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Obama on new gun control legislation after the Colorado shooting...


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tell your side to all the families of murdered family members killed by guns. you only want a gun because

1. you're a pussy and can't fight

2. you think it makes you cool

Wow.....I can think of more than a few folks that I know on here that could more than likely kick your ass AND who carry regularly. And guns make those that carry feel cool? Damn where do you come up with this fuckin shit, are you seriously for real? Me thinks you are a troll. :dudecomeon:

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how does a bullet kill? shot from a gun. it is in fact the mechinism that kills.

if it didn't why you guys so worried about gun safety?

Odd, last I checked it was the person who's finger pulled the trigger that goes to jail, not the gun he was holding.:rolleyes:

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how does a bullet kill? shot from a gun. it is in fact the mechinism that kills.

if it didn't why you guys so worried about gun safety?

:nono: the gun with out the bullet is just a paper weight. I can take a bullet and strike it witha hammer and the projectile is what is going to hurt kill you. I can take a empty gun and pull the trigger all day and nothing is going to happen your only risk of getting hurt is when I throw the gun at you

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tell your side to all the families of murdered family members killed by guns. you only want a gun because

1. you're a pussy and can't fight

2. you think it makes you cool

That's quite a smackdown...do you want to take the obvious shot? The penis-compensation one or are you saving that for a grand salvo?

You're an internet gladiator, I'll give you that. Would you like to explain to everyone who has saved themselves or their families from violence that they should be dead? Works both ways. You see guns as inherently imbued with evil, I see them as tools. I suppose you think people who have medical insurance and fire extinguishers are pussies too...living in fear.

Oh, but guns are weapons. So, then people who die at the hands of their abusive husbands fists aren't dead because only weapons kill. Hands, afterall, can never be used for anything malicious. Hands and blunt objects kill more women every year than guns, btw.

Those dick-beaters of yours are the tools of pussies.

Based on our interactions, I have formed a complex mental image of the thoughtful warrior I'm locking horns with. This is generous, you might not be this smart looking but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.


You have an awesome evening, sport. You're everything I've come to expect in an Obama voter.

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here's what I picture some of you as...


It's great that you use a tired and innacurate meme. The guy in that picture is playing a character, he's a member of a gun forum I belong to, and is a normal looking guy that makes funny videos. He's a vet and a hell of a firearms instructor....and I'm pretty sure he'd wanna shit down your neck just for your childish, emotional blathering. See his trigger finger? Even when he's playing a clown with a wig on, he's exercising trigger discipline because he's not really a dipshit. Hard for you to see that, I recognize. Catch the irony there?

You fail at everything, now even your cut-n-paste-fu is in the turd pile.

Wanna go for the triple crown?

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aparently you missed the other thousands of injuries and dozens of deaths from just that one gun that misfires.

hell that's just the gun doing the shooting on this one.

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poor kid killed by a gun that shoots itself.


14 year old boy shoots armed intruder, saving his three siblings.


ETA: the kid that died from that 700 was the victim of negligence, if the 4-rules of gun handling had been observed, even a malfunction of the safety would not have resulted in injury or death. That gun still had to be handled, while loaded and aimed at the brother, while the safety was disengaged (and that should have never happened).

Guns ain't the problem, but we've been over this before. Even a broken gun won't aim itself.

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It's great that you use a tired and innacurate meme. The guy in that picture is playing a character, he's a member of a gun forum I belong to, and is a normal looking guy that makes funny videos. He's a vet and a hell of a firearms instructor....and I'm pretty sure he'd wanna shit down your neck just for your childish, emotional blathering. See his trigger finger? Even when he's playing a clown with a wig on, he's exercising trigger discipline because he's not really a dipshit. Hard for you to see that, I recognize. Catch the irony there?

You fail at everything, now even your cut-n-paste-fu is in the turd pile.

Wanna go for the triple crown?

what's any of that got to do with me picturing that as you?

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14 year old boy shoots armed intruder, saving his three siblings.


ETA: the kid that died from that 700 was the victim of negligence, if the 4-rules of gun handling had been observed, even a malfunction of the safety would not have resulted in injury or death. That gun still had to be handled, while loaded and aimed at the brother, while the safety was disengaged (and that should have never happened).

Guns ain't the problem, but we've been over this before. Even a broken gun won't aim itself.

aparently you didn't watch the video. because they show how the gun misfires every single time it's done a certain way by police snipers. skip to 34 mins and have a look.

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what's any of that got to do with me picturing that as you?

Because it was a lame attempt, wasn't even original, and you and the fucktard that created that picture don't even understand where the joke came from and use it for a hackneyed, half-assed attempt at an insult.

Here's the problem, you're mentally somewhere down around the kids my daughter goes to school with, from what I can see..slow and clumsy...emotional and histrionic. You've politicized and emotionalized this issue, because that's what children and pants wetters do when they fear things and can't rationalize those feelings yet. That's fine, people do that, except your talking to an adult with a lifetime's experience in matters of firearms and self defense and trying to best me at a game you fucking suck at.

If you want to do something other than flap your gums and make the same flacid arguments I've heard from hundreds of hoplophobes before, then bring it. So far, your platform consists of "guns are icky and make bad things".


Edited by swingset
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Exercise your 2nd amendment rights, but don't pretend you're not part of the problem.

What problem? I've never committed a gun crime, shot anyone, aimed my gun at anyone, nothing. My guns have never been in the hands of criminals. They're locked in a safe, never had one stolen.

I'm not part of any problem. The problem is violence, and I'm not violent.

Could you two get together and come up with a cogent fucking point?

Why not just agree that guns scare both of you and leave it at that? I'd accept that. I wouldn't try to talk you out of it either. It's the delusion and prescription for society that I'm gonna tell you is fucking loony tunes.

Be honest with yourselves first. Let's try that.

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For fucks sake. Its not the gun that kills anymore than its the spoon that makes you fat. I carry a gun everyday and its never killed anyone. My gun has one purpose; to defend. Its the bad guys choice if I fire. You people and your twisted views. Do you have any idea how many concealed guns you pass and never know it? You cannot uninvent the gun. You can make all the laws you want but criminals will find a way just as people still drink and drive. I keep a fire extinguisher in case of fires. I could beat you over the head and kill you but that is not my intent therefore it is not the object at fault but the person. The key is knowledge, training and safety. The gun is the great equalizer. Granny and the gang Banger just out of prison. I suppose we should take away grandmas right to defend herself and allow the felon who will always find a way.

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I'm not afraid of guns, I'm not afraid of knives, I'm not afraid of you...

It's not fear that drives my position, it's understanding what a gun is designed to do.

maybe you live in a war zone, fine... maybe you can convince yourself that "target practice" isn't just sharpening your skills to shoot people later on... whatever.

The problem that you are a part of is this country's preoccupation with guns... simple...

Like I said, I'm not here to tell you that we need new laws, I'm not here to tell you that there will never be an occasion where you will be justified to shoot someone. My point is simple, because guns are abundant and accepted (and even worshipped in this society) the byproduct will always be more guns for everyone, even those that shouldn't have them.

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