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Planet Mercury is alien...


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Where do I get this shit...

NASA Messenger probe orbiting Mercury is sending data that appears to say that the planet Mercury doesn't belong to this solar system... it's from somewhere else. ALIEN!

Mercury probe points to different origin for 1st planet

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I'm not sure what this really means.

It means they don't think it formed up like all the other planets we have. A good guess is that it formed up somewhere else under other circumstances. Like another planetary system, and got knocked loose and went into orbit here. Or something like that...

Probably will have to say the same about Pluto when a close look sends data back.

edit: NASA isn't saying anything yet, but CNN jumped on it...

Edited by ReconRat
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I figured they all came from somewhere else. Like dropping a bag of marbles and random formations occured.

Nope, the standard model is that planets form from material similar to our Sun. That material was in orbit around the Sun.

But looking at other planetary systems, so far that "standard model" isn't worth much. Everything is chaos, it's all different, pretty much every one...

It's all way weirder than anything we ever imagined.

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So venus has high sulfur levels too as a result of volcanic activity. I would add the possibility that the surface material is the result of early vulcanism and proximity to the sun resulting in great early tectonic stress causing the high concentrations at the surface, solid Fe core and possible resulting in its slow rotation as lighter elements were litterally blown off the surface by solar winds that have to atmosphere to contend with like Venus.

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if mercury is so different from the other planets please explain jupiter, saturn, neptune and uranus. all a giant ball of gasses. would that make earth "alien"?

Not so much as gas giants seem common in many solar systems. They are also easier to detect. ;)

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if mercury is so different from the other planets please explain jupiter, saturn, neptune and uranus. all a giant ball of gasses. would that make earth "alien"?

The differences noted on Mercury are based on the matter makeup. The gas giants are more a difference of size. The smaller planets bleed of most or all of the gasses while the gas giants are able to contain them due to their much larger/stronger gravity field.

Different bands around the sun create conditions that form different types of planets.

Im guessing that Mercury's make up will be readily explained by the much different conditions it was formed under.


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Doubts creep in. some of the news articles are back pedaling. It's too early to know yet. But Mercury doesn't follow the plan. It could have come from the asteroid belt, just as easily as from outside our solar system. Only time and data will tell. It's just not likely that it "formed" where it is now.

They are pretty firm on it didn't get hit by something else, or boil away, or other theories that don't work out. At least for now.

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