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Being a Republican...


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I was thinking today and this struck me...

Republican: The political philosophy wherein you should not be able to prevent pregancy (birth contorl, plan B, pro-life) and you should be denied any support in raising the child that you knew you couldn't support on your own (loss of job to care for child, welfare reform)

Discuss. :D

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Buddy at work had a good idea...

All persons pro life vote as such and end up on a list. Each year the govt goes through the list and sends those folks a bill for the cost of the children currently being raised by foster parents/govt social programs for all the 'unwanted' or otherwise 'would've been aborted' children.

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Can I opt out of the school portion of the property tax?

It <was> declared unconstitutional what, 10 years ago?

*** edit: Sorry, it was 15 years ago. I wanna rebate. Did the math, in those 15 years I've paid about $118,000 toward schools via property tax. :nono:

Just wondering: If I were to shoot and kill a pregnant woman, I would be charged with two murders, but if I put on my doctor hat and yank that same fetus out of her, I'm in the clear. What's the difference? The fetus is dead either way. How come it's OK sometimes and murder other times?

Edited by jblosser
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Buddy at work had a good idea...

All persons pro life vote as such and end up on a list. Each year the govt goes through the list and sends those folks a bill for the cost of the children currently being raised by foster parents/govt social programs for all the 'unwanted' or otherwise 'would've been aborted' children.

Let me guess your friend from work is the slow guy that cleans the toilets.

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Pretty broad brush there, Mr Snopes. I'm a conservative, but typically vote for the Republican candidate. I'm not anti-birth control. I'm anti-abortion. Its called "personal responsibility" and falls in line with my other beliefs. You want "choice"? You made your "choice" when you opened your legs and neglected to use any type of birth control. Now take responsibility for the outcome. Don't just run to Planned Parenthood, have the child vacuumed from you on your lunch hour, and go on with your life like nothing happened.

And don't breed 'em if you can't feed 'em.

I was thinking today and this struck me...

Republican: The political philosophy wherein you should not be able to prevent pregancy (birth contorl, plan B, pro-life) and you should be denied any support in raising the child that you knew you couldn't support on your own (loss of job to care for child, welfare reform)

Discuss. :D

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Pretty broad brush there, Mr Snopes. I'm a conservative, but typically vote for the Republican candidate. I'm not anti-birth control. I'm anti-abortion. Its called "personal responsibility" and falls in line with my other beliefs. You want "choice"? You made your "choice" when you opened your legs and neglected to use any type of birth control. Now take responsibility for the outcome. Don't just run to Planned Parenthood, have the child vacuumed from you on your lunch hour, and go on with your life like nothing happened.

And don't breed 'em if you can't feed 'em.

Welcome to being a moderate/independent... your views on birth control do not comply with the republican party, or conservative values....:D

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those thoughts are pretty much in line with "conservative values", as in don't use abortion as a means of birth control, and take care of children you bring into the world.

sorry Mr. Magley, try again.

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Pretty broad brush there, Mr Snopes. I'm a conservative, but typically vote for the Republican candidate. I'm not anti-birth control. I'm anti-abortion. Its called "personal responsibility" and falls in line with my other beliefs. You want "choice"? You made your "choice" when you opened your legs and neglected to use any type of birth control. Now take responsibility for the outcome. Don't just run to Planned Parenthood, have the child vacuumed from you on your lunch hour, and go on with your life like nothing happened.

And don't breed 'em if you can't feed 'em.

110% agree!

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Welcome to being a moderate/independent... your views on birth control do not comply with the republican party, or conservative values....:D

With all due respect ("that doesn't mean you can just say whatever the hell you want"), I disagree.

I'm not Catholic.


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I was thinking today and this struck me...

Republican: The political philosophy wherein you should not be able to prevent pregancy (birth contorl, plan B, pro-life) and you should be denied any support in raising the child that you knew you couldn't support on your own (loss of job to care for child, welfare reform)

Discuss. :D

As others have said this is very broad and you are categorizing all republicans as pro-life anti-birth control. I am a staunch republican and firmly believe in birth control and pro-choice (in some cases rape, incest, etc.). This would be like saying Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum all believe the same thing therein-fore you would not need a republican primary.

Mr. Romney would like to chime in on this:


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Indentifying yourself as a Democrat or a Republican is pointless. These are just two halves of a broken system. I would be ashamed to refer to myself as either. The people in contol of both parties are smart enough to solve our nation's problems if that was truely their goal.

Early Americans that created this country were are afraid of big government. They didn't want government to have the authority or reach to be able to interfere with personal liberties & freedom. That was pretty much the point of that thing called the American Revolution.

Today we are mired in unnecessary legislation and closely resemble that goverment that the first Americans found intolerable :(

Edited by Tpoppa
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there are MANY people who would argue that if you are in favor of birth control you are not a "true conservative"

the pope for example...

the one thing I'm pretty sure the Pope's against is birth control and abortion.

I would posit that the Pope (note the capital "P") is much more liberal when it comes to "people" issues than most conservatives are; for instance Catholics are generally more inclined to support assisting the needy (read: they're more likely to be OK with state-sponsored welfare) than are your run-of-the-mill conservatives.

Cliff's: Catholics (generally) are fiscally conservative, socially liberal, except for abortion and birth control. Yes, you'll find Catholics that are OK with birth control, but those are what the Church's leaders would call "Cafeteria Catholics". But I digress...

Birth control itself (the pill, love gloves, et al) are not really conservative issues - at least I haven't heard it discussed in conservative circles. Where conservatives have issues is with abortion, and with forcing those that are against birth control (Roman Catholic employers as one example) to pay for birth control.

By the way, since when did birth control become a right, an entitlement, that people should be able to get "for free"? What's next? "I'd sure like a drink, but can't afford/don't want to spend money, so the gub-ment needs to buy it for me" ?

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By the way, since when did birth control become a right, an entitlement, that people should be able to get "for free"? What's next? "I'd sure like a drink, but can't afford/don't want to spend money, so the gub-ment needs to buy it for me" ?

some time before "cell phones", and some time after "food"... :dunno:

birth control is cheaper than a kid in poverty to provide for... so i see the point... but definitely agree that some government programs are getting a bit ridiculous...

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Just wondering: If I were to shoot and kill a pregnant woman, I would be charged with two murders, but if I put on my doctor hat and yank that same fetus out of her, I'm in the clear. What's the difference? The fetus is dead either way. How come it's OK sometimes and murder other times?

The moment of life doesn't occur until I add you to my contact list.

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birth control is cheaper than a kid in poverty to provide for... so i see the point... but definitely agree that some government programs are getting a bit ridiculous...

keeping one's legs shut or finishing on her back/face is cheaper than birth control...

(yes, I realize that pregnant-making stuff leaks out before "the big finish", but you get my point... :D )

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keeping one's legs shut or finishing on her back/face is cheaper than birth control...

(yes, I realize that pregnant-making stuff leaks out before "the big finish", but you get my point... :D )

Spilling of one's seed is not allowed in the Bible.:p
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dry? they gots naked chicks, knocked-up virgins, water turning into wine, and David Copperfield~esque vanishing tricks in the main part, then lsd-like visions in Revelations.

not that i've tried, but i'd imagine it's tough to fap to.

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