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PIRC 9-22 trackday video


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Like I said, it's nothing personal, R1, I was quoting you becasue you essentially said the same thing, just nicer.

Rhill, this isn't directed to insult you, because you are not alone, and I posted my feelings on this in the other thread about using a watch, a wrist watch, as a timer.

Lap timers, go off an infared laser or whatever, in the same spot, same time, etc. A gopro, or whatever, will give you a time, sure, but in the end, it isn't a tool for counting lap times when hundredths truly matter.

I guess I should have said this is directed more towards someone racing, or trying to truly know where they are, vs. starting out. Again, it was definitely NOT personal, and for starting out, it's fine. I was also glad to hear you snagged a timer so quick, it's a necessary tool for anyone looking to truly advance.

And I apologize, needless to say, this whole wedding planning, last week stuff, has definhjitely got me testy, and I took it out in this thread. But it's like the 10th time this season that it's been posted I ran this, or that, only to find out it most likely was a few seconds one way or the other.

Like I said, I also have had experiences getting run off by people twice this year, and I do not enjoy that, granted that may have had no relation to a lap timer, but I don't want people getting over their heads and getting hurt or hurting someone else.

I apologize for being a d*ck earlier, but in the end, that's just my feelings, and I know 100% I am not alone.

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No hard feelings, I'm in agreement with you. If you want to know times lap, timers are best choice. When comparing times to other riders or are interested in continuously improving lap to lap and session to session there is no other choice.

With that being said, I think the gopro/camera is a better learning tool for beginners. It allows you to review lines, body position, specific incidents, and other riders good/bad habits. The video will help develop and enforce good habits, where knowing only times may push you to improve while becoming accustom to bad habits.

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how many times do i have to say this: if anybody has that much of a hard on for lap times, just borrow mine, or any of the dozen or so people that have one pitted next to you. that said, xt lap timers are only so accurate. if you want truly accurate lap times that wont suffer from interference from say, someone running an XT right in front of you, you need to do a race with a AMB transponder system or as was mentioned before, a GPS system with a high frequency gps transmitter (no, the one in your phone isn't particularly a high frequency unit).

more important than that, lap times mean jack shit other than milestones. its your smooth riding/braking/accelerating, whether you're riding off track, crashing, hold your lines, making safe passes, blah blah blah. all those things are more valuable indicators of your riding than lap times.

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there is one beacon that someone will put out, and then everyone else uses their timers off of it. however, from what I've heard, when that beacon sends the signal to the passing timer, it's possible for the multiple timers to receive the signal, giving inaccurate results. this might put off the times by .1 of a second or maybe more, who knows. in addition to that, my xt is always more generous than times posted via AMB transponders (usually by .1 second or so).

as far as borrowing xt's or whatever else goes (and this bit is for everyone that comes to track days/races), it's a matter of slapping on velcro and making sure it's pointed the right general direction. it really is no trouble at all. you'll never find people more friendly, open or giving than when you're riding on track with them. i never knew it could be possible to feel so safe and welcome in a sea of strangers... but that's what i find at track days and even more so while racing. i think many of those hooked on this are in it as much for the comradery as they are for the excitement.

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holy shit....$200 timer is off by .1 second per lap? I'll be very disappointed if it is that bad.

The transmitter should just be sending a constant IR signal and when you pass into the "beam" the receiver registers the time. So having more than one receiver operating off a single transmitter shouldn't have any effect other than bikes blocking line of sight to the transmitter.

The one thing I could see making a difference is crossing the "line" of the transmitter and different locations on the track(inside outside) because the XT will not be a straight line like the AMB loop.

From the very little time I've been attending trackdays, everyone seems extremely friendly. It is no different than when I raced RC cars, if you need help people are more than willing the lend a hand wherever possible. Get a bunch of people together who are enjoying the same hobby and have the same passion and it is hard not to have a great time.

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