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Extreme road rage - Car tries to take out bikers! (Road Rage Incident Omaha, NE)


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Looks like the squidos were out FIng off in their normal fashion and started harrassing this guy. He probably felt intimidated by a 12 on 1 confrontation. Poor drugged out dude might have thought a gang was on him and he was in danger.

Not sure what started it but I have to I say bikers fault. Not like they didn't have chances to disengage and take an off ramp or let him just go away.

Edited by Revelstoker
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You have video of a vehicle (not a driver), with a stolen plate -- can't prove anything, other than *I* may or may not have stolen a plate.

Which is why I follow him to wherever he is going and watch until the po-po show up...video running the entire time.

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What I would NOT have done, though, is pull up alongside a car that has swerved at you several times already. That's just stupidity.

Exactly. I wouldn't have gotten in that situation, but if a car did hit me like that and it was on video I'd remember the plate and call asap after a long follow but keeping distance.

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Not sure what started it but I have to I say bikers fault. Not like they didn't have chances to disengage and take an off ramp or let him just go away.

not like the motorist did either huh? :rolleyes:

The bikes were wrong for screwing with the guy, the guy was definitely wrong for ramming the bikes...

I'm not going to be so bold as to assume who started what, but like others have said, either party could've handled it better with a level head.

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Which is why I follow him to wherever he is going and watch until the po-po show up...video running the entire time.

Apparently you glazed over the part where you have about 60 miles left with your tank 1/2 full....

Also, assume you don't have those fancy bluetooth speaker gear (since most squids can't afford gear, let alone fancy electronics)... how exactly do you plan on calling and alerting the cops? You'd have to stop, de-helmet, call... by that time, the car is LONG gone.

Kind of like this case...


No witnesses, cager runs over your foot and takes off. So, do you stop and call the cops or give chase? Since you probably aren't going to be able to do both....

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I was in a situation somewhat similar. I passed a Motorist, he felt I wasn't entitled to a lane, swerved at me and tried to ram me. at the time I was new to my bike, and wasn't near as comfortable with speeding as I am today. I rocked the brakes and followed him. He did notice me following, and tried to brake check, and egg me on. I followed him down the freeway, and eventually observed a highway patrolman parked in the center median scoping for speeders. I pulled over, informed him of the situation, and gave him the license plate (prncs something, i don't remember it now). he told me he'd look into it, pulled out and headed in that direction. I never cought up to him again, so I don't know if anything came of it, but with a little luck you can provide chase and inform authorities without any fancy gear.

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what happened at 2:00, i would have needed new underwear for sure, and i prob would have pulled my .45 at some point i think.

any ride and shoot practice? are you any good left handed? Is your holster left hand accessible?

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any ride and shoot practice? are you any good left handed? Is your holster left hand accessible?

hahaha!!! fair questions, i ride and shoot more than never, not with my actual gun but with airsoft and paintball (not the same I know but i can shoot while riding) as far as the whole lefty thing, i didn't get that far in imagining the scenario. shooting from the hip, one might say.

maybe pull the clutch, draw and shoot a tire? idk

besides bitching out and backing off (JK), what would you guys have done?

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hahaha!!! fair questions, i ride and shoot more than never, not with my actual gun but with airsoft and paintball (not the same I know but i can shoot while riding) as far as the whole lefty thing, i didn't get that far in imagining the scenario. shooting from the hip, one might say.

maybe pull the clutch, draw and shoot a tire? idk

besides bitching out and backing off (JK), what would you guys have done?

I was just curious, i can't imagine that would be something that would come naturally or a scenario one might practice.

as for me I've already said, kick the shifter 3 times and disappear in the horizon, I don't have time or patience for regular run of the mill assholes on the road, let alone giant ones like this guy.

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aparently none of you watched the whole video. they did get the driver to stop and surrounded the car. I believe you can even hear a siren from the cop at the 2:40 mark..

I've done this in the past. just follow the fucker to his house. that scares the living hell out of people.

Edited by serpentracer
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We are quick to call these guys squids, but how many "squids" would of been able to keep it up right after being rammed by a car, or being brake checked like this. of course the bikes could of disengaged or out ran him, but what happens when your speeding away and wreck at 120 vs 60 mph?

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We are quick to call these guys squids, but how many "squids" would of been able to keep it up right after being rammed by a car, or being brake checked like this. of course the bikes could of disengaged or out ran him, but what happens when your speeding away and wreck at 120 vs 60 mph?

Yeah, because what these squids did was much safer. :rolleyes: I'm glad the cops (I assume) pulled them all over. But as others have said I doubt the squids got and bonus points for egging the car on. :nono:

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lol why would someone go home if they're being followed?

they do it a lot on cops. they think if they can make it home they're safe. like a kid hiding under a blanket. besides you have to be smart about it. stay back a little bit here and there. but they'll think the situation is over. then they realize you're passing their house as they're getting out of the car and they usually take off running into the house.

me and my 2 buddies used to get people to chase us for fun when we were 17. kind of dumb but it was a rush. lol

we used to do it on our bicycles too. we lived in a town with a lot of alleys behind the houses and we would just dart through those. but it was a hell of a rush trying to get away. heck we got about 10 of use doing that in the summer time when we was like 14. man that was some fucking fun ass times. lol

Edited by serpentracer
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Yeah, because what these squids did was much safer. :rolleyes: I'm glad the cops (I assume) pulled them all over. But as others have said I doubt the squids got and bonus points for egging the car on. :nono:

How do you make this situation safe besides pulling over and coming to a complete stop? the video shows that every where these guys went on the freeway the guy in the car followed, now it was STUPID to pull right up next to the guy.

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the video shows that every where these guys went on the freeway the guy in the car followed, now it was STUPID to pull right up next to the guy.
Agreed, it was stupid. Unless the car backed up to come after them staying behind the car at a safe distance was their safest move. Not making any excuses for the car driver, just pointing out the video is very damming for the actions the squids took.
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So what makes these guys squids?

Improper gear, aggressive riding and just being general dumb asses. I suppose if squid is offensive I could call them just good old fashioned dumb asses.:rolleyes:

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I dunno, some people just go whacko sometimes. I had one pass me back, just flat out in a beater. Smoke pouring out from everywhere, doing about a max buck ten in city freeway traffic. I certainly was impressed. I mean you don't get entertainment like that ever day. Point is... the view is better from behind them. Always.

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