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Obama on new gun control legislation after the Colorado shooting...


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I believe that Mr. Magley really doesn't think anything untoward will happen to him. He leaves his keys in vehicles, doesn't lock doors, etc.

He should realize that bad stuff happens to "good" people, and it happens in "good", safe places. It happens at work, and I assume he wanders into work 5 days a week. Someone got murdered in New Albany last week, and that's certainly a "good, safe" area, and the person was a 9 months pregnant woman, one could assume she was a "good" person.

I'm not saying he should arm himself, not at all. I am saying that he should take <some> precautions, be aware of his surroundings, especially if he ventures out of the relative safety of home.

I mentioned the Clutters because they lived in a rural setting where no crime (to speak of, certainly not homicide) ever occurred, much like Mr. Magley's setting. I also mentioned them because meth/drug use is growing by leaps and bounds in smaller cities and rural settings, and it's something that he should be aware of. Drug users/dealers sometimes get desperate for money, and will do whatever it takes to complete their quest.

My best guess? Mr. Magley will probably never be a victim of crime, so he's likely safe in his Eden-like Utopia. Me too, probably, but I live in the suburbs and have an 11 year old to protect - that's my job. I choose to use some tools to assist me in that mission. Perhaps if Mr. Magley finds a girl, they get married, and they have children, his views on being able to protect those that he's charged with protecting will change. Maybe not.

I was on high alert last Friday evening/Saturday morning at 0230 - two juveniles were in my neighbor's garage (they forgot to close it). I confronted them with a 500 lumen Surefire and a weapon holstered but plainly visible and held them until the police arrived and took them away. Had it been my garage that was left open, they may have tried to open the door into the house, and my dog may have kept snoring loudly instead of alerting me to their presence, and...

I live in a "nice" neighborhood, sh1t happens anywhere. When I lived on 5 fully-treed acres in a semi-rural area my mansion was broken into during the day. The alarm scared them off. Had I not had the alarm, they could have cleaned out the entire house. Sure, it's only "stuff", but lots of irrepaceable "stuff", a lot of hassle with insurance (and higher rates for a claim, assuming my policy would even be renewed), and a loss of my Eden-like Utopian feeling of safety.

That is some good shit right there!!!:bow:

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And remember everyone mags says there are no evil people out there.

I'll stand by that... Evil is nothing but a relative label given to those who express behavior deemed immoral by those who claim to have moral superiority.

Good/Evil is nothing more than a synapse in the brain that is or isn't regarded by the society at large as socially acceptable. The society at large being entirely relative. Could be caused by a chemical imbalance, a tumor, or a crossed electrical signal.

Unless you subscribe to a religion, in which case "Evil" is any behavior dictated by your prophets as unacceptable in the eyes of the god they invented.

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Mag, I live in a gated community. These geniuses allowed 3 masked gunmen to break into a house which is 30 yards from the entrance guard shack. They tied them up and robbed them. Nobody was harmed per se and I'm not sure if they ever caught the guys. Now, having known that does not mean I'm assuming they are not "evil" or will not harm me based on past evidence. What it DOES mean is if they ever decide to kick in my door, I will swiftly dispatch them by turning their heads into fucking canoes with my .45

I will NOT be asking them "do you intend to hurt me?" "no?" ...well then carry on with your robbery. I obviously cannot put my faith into the security here so I have to count on the one thing I can trust...ME!

I swear you cannot be this delusional about crime, you MUST be carrying on the biggest trolling effort in the history of Internet forums. Either that or swingset is right...you're just retarded

Edited by twowheelsnake
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It only took 211 beatings for him to come around.



Quick, let's close this bitch before he speaks again.

My personal views haven't changed... politically I've always supported your second amendment rights...

This is nothing new...

Has zero to do with my personal views as to whether guns have a legitimate place in a civilized society... which I believe they don't.

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My personal views haven't changed... politically I've always supported your second amendment rights...

This is nothing new...

Has zero to do with my personal views as to whether guns have a legitimate place in a civilized society... which I believe they don't.

Damn it! We were sooooooo close to a resolution

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Has zero to do with my personal views as to whether guns have a legitimate place in a civilized society... which I believe they don't.

Switzerland, perhaps the most civilized nation on earth. Awash with military arms in every household. A long, rich and deep cultural tradition of shooting and the shooting sports. A gun culture there before other nations even had arms for their militaries. Shooting day at the ranges are like community picnics. One of the lowest violent crime rates of any industrialized nation, gun crimes are extremely rare.

Public buildings are almost all unguarded, politicians almost never use armed guards or security, gun ownership is lax and laws restricting types of firearms in most cantons don't exist. The overwhelming majority of Swiss guns are that of military design or origin.

One of the safest, most peaceful nations on the planet, and has been for 400 years.

And the colored girls go do do do do do do do do.

I'll give up educating you, when you start regurgitating something rational.


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I think over the last few pages/topics, I've outlined my POV pretty well.

It boils down to nothing more than my opinion on the subject. Your opinion differs and I respect that. I'll continue to support our rights, and continue to be disapointed when people abuse them.

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Here is the problem/issue in a nutshell..........society is not civilized. So us poor defenseless folks that are trying to go about our daily business and simple lives, need an equalizer. Thank you Samuel Colt and many countless others, you did a great thing by giving us the means of protecting ourselves and preserving our freedom against those that aimed to overtake this great country.

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