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Just wanted to share this

hue jass

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Thank you for sharing the video.

Makes me miss the cool fall nights when I'd turn off the exterior light on the garage, climb up on the roof with a sleeping bag, lay down and look at the stars. Hours seemed to pass so quickly.

I'll have to visit there someday.

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Awe inspiring. Makes me want to go even more now, thanks for the link!
Thank you for sharing the video.

Makes me miss the cool fall nights when I'd turn off the exterior light on the garage, climb up on the roof with a sleeping bag, lay down and look at the stars. Hours seemed to pass so quickly.

I'll have to visit there someday.

It is crazy there. You drive down the tunnel and when you come out its like your in another world. You have to do Half Dome, its an all day hike there an back. It is so worth it. While your there swing over to Sequia National Park. Words can not do those trees justice! There are 3 of them just before you get to SNP that will blow your mind.

My avatar is from right about here I think.


Edited by 4DAIVI PAI2K5
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Yosemite is one of the USA's "rift valleys", a wonderful place to visit, and I need to get there someday.

Trying to find who actually did the filming, the technique looks familiar.

Google+ has a large group of astro-photographers. Much of the time lapse is absolutely fascinating. Here's one of the best at aurora borealis and night sky, at his website.

Randy Halverson of Dakota Time Lapse.

"Tempest Milky Way won Best Overall and Audience Choice at the 2011 Chronos Film Festival"


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