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PIRC 9-22 trackday video


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Heres my Rain video from Saturday in the Rain with Brandon in Tow for a bit. We were using rains of course. I got a 1:10 in the wet...so I'll be happy with that! I was refreshing myself on the course since I hadn't been there in two years, so I had my fair share of bad lines. :(


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Shit a 1:10 in the wet? The best I could pull off in the dry was a few 1:11's. :(

I was amazed by how solid the bike felt in the wet & cold at PIRC, only the occasional puddle loosened things up. Was a bit scary at first; not knowing what to expect, but the second and third sessions were fun.

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I'm trying to come up with a plan of attack for the suspension...absolute minimum will be springs and fluid refresh up front. Not too sure about the rear. The spring rate seems fine, but reading about swing arm angle and antisquat....makes me want ride height adjustment.

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completely irrelevant to the thread, but I just scored a XT Ultralap timer! No more watching gopro video frame by frame and building excel tables just figure out lap times! (watch, no one will bring transmitters to the next track day)

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Lol....not making shit up...video I posted was 1:11, 1:11 1:12 if I remember right. Literally went frame by frame in my editing software and used the frame that the finish line disappeared as my reference....figured it out to the tenth.

Traffic killed me because I am big pussy when it come to passing. Most of those laps were 15-18 or worse. I'd try to get a run on the straight, but I'd still bitch out when I saw someone creeping across track toward my planned line. Except with Jeff, who I passed on the outside of T7 and T10 into 11. :D

There was another guy in a bright white suit(think it was cortech)....maybe you are thinking of me and him as one?

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If you were using a stopwatch on your triple tree I MIGHT be able to take your word for it.


Besides, if you were running :11's, when I went by you when you went off the track on T4 you'd of been right with me for a few laps. I didn't see you in my mirror.


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I was going to ask how the hell you knew you were running :11's when I passed you several times and I KNOW I was turning low :10's (almost :09) and :11-12's in traffic at times....I had my timer on in the afternoon.


Nothing personal here, but Im putting this out there for the last time, if you don't have a lap timer or running a GPS/race transponder , then you DON't HAVE LAP TIMES.

End of story.

People posting lap times based on video, or stop watches, or wrist watches, or because they caught someone and couldnt pass them but hung with them etc. means nothing. I am so tired of hearing I ran this, I ran this, then people get out on the track because of their posted track times and asking if they should move up or down etc. and when they move up they are way over their heads, or run others off the track like what happened to me twice this season, or do something to get hurt.

I'm sorry this is the thread Im lighting up, but I am beyond tired of hearing all the stupid things people do and claim on here. I've even had times when my lap timer didn't work, and guess what? I said I didn't have times, that simple.

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Holy shit, John. Did you not get your morning dose of ghey or something? And why you quoting me brah? I said I was running the timer.

I think you just need an good e-hug....come here....no no....turn around. You know e-hugs are nut to butt.


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How is going frame by frame from a raw GoPro video and using a disappearing stationary refrence not accurate? It should be good +/-1/30th of a second. Now trying to pause a YouTube video to figure out lap times is far from accurate, but would be better than a stop watch on the bike. Yeah, frame by frame analysis will not be as accurate as a lap timer, but there should be no issue using it to judge times to the second.

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