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We're screwed...#@&%!


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Still have my doubts about turkey "bacon". Might have to give it a try.

Don't see how it'd have enough juice in which to fry your eggs?

Would it be g-t-g to puree and slather on cubed/skewered chicken for the grill?

I guess if your religion (and maybe Dr.) prohibits pork...

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Turkey bacon certainly has its place in the food chain, but compared to bacon, it's like the Fleshlight. May look and feel similar if your eyes are closed, but it's just a manufactured imitation. I do like it for BLTs, as I prefer my B in BLT to be crispy. For breakfast, however, it should be thick, juicy, and hot. Just like Udell's ass.

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the one where the aging hippies are selling "Ohio Corn" in May? :nono:

Agree with the nod to OMC - good stuff.

As to the OP (bacon shortage) - I guess Obama will blame this on Bush, too? :D

Heh, I never noticed that. I get my corn from one place and one place only, Sweets Corn in North Ridgeville. I'll bring a dozen back when I go up to see my parents. I think the other Ridgetuckians on here can attest to its god-like qualities. Yeah, there's definitely some noise to go along with the signal at Clintonville (like the mexican popcorn guy, seriously?) but there's lots of good stuff there.

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Nasty nathans. We eat sabretts hot dogs.:D

As it should be. There was a guy in the North Market here that ran a NYC style deli with Sabrett's and pastrami sandwiches (not as good at Katz's on Houston, but it'll do). He closed up a year or so ago and nothing's filled that void since.

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That reminds me, I need to place a order at OMC in Johnstown. For those Columbus peeps, OMC is Oink Moo Cluck Farms out of Johnstown, and their peppered bacon is something to behold. All their stuff is really good, and it's not the super-processed meat bullshits that went through a massive factory processing facility.

you sir.....have just changed my life. :bow:

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you sir.....have just changed my life. :bow:

Anytime someone new stops buying the pre-packaged crap at the grocery store and starts buying from a local farm is a good thing. It might be a little more money, but what little you spend more you get back in much better meat and supporting someone local. You're very welcome.

Since I've got some of your attention, here are some other notable Central Ohio places:




Ohio Bison Farm out of Grove City (no website, they're at Clintonville every Saturday, goddamn amazing bison)

http://www.stevensbakeryandorchard.com/ (They have apple, cherry, pecan, peach, and some others I'm probably missing but I've tried the first 4, all awesome)

I'm missing a shitload, but give any local farmer's market a shot and you won't be disappointed.

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you mean to tell me not everyone is in a CSA program?

I'm seriously considering doing that next year. One of my friends was in one and they got all kinds of shit. If I can get something to store everything in (where the chest freezer comes into play) then I'm more inclined to join one.

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Sounds socialisty :nono:

But seriously, what the hell is it?


CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Essentially you pay the farm in the beginning of the growing season for a certain share or percentage of the harvest, of whatever is seasonally ripe, usually delivered every week/bi-weekly, and usually in a vegetable box format so you'll get a little of everything that's currently in season. It's good for you in that you get a shitload of incredibly fresh produce (this model completely bypasses the grocery store and their supply chains which increase time-to-shelf), and it's good for the farmer in that in spreads the risk around, you're buying a percentage and not a fixed amount, so if there's a drought and they have a drop in yield, you're still getting the same percentage of the harvest yield but it's going to be smaller for everyone due to the drought. If you have the means to store all the produce, I'd highly recommend joining one.

OMC in Columbus does this as well for meat, but I'm not sure what their program entails since it's closed for the year.

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So after a conversation with my hog raising coworker here is the scoop.

Yes farmers are losing about $50 a head when slaughtered. This is due to the fact that there are tons of meat in cold storage. The other factor is corn prices being high.

He seams to believe that the industry is going to play a supply and demand game. Shorting the supply to drive the price of pork up. Yet keeping stock in cold storage to keep the buying price down for them. The only people getting fucked are the farmers and the consumer.

The good news is you can get a lame hog from a farmer on the cheap. Add in proccessing and your ahead of the curve.

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So after a conversation with my hog raising coworker here is the scoop.

Yes farmers are losing about $50 a head when slaughtered. This is due to the fact that there are tons of meat in cold storage. The other factor is corn prices being high.

He seams to believe that the industry is going to play a supply and demand game. Shorting the supply to drive the price of pork up. Yet keeping stock in cold storage to keep the buying price down for them. The only people getting fucked are the farmers and the consumer.

The good news is you can get a lame hog from a farmer on the cheap. Add in proccessing and your ahead of the curve.

Which is why buying local makes so much goddamned sense.

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I have a chest freezer in my garage. It's a love/hate thing. It's great for the extra storage, but the crap at the bottom gets buried and you forget it's even down there because you can't see it. So..eventually you end up buying more of something you already have.

here is a sweet fix for that!

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