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Jack-ass decides not to stop...


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Some lady pulled out in front of me when I was returning from a ride today... She didn't even pause to stop at the stop sign. I have had maybe 3 different people almost hit me here, its to the point that I expect it... That is sad... Speedo says 32-34, but is ~ 5 mph's off. After I turned around, I pulled up to her window and was like "You do understand that there is a STOP sign there right?" She replied with, "Yes, I never do that... I am soooo sorry". I understand people make mistakes but damn lady, PAY ATTENTION!


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Not sure how long you've been riding....but you should always ride as if EVERYONE other than you is out there trying to KILL you. Treat every other vehicle and person as a potential death threat....cause they are. I trust NO ONE nor anything to do the right thing....in fact I expect them to do the wrong thing. imho

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Not sure how long you've been riding....but you should always ride as if EVERYONE other than you is out there trying to KILL you. Treat every other vehicle and person as a potential death threat....cause they are. I trust NO ONE nor anything to do the right thing....in fact I expect them to do the wrong thing. imho

Agreed however, that's not going to stop be from putting their foolishness on the Internet!!!

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oh no, don't get me wrong....I very much like to see this stuff posted since it is a constant reminder of how f'ing bad it can get out there.....I just thought I heard a little suprise that it happened in your post.

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oh no, don't get me wrong....I very much like to see this stuff posted since it is a constant reminder of how f'ing bad it can get out there.....I just thought I heard a little suprise that it happened in your post.

Oh no, not supprised although since this is about 6 houses down from mine, there is defiantly a tone of anger. People drive their cars like idiots in my subdivision.

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After so long you get numb to it in a way. You still want to pull them from their car and shake the hell out of em though.

Riding motorcycles will make the best driver in the world because you can spot an idiot 300 yards before they even know they're going to be an idiot.

There is a general lack of awareness and selfishness that is pervasive around Ohio's roads. I've been to some big cities and seen 5x the amount of cars get through smaller spaces more efficiently and safer than in Columbus. I could go on for hours so I'll stop here and be happy you kept the shiney side up.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

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There is a general lack of awareness and selfishness that is pervasive around Ohio's roads. I've been to some big cities and seen 5x the amount of cars get through smaller spaces more efficiently and safer than in Columbus. I could go on for hours so I'll stop here and be happy you kept the shiney side up.

I noticed this in Atlanta - there is a ton more traffic, but people... well, people aren't assholes down there. There's none of the "fuck you, I won't let you in" stuff that we're all guilty of up here. As messed up as traffic is there, I always felt more at ease driving there than up here - the tension is certainly higher here.

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Columbus drivers suck... However, no matter where your riding, crap like this happens. I'm have a firm belief that they need to add more motorcycle awareness into drivers ed. Not that it would solve all the problems, people are way too infused into their phones, life, and anything else that could distract them.

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Happened to me friday, I was going along my business on my bike, and some jackass pulls right out in front of me in an old jalopy station wagon. I'm used to it, and was ready for it, and as swerved to miss him, I flipped him the bird. He apparently wasn't having any of that, because he pulled U-turn right in the middle of the road, and followed me down to the parking lot of the business I was indending to patronize. He pulls up next to me as I'm driving through the parking lot apparently screaming at me by the reactions of the pedestrians I was waiting on. I didn't even bother looking over, I didn't turn down my stereo, so all I hear is ozzy osbourne's "I don't want to stop". Without even giving him the dignity of looking in his direction, I pull a right hand u-turn and head for home, there was no way he was getting near me. I was in no mood for a physical altercation.

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I noticed this in Atlanta - there is a ton more traffic, but people... well, people aren't assholes down there. There's none of the "fuck you, I won't let you in" stuff that we're all guilty of up here. As messed up as traffic is there, I always felt more at ease driving there than up here - the tension is certainly higher here.

You nailed it. I think due to volume of traffic they have adapted and become aware. In Columbus it's spread out, open, and people can look out the window, swerve about, and cross 3 lanes of traffic 25 yards prior to their exit while rubbernecking at a stalled car on the other side of the road calling everybody assholes that don't immediately yield to their needs.

When I was in California they split lanes on motorcycles and everybody handles it perfectly. We ran 80mph mirror to mirror around the hills of the Bay Area civilly. Here the aforementioned driver swerves into us without ever knowing they could have taken the life of a lesser rider and sometimes they take one.

Sent from my SCH-I510 using Tapatalk 2

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Happened to me friday, I was going along my business on my bike, and some jackass pulls right out in front of me in an old jalopy station wagon. I'm used to it, and was ready for it, and as swerved to miss him, I flipped him the bird. He apparently wasn't having any of that, because he pulled U-turn right in the middle of the road, and followed me down to the parking lot of the business I was indending to patronize. He pulls up next to me as I'm driving through the parking lot apparently screaming at me by the reactions of the pedestrians I was waiting on. I didn't even bother looking over, I didn't turn down my stereo, so all I hear is ozzy osbourne's "I don't want to stop". Without even giving him the dignity of looking in his direction, I pull a right hand u-turn and head for home, there was no way he was getting near me. I was in no mood for a physical altercation.

The guy acted as if it was YOUR fault he pulled out infront of you? Ugh, people make me sick.

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I had a dumbass bitch pull over in my lane today sad thing is I know that she saw me, she looked right at me and decided that she needed over in my lane. So she decided that she would come on over that "I was smaller so I would move." those are her words that she said when we were stopped at the Light and I confronted her.

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Normally, I get pretty angry with people when they fuck up driving. However, this time, I was very calm and have to give the lady credit for stoping to hear what I had to say. She could have very well kept going not wanting to hear she did something wrong. I think that is a huge part of the altercations we have while riding. People don't like to hear they messed up.

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Normally, I get pretty angry with people when they fuck up driving. However, this time, I was very calm and have to give the lady credit for stoping to hear what I had to say. She could have very well kept going not wanting to hear she did something wrong. I think that is a huge part of the altercations we have while riding. People don't like to hear they messed up.

Got to watch that. Permits to carry protect us. I wouldn't be chasing people down or try to go up to their car all pissed off. That could get you shot over nothing, but a close call. :dunno: Just a little friendly advice that road rage should be a thing of the past unless you have a death wish.

Edited by NinjaNick
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Two years ago my youngest kid got a superior on his science fair project of "How Many People Actually Stop."

I took him to like five different intersections of various degrees of traffic and he counted how many people stopped, slowed and just ran the stop signs over a set period of time. We laughed at how much money the city could make off fines for stop sign violations alone, then I told him to remember all this crappy driving when he gets on his motorcycle.

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It's getting bad out there - I'm a mess driving in a cage - part of the reason I sold my bikes... just can't trust central Ohio drivers.

Its cage drivers everywhere. A friend in Schaumburg Ill just had his 2nd bad accident where a car blew a red and slammed into his newly reconditioned Harley.....he had just got it back on the road after another encounter with a car. Says he is taking time off riding......but its gonna be difficult due to the fact that he owns a custom powdercoating modification bike shop there. Its crazy dangerous out there.......

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