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Elderly Woman Dragged From Car by Texas Cop


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Sgt. Gene Geheb, an officer from the Keene Police Department, pulled Lynn Bedford over Aug. 19 for driving 66 mph in a 50 mph zone. But their stop grew heated when Bedford refused to hand over her driver's license and insurance card, according to police reports and video from the officer's dashcam.
"Let's hurry up, I've got to go to the bathroom," Beford can be heard telling Geheb when he approached her SUV. "I have a bladder infection."

Geheb asked repeatedly for her driver's license and insurance.

"I'll give it to you in a minute," Bedford said.

"No you give it to me now or I'm going to take you to jail," the officer said, to which Bedford responded, "Well go ahead."

Geheb then opened the door to Bedford's SUV and began pulling on her arm.

"You want to play this way, come on," he said.

He then asked repeatedly for her to get out of the vehicle, but Bedford refused.

"You are hurting me," she said. "I'm going to report you hurting me. For hurting me and twisting my arm."

Geheb pulled her arm again and Bedford fell to the ground. The officer then arrested her.



I see nothing wrong and the officer did what he was supposed to do.

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- The story continues that she sat for 35 minutes in the back of the squad car without asking to go to the bathroom. Yet she was so desperate to go to the bathroom that she couldn't hand over he license? Seems her bathroom need was just a ploy.

- How many times do cops hear the BS; "I have to go to the bathroom" line. See above.

- Old people commit crimes too, and they carry guns etc. A cop who lets his guard down can wind up dead. Two weeks ago an 81 year old man shot and killed a cop.

- She's an ornery old coot that figured she could boss around a cop and then found out she couldn't and now she's crying.

- SHE refused to hand over her license multiple times in a state where that's an arrestable offense.

- SHE said; "Go ahead (take me to jail)".

- SHE refused to get out of the car.

- It takes two to Tango. Her arm wouldn't hurt if she had gotten out of the car.

- Heck, this whole thing would have been avoided if she had followed his instructions - the same instruction we all get and we all follow (or face the consequences).

- What was the officer's alternatives? The lawyer said he should follow her to a bathroom. Could you imagine a cop EVER doing to for anyone? For any regular person he's giving them an opportunity to stash/drop contraband, or move a weapon to a easier-to-reach place.

I can't wait until I'm old enough that the law doesn't apply to me any more.

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I agree with the cop.

We(as licensed drivers in TX) are all required to sign a form (when we apply for a driver's license) that states we will provide our driver's license, registration and proof of insurance when requested by the police. (I'm not going to start my usual anti-governmental rants with sounding like the old Gestapo request "papers please?")

The woman had an excuse for breaking the law, and had she provided the paperwork (and not an attitude) most cops would have let it go with a warning(IMHO).

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Don't know if the video was edited to appear this way but it seems the officer had little or no patience. I think in that moment some people get pulled over they automatically get defensive attitude(not saying that a reason to resist) but maybe the officer could have resolved the situation with a lighter touch. Maybe could have heard her out then made his point.

But like i said the video could be editted to appear that way. if indeed this was the case i would side with the cop

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I watched this on CNN yesteday and agree with Scruit 100%. The lady was wrong, cop was right, I wouldn't have held back as long as he did either. It's cut and dry, he wasn't asking her for anything out of the ordinary, just do what he asks, he is a cop. I don't always agree with them, but I am always respectful and do what they ask.

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