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Motoseries Aug 11-12 Round 6 - Putnam


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to be honest it all felt great! I did however have to add preload?? I think the grip there is sooooo good that the bike likes it stiff? I too am just learning the value of suspension settings lol. i went thru 2 new fronts and rears all looked great?

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Hollywood i approved u man. Bus stop can get hairy when a pass happens. it takes seat time to get used to rubbing while racing. Matt kent and i did the same thing,but i thought it was fun lol. I think the reason for putnam crashes is because its dam near FLAT and that makes it harder to navigate.

Appreciate it.

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to be honest it all felt great! I did however have to add preload?? I think the grip there is sooooo good that the bike likes it stiff? I too am just learning the value of suspension settings lol. i went thru 2 new fronts and rears all looked great?

I was adding preload Sunday. I even added preload to the rear as the rubber down was making more gripe than Saturday. The preload allowed it to steer better.

I was just amazed at how much slower the track was...

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I was adding preload Sunday. I even added preload to the rear as the rubber down was making more gripe than Saturday. The preload allowed it to steer better.

I was just amazed at how much slower the track was...

I did have rear grip problems just out of 2 and 7 and out of dead bear. The only place my front felt really weird was 5. Also the checkers were way way slippery(more than normal)

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Well, Josh and I got our little squabble cleared up, he's definitely a good dude. I may have slightly mis-interpreted his post as he says he places no blame on me. He also apologized for jumping to conclusions because he said the video was watched and I was already past him when he went down and we never touched. That's big of a racer to do. I can understand though, when you go down it's hard to remember what exactly happened before you're sent sliding across the pavement. I love racing in our class and look forward to battling with all these guys next round.

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assfault junkies... i have a story about them. i was selling my old 07 r6 street bike on there and some kid was interested. now i have had this on craigslist and all that for weeks before and have gotten SO many calls and none followed through, so basically my new policy is the first one to show up with cash gets the bike. that simple. well this kid is texting me saying he wants to put money down to save the bike, i tell him that should be fine, but at the same time another guy calls me and wants to look at the bike and he has cash in hand. so i text the kid back saying forget the down payment, im not taking any chances so first one to put the cash in my hand gets the bike. well, the guy buys it and i tell the kid what happened and he FLIPS A SHIT on me. calling me every name in the book, posts in the forum that i ripped him off (wtf), and then some others were saying shit that they were gonna get together and come to my house and kick my ass and shit. i then kindly go on and attempt to explain in this thread what i did and why i did it. well that was worthless as they didnt listen to a word i said and basically shunned me off the forum. pissed me right off because i did NOTHING wrong. but fuck it

if you can pick up my tone, i dont go to that forum or like it for that matter

edit: found the thread he posted http://www.assfaultjunkies.com/showthread.php?13412-Shady-ass-fucks-selling-bikes(ama146)

Edited by ama146
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assfault junkies... i have a story about them. i was selling my old 07 r6 street bike on there and some kid was interested. now i have had this on craigslist and all that for weeks before and have gotten SO many calls and none followed through, so basically my new policy is the first one to show up with cash gets the bike. that simple. well this kid is texting me saying he wants to put money down to save the bike, i tell him that should be fine, but at the same time another guy calls me and wants to look at the bike and he has cash in hand. so i text the kid back saying forget the down payment, im not taking any chances so first one to put the cash in my hand gets the bike. well, the guy buys it and i tell the kid what happened and he FLIPS A SHIT on me. calling me every name in the book, posts in the forum that i ripped him off (wtf), and then some others were saying shit that they were gonna get together and come to my house and kick my ass and shit. i then kindly go on and attempt to explain in this thread what i did and why i did it. well that was worthless as they didnt listen to a word i said and basically shunned me off the forum. pissed me right off because i did NOTHING wrong. but fuck it

if you can pick up my tone, i dont go to that forum or like it for that matter

edit: found the thread he posted http://www.assfaultjunkies.com/showthread.php?13412-Shady-ass-fucks-selling-bikes(ama146)

yep it happens everywhere... must only be our site...

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Murse, you have had some tough luck this year man. Can't catch a break. Craig too. woof.

This one was legitimately my fault. Just a combination of factors (cold track, cooled down tires, maybe some moisture on the track) and bad luck. Bike will be easily fixed just sucks it ended the weekend on the first lap of the first session. Will be ready to go at Nelson at the end of August. Looking forward to what will hopefully be a much less "eventful" trip.

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Well, Josh and I got our little squabble cleared up, he's definitely a good dude. I may have slightly mis-interpreted his post as he says he places no blame on me. He also apologized for jumping to conclusions because he said the video was watched and I was already past him when he went down and we never touched. That's big of a racer to do. I can understand though, when you go down it's hard to remember what exactly happened before you're sent sliding across the pavement. I love racing in our class and look forward to battling with all these guys next round.

Clearly just being behind you on the track is a recipe for crashing. Speaking from experience, as well. Are you dropping ball bearing or what? JK

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Lets please not make this into another OR vs AFJ debate. I have no problems with anyone Ive met from either site. We all know people can be internet assholes, and OR isnt excluded.

