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I'm thinking about flipping my '94 EX500 for an '87 Suzuki Intruder 700. I know, V-Twin...haha, but it's a great looking bike.

Here's the rub - the guys says that the title is a "rebuild" title. That means the bike was crashed/totaled by the insurance company right? Then restored and passed inspection to get the new title?

I haven't seen the bike in person yet, but the pics look pretty good:



The guy is having a lot of work done on the bike and I'm really liking the '80's V-Twin look on this bike. When I see the bike what should I look for? I guess the most important thing is the frame - but has anyone every bought a rebuild?? If so what was the experience like and what I can I look for in order to avoid making a bad trade?

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I dont know to much about the issue but you could ask if the guy has any pics of the bike when it had the crash/accident etc, it may just have been minor scratches but on lots of parts & not a mojor wreck. It also could have been a total mess but if he has pics it may help a little

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i would ask him how many miles he put on it. if its a lot, then theres probably not much concern about the bike falling apart, probably just regular maintenence stuff. that and some of the body parts might not fit quite as well as they used to.

im sure theres more in depth stuff to look for, thats just my $.02

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Also check the title for original color. that cold be someting that could throw up red flags. if it was totaled out from a fall in the driveway you wouldn't have the whole bike painted. just the parts that hit the ground. just a thought

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Also check the title for original color. that cold be someting that could throw up red flags. if it was totaled out from a fall in the driveway you wouldn't have the whole bike painted. just the parts that hit the ground. just a thought

Unless you didnt like the color and said fuck it and painted the whole thing. That looks like new paint all over. Looks nicce

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I'm supposed to ride down to Washington Courthouse Tuesday - if we like each other's sled's we're gonna trade and do the paperwork there.

Also had a guy with an '86 Virago email me - I'll check that out if the Intruder doesn't work out. My first bike was an '89 Virago 750 - very fun bike!

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I had a mustang with a salvage title for many years. NP there.

The pics look good. That is a sharp bike. I love cruisers.

Look at the frame to see if there are any visible "welds". Do they look secure?

Look at the bike from straight on and straight behind. Do the wheels line up, does the frame look warped? Look at the wiring. A professional rebuild should look exactly like that....professional. Is the wiring covered or just wrapped in black tape? Are all the parts secure? Does the seat "wobble"?

From the pictures it looks like the person did it the right way. But they're pictures. Ask him to let you take a test ride. Does it "feel" stable. More importantly, does the bike "fit" you. You don't want to have to make yourself "fit' the bike. You'll get awful tired awful fast. I ride cruisers, they are the same family and sports bikes, but not the same breed. It's like Doberman and Dalmations. They're both dogs but completely different.

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Check out the tire wear. If they are worn on one side or have an odd patern of wear,(front worn on the right, rear on the left) that indicates frame damage. Also check the engine case. I believe those had split cases and the gaskets are very expensive to replace if they are leaking.

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Thx - didn't get down there because it was that really windy day a couple weeks ago...damn near lost my ass on 71S because it was getting seriously battered by the gusts.

Trying to setup to see/ride the bike tomorrow somewhere in cinci probably, maybe kentucky.

I'll be sure to take a good look at the welds and the case.

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