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Question to Hybrid Car owners/drivers...


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... does driving like an asshole increase your mileage? I can't count how many times some prick in a Prius has cut me off, flown past me doing 70 in a 45, scowled with his beady little eyes and he flew past, etc... in the past several weeks. Considering that other than "mileage" those cars are over-priced econoboxes, I can come to no other conclusion. The driver must be linked to the hybrid somehow and the bigger ass he is, the lower that mileage goes.

I fill my 97 Sable up once a month whether it needs it or not. Amazing what sensible driving and planned routes does for "mileage."


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same thing happens with Neon owners - they think their Neon is a Viper, and drive it like it was stolen. Fortunately, most Neons are dead now.

also, seems like most folks driving Subaru Foresters are a-hats. Only possible exception would be IP, but he's probably an a-hat behind the wheel - at least if he drives like he acts on this here forum... with all due respect and stuff... :lol:

just my observations...

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