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Obama To Transfer The Blind Sheik!!


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J there are a handful of folks on this sight who are way out there on the lunatic fringe.......... beyond the typical left wing extremist. They dont argue facts. They reject reality but like typical liberals, they insult, make fun or make light of whatever you post. They believe all the crap the left wing media shovels out of the stall and ignore the reality of the economics around them. In short, they are fine with sacrificing all freedoms and liberties if it means they can punish those who have been successful. They cant stand the idea that someone should profit from his hard work and ideas because they have never been smart enough or energetic enough to achieve anything. If they have to embrace muslim extremism..... they will. If they have to embrace socialism or communism..... they will. Its not worth arguing with them. You cant convince someone of something, even with facts when their objectives conflict with your own. Maybe someday when their freedoms are gone, the reality may hit them but most likely they will be dead and gone and their children and grandchildren will have to suffer under the oppressive rule of an out of control government. In short, when these few lunatics show up in a thread and start flinging their own feces around, walk away and let them fling it at each other.

This rant has been brought to you by a Fox News viewer

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J there are a handful of folks on this sight who are way out there on the lunatic fringe.......... beyond the typical left wing extremist. They dont argue facts. They reject reality but like typical liberals, they insult, make fun or make light of whatever you post. They believe all the crap the left wing media shovels out of the stall and ignore the reality of the economics around them. In short, they are fine with sacrificing all freedoms and liberties if it means they can punish those who have been successful. They cant stand the idea that someone should profit from his hard work and ideas because they have never been smart enough or energetic enough to achieve anything. If they have to embrace muslim extremism..... they will. If they have to embrace socialism or communism..... they will. Its not worth arguing with them. You cant convince someone of something, even with facts when their objectives conflict with your own. Maybe someday when their freedoms are gone, the reality may hit them but most likely they will be dead and gone and their children and grandchildren will have to suffer under the oppressive rule of an out of control government. In short, when these few lunatics show up in a thread and start flinging their own feces around, walk away and let them fling it at each other.

Let me know when you're done beating that straw man, I need it to line the hamster cages of my alternative energy hamster-wheel mill.

Besides, it's well known that facts and history have a liberal bias anyway, so there's no point in a "conservative" to use them. I'll say it again, if you're so concerned with the direction the country is headed, there's nothing stopping you from taking your stack of Ayn Rand books and going to China. They've got free market capitalism galore, you'll be right at home. Make sure to stop by the Embassy or any local consulate office to renounce your citizenship.

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This thread delivers.

The only thing I'll add is, it takes a small minded person to ignore facts or refuse to debate facts. I'm talking facts, not opinion. If you're posting something as 'fact' and you're not prepared to back it up with facts...again, not opinions....then prepare to be sodomized by the interwebz. This goes for the lefties, the righties and the folks who swing both ways.

It's true, you can't convince someone of something if they are brainwashed or determined to believe the contrary (I read that on the internets, so it must be true). But, before you pull that card, you need to be able to present ACTUAL facts, not opinions based on an obscure article you read on the internet or heard on a biased talk show somewhere.

I challenge everyone to come out of their comfort zone and actually digest their news and information from sources they would normally avoid. Start with something that isn't based in this country...branch out from there...and see the world from other perspectives.

Do it quickly..so we can all get back to ridin' one handed whoolies while we fap with the other hand.

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