Word... There are dick heads and there are cool people in just about any group of people. I don't really give a shit where you're from or who you hang out with, if you're cool then I'll be cool with you. If you're a dick head... well, then you can just go fuck yourself.

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assfault junkies... i have a story about them. i was selling my old 07 r6 street bike on there and some kid was interested. now i have had this on craigslist and all that for weeks before and have gotten SO many calls and none followed through, so basically my new policy is the first one to show up with cash gets the bike. that simple. well this kid is texting me saying he wants to put money down to save the bike, i tell him that should be fine, but at the same time another guy calls me and wants to look at the bike and he has cash in hand. so i text the kid back saying forget the down payment, im not taking any chances so first one to put the cash in my hand gets the bike. well, the guy buys it and i tell the kid what happened and he FLIPS A SHIT on me. calling me every name in the book, posts in the forum that i ripped him off (wtf), and then some others were saying shit that they were gonna get together and come to my house and kick my ass and shit. i then kindly go on and attempt to explain in this thread what i did and why i did it. well that was worthless as they didnt listen to a word i said and basically shunned me off the forum. pissed me right off because i did NOTHING wrong. but fuck it

if you can pick up my tone, i dont go to that forum or like it for that matter

edit: found the thread he posted http://www.assfaultjunkies.com/showthread.php?13412-Shady-ass-fucks-selling-bikes(ama146)

Dude, that's kind of a bullshit deal you did there in my opinion and I really think it is the wrong thing here in this thread. You are making it sound like an AFJ thing when you changed the rules by texting the guy back and changing the rules. I'd have flipped a bitch also had we had an agreement and then someone calls you sounding solid and you call me back to change it up.

It isn't an AFJ thing and Matt made good with Josh. The AFJ that race MS are good guys and have been great to race with from the sounds of it from everyone.

Wrong thing to be adding to the thread, dude. You got a very bad rep from other sites also about this deal...

Edited by Desmo-Brian
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I also want to add one more thing about this BS shit between OR and AFJ and I will be done. There was some sort of crap about concerns on my part with one guy fiddle fucking with my stuff. Well, several AFJ guys came OVER to me or caught me while walking through and supported me and told me that it wasn't anything to worry about. In fact, Josh was the first. All said they had my back, but knew the dude and knew it was all BS and nothing to worry about.

There are some on there as well as here that have a tough guy act online. But, there are enough of them and OR guys that ARE GOOD GUYS that stupid shit like that won't be tolerated by either side.

In other words, don't make this an issue where there is some bullshit notion that the AFJ guys are bad dudes and ride dirty or try and fight all the time. Just like any of us, you screw with us or mess with our shit whether AFJ or OR and you will be messing with a whole group. I feel at the track, the AFJ and OR and us guys that are in between and not partial to either all blend together and become one family essentially. The race family I have is extensive and I know from personal experience that someone screws with me or my race family and they screw with us all.

Like Matt stated, no issues and they all race clean and well. If you have a personal AFJ issue? Take it somewhere else. I will say the same thing to the AFJ groups. If they have an OR issue, take it somewhere else.

I can also say that the guys on the sites on either side that talk shit and stir shit? They are NEVER at bike nights or the track so, who cares.

Rant over. Back to the Putnam discussion.

Madcat was a pussy for not coming.



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Rant over. Back to the Putnam discussion.

Madcat was a pussy for not coming.



Dangit, I was hoping you'd forget about me! Wish I could have made it but I'm sure Craig would have just blown my GSXR up again, like he did Todd's.

I don't think I can make Nelson but plan to be at Beaver and Grattan.

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Dude, that's kind of a bullshit deal you did there in my opinion and I really think it is the wrong thing here in this thread. You are making it sound like an AFJ thing when you changed the rules by texting the guy back and changing the rules. I'd have flipped a bitch also had we had an agreement and then someone calls you sounding solid and you call me back to change it up.

It isn't an AFJ thing and Matt made good with Josh. The AFJ that race MS are good guys and have been great to race with from the sounds of it from everyone.

Wrong thing to be adding to the thread, dude. You got a very bad rep from other sites also about this deal...

When you have 5 people calling you every day for a month saying they have cash in hand and none of them ever come to look at it, then the last thing you want to do is hold it for someone and turn another person down.

And if I seriously have bad rep on other sites about that then I don't even know what to think anymore. I DID NOTHING WRONG. All I did was sell my bike to the first person to show up with cash. You are treating me like I stole someones shit or ripped someone off...

I am done trying to explain myself. I know I didn't do anything that deserves the kind of shit I am getting for it.

Edited by ama146
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Rant over. Back to the Putnam discussion.

Madcat was a pussy for not coming.



I second this.

....but I'm sure Craig would have just blown my GSXR up again, like he did Todd's.

And this.

Also, will everyone please stop rattling B's cage! I'm getting tired of reading his 40 paragraph long posts for crying out loud.


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