, we've been over this before. Your mental retardation is not allowing you to get past that the design of something is irrelevant to what it's used for.

You "think" it's irrelevant, but that doesn't make it irrelevant..

You could use a stick of dynamite as a birthday candle, you could use c4 as modeling clay, you could use an atomic warhead as a driveway marker, none of that has any impact on what they were designed to do..blow shit up.

Don't forget you can use them to aerate your lawn. And my glock has perforated more paper than killed people.... well at least I think? I did leave it at home today so there is no telling what it will do when I'm not watching it.

Honestly, your glock is perforating paper or is it thrilling you and making you more proficient? The paper being shredded is a side effect..

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You "think" it's irrelevant, but that doesn't make it irrelevant..

Yes, it is irrelevant. Superglue was invented as a medicinal skin bonding agent. If you glue two popsickle sticks together, it's not being used for its design. The origins don't matter.

The first weapons were rocks, sticks, and fists. Yet, none of those things are weapons until you make them weapons.

Guns were also weapons, but you are entirely free to use them for pleasure, target shooting, and this does not make them weapons anymore just as using a stick for a cane doesn't mean it's still weapon because ancient man developed the spear.

I can make a fake gun out of wood, and rob a bank with it. What is it? A piece of wood, or a weapon? My hands decide that.

Humans make tools into tools, or weapons, only the person decides that, not you.

We've been over this.

You could use a stick of dynamite as a birthday candle, you could use c4 as modeling clay, you could use an atomic warhead as a driveway marker, none of that has any impact on what they were designed to do..blow shit up.

We've been over this too. Design doesn't affect use. Nuclear power was derived from a weapons program. Does that mean nuclear reactors powering homes are actually destroying homes?

How many times does the obvious need to beat you over the fucking head until your retarded, backwards, fucked up little brain grasps this?

Guns are only weapons when you use them as weapons. Olympic target rifles are only weapons if someone steals one and shoots somebody with it. Until then they are precision instruments of competition, as they were DESIGNED TO BE.

And, a rock is still a rock until someone clubs you over the head with it.

You are emotionalizing guns because you fear them, because you have a deep neuroses about them.

And, we've been over that before. But, like many people with developmental disabilities, repetition and refusal marks your psychotic outbursts.

I guess if you say something to yourself a lot, even if it's a lie, it has a soothing affect.

You are perhaps the dumbest scholar in the history of humanity. So, that's a small achievement.

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You "think" it's irrelevant, but that doesn't make it irrelevant..

You could use a stick of dynamite as a birthday candle, you could use c4 as modeling clay, you could use an atomic warhead as a driveway marker, none of that has any impact on what they were designed to do..blow shit up.

Honestly, your glock is perforating paper or is it thrilling you and making you more proficient? The paper being shredded is a side effect..

You asked for uses of a gun I'm giving them to you. Guns make a great hole punch. And do you know how fast you can drain the oil of a car with a gun? :)

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I believe that Mr. Magley really doesn't think anything untoward will happen to him. He leaves his keys in vehicles, doesn't lock doors, etc.

He should realize that bad stuff happens to "good" people, and it happens in "good", safe places. It happens at work, and I assume he wanders into work 5 days a week. Someone got murdered in New Albany last week, and that's certainly a "good, safe" area, and the person was a 9 months pregnant woman, one could assume she was a "good" person.

I'm not saying he should arm himself, not at all. I am saying that he should take <some> precautions, be aware of his surroundings, especially if he ventures out of the relative safety of home.

I mentioned the Clutters because they lived in a rural setting where no crime (to speak of, certainly not homicide) ever occurred, much like Mr. Magley's setting. I also mentioned them because meth/drug use is growing by leaps and bounds in smaller cities and rural areas, and it's something that he should be aware of. Drug users/dealers sometimes get desperate for money, and will do whatever it takes to complete their quest.

My best guess? Mr. Magley will probably never be a victim of crime, so he's likely safe in his Eden-like Utopia. Me too, probably, but I live in the suburbs and have an 11 year old to protect - that's my job. I choose to use some tools to assist me in that mission. Perhaps if Mr. Magley finds a girl, they get married, and they have children, his views on being able to protect those that he's charged with protecting will change. Maybe not.

I was on high alert last Friday evening/Saturday morning at 0230 - two juveniles were in my neighbor's garage (they forgot to close it). I confronted them with a 500 lumen Surefire and a weapon holstered but plainly visible and held them until the police arrived and took them away. Had it been my garage that was left open, they may have tried to open the door into the house, and my dog may have kept snoring loudly instead of alerting me to their presence, and...

I live in a "nice" neighborhood, sh1t happens anywhere. When I lived on 5 fully-treed acres in a semi-rural area my mansion was broken into during the day. The alarm scared them off. Had I not had the alarm, they could have cleaned out the entire house. Sure, it's only "stuff", but lots of irreplaceable "stuff", a lot of hassle with insurance (and higher rates for a claim, assuming my policy would even be renewed), and a loss of my Eden-like Utopian feeling of safety.

Edited by jblosser
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Perhaps if Mr. Magley finds a girl

I thought that was a serious post till you got this part.

On your mentioning of this....

I would guess that the Clutter family felt that same peace in Garden City, Kansas on 15 November, 1959.

Yeah, I'd bet Christopher Newsom was in a zen like state while a gang raped and tortured him and his girlfriend, before his inevitable death when he was shot in the head, and then set on fire....he probably congratulated himself on being civilized and letting his elbows do the talking. He was probably a pussy who was too scared to fight off 4 young black men, and a woman, too.


I mean, heck it's not like a CCW holder has ever stopped a carjacking (I won't bother googling all the instances). If he had a gun, and things went badly, he might have been.....uh......shot or tortured?

Anyway, stuff like this only happens to other people. People with underdeveloped elbows. We shouldn't even think about it, or prepare, because preparation equals murder practice.

Having a gun means you live in fear. Just as having a fire extinguisher means you live in fear. Just as having health insurance means you're a hypochondriac. Just as...

Well, we can deflate the boy all day can't we?

It's like hitting a punching bag. Pow.

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I have given you all the credit for the coolness factor of my avatar :)

Reading stories like this make me think we should practice murdering more often.


And remember everyone mags says there are no evil people out there. This stuff never happens.

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