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Drew, I've met quite a few awesome people on here and know that the majority of OR members are cool....nick could be a nice guy for all I know, but you're not going to get along with everyone.

no, but sometimes you overreact...(i still remember the sambusa incident) that's all

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This thread sucks, I said 4 pages by EOB and its 4:09pm and still on the second page. dangit, I suck at life. Hope the sale goes through for you man.

This also reminds me of the Del Sol I sold on here, had like 4 solid offers, then some DB showed up lied to my face, after I took his word on a few things. I also learned the hard way.

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So, in theory, if I had someone close to me in the past that destroyed their life in their "younger years" with their poor choices and abuse, which put many others' around them in hardship for an extended period, but they've since recovered -- I shouldn't hold a grudge?

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Different situation. I haven't put anyone on here through hardships in the past due to my crazy partying days. And yeah, I think it would be healthy for you to forgive thus person and move in. No point in carrying a grudge around all your life.

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I guess I've never understood that train of thought. :dunno:

If I burn a bridge, I wouldn't expect someone else to rebuild it to me. Nor would I rebuild a bridge someone else has burned.

But then again, I'm full of grudges against people for various reasons.

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Whatever floats your boat. I had a 'friend' steal my entire vicodin scrip for my shoulder a few yrs back because he was a heroine addict. Do I still associate with him? Fuck no, but I forgive him and don't hold a grudge against him. Walking around being mad at people you're probably never going to see again isn't very productive or healthy. Grudges take up space in the heart, I have better things to fill mine with.

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You ladies are worse than a seweing circle when you get together with your rumors. Shittygsxr, explain to me how having the will power and strength to overcome TWO incredibly strong addictions and stay clean for 7 years would somehow make me more likely to fuck someone over. You don't like me, that's fine. Keep my fucking name out of your mouth and we can continue to be civil.

Congrats on overcoming your addictions. However people that come from that lifestyle are usually piss poor with money. Often they have a lot of people they have to make amends with and repay what they have taken. Honestly I think the OP should have taken a deposit (earnest money) from whomever the buyer was and it was a lesson learned.

If someone didn't have a big fistful of money I wouldn't even bother talking with them about an item I was selling.

It seems that you have a temper that is barely under control and I do remember your thread with Sam so I will leave it at that

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I'll admit I'm not the most frugal person but getting 3 grand in my hand is not a problem. My temper isn't that bad, may seem like it sometimes but I'm not that big of a hot head and in general not a violent person. I appreciate you better explaining your statement, I ain't mad at ya.

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This thread sucks, I said 4 pages by EOB and its 4:09pm and still on the second page. dangit, I suck at life. Hope the sale goes through for you man.

This also reminds me of the Del Sol I sold on here, had like 4 solid offers, then some DB showed up lied to my face, after I took his word on a few things. I also learned the hard way.

Good times :D

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I'll admit I'm not the most frugal person but getting 3 grand in my hand is not a problem. My temper isn't that bad, may seem like it sometimes but I'm not that big of a hot head and in general not a violent person. I appreciate you better explaining your statement, I ain't mad at ya.

just putting this here...

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This also reminds me of the Del Sol I sold on here, had like 4 solid offers, then some DB showed up lied to my face, after I took his word on a few things. I also learned the hard way.

Ah yes, the Del Sol thread was very epic-like. I was soooo wishing that fistfuck would've showed at my bands gig. I wanted to rip his asscrack to his neck FOR you! Whatever happened to him? Is he still banned too? Cast down with the sodomites like Ringo was?

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Congrats on overcoming your addictions. However people that come from that lifestyle are usually piss poor with money. Often they have a lot of people they have to make amends with and repay what they have taken.

What exactly is "that lifestyle"? And who are you to make such assumptions about people?

Unless you've had first hand experience with addiction, and by firsthand I mean YOU,

not someone you knew, then you have no idea what you're talking about. :nono:

Props to you CrazySkullCrusher! And btw, who the hell is mikexup lol?

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