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who has a Boston Terrier


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I don't know if shes 100% serious but the woman has been talking about wanting to get a dog but I figured I'd do my due diligence. This seems to be the breed we both have agreed upon liking that would fit our lifestyle

Anyone have first hand experience with caring for them and what to expect?

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OH! I can tell you a thing or two about boston's. They snore louder than any person you can think of. They will gas you out of any room you happen to in if you're unlucky.

Other than than, they are a fun breed! :D

Yep, and they snort too....lol. But they are full of it non stop. My uncle used to have 3 of them. His fav was a male named 'Toughie'....I think it must have had springs in its feet, he could !boing! straight up pretty high.

Good breed imho

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OH! I can tell you a thing or two about boston's. They snore louder than any person you can think of. They will gas you out of any room you happen to in if you're unlucky.

Other than than, they are a fun breed! :D

so she will be living with 2 of me then, hopefully she can handle that :lol:

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I have a french bulldog that everyone always thinks is a boston but my friend has a boston and she can clear a room for sure

I really want an english bulldog but the price of an AKC puppy had us looking elsewhere. The french bulldog was the next one that came up but price was similar to that of an english so we looked up Boston's and liked that a whole lot better

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I really want an english bulldog but the price of an AKC puppy had us looking elsewhere. The french bulldog was the next one that came up but price was similar to that of an english so we looked up Boston's and liked that a whole lot better

I got mine for $500 purebred with no papers but i didn't buy her to breed so i could care less about papers.... she is an awesome little dog great watch dog and a big lover

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The difference between a 5K dog and a 1K dog is only $33 a month using a ten year life expectancy. Don't be a cheap bastard, buy what you really want because you will be looking at it for a very long time.

all 3 breeds mentioned have been my top 3 choices so its not like I would get something I really didn't like or wouldn't be a good fit for our situation so $ isn't everything but its a partial factor

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if I get an English, it would be named Brutus or Bernie

if its a french or boston it will be named Brimley, yes like Wilfred

I hope he doesn't get diabeetus.

When I finally build a fence and get another dog, I'm debating between Baron Fuzzball von Derpington, Destroyer of Dog Toys and Protector of the Realm or Spot.

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My dad bred bostons when I was younger. Awesome breed, very smart, super atheletic, huge lovers. Purebreds tend to get bad cataracts and go blind after 8 yrs or sometimes less. Other than that, great dogs. Get a bitch and don't spay her! It takes all the youthful energy out of them. They only go into heat twice a year, we would just put little cloth diapers on her. It's worth it for how much better of a dog you get.

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$3k-5k dogs? WTF is wrong with the local adoption center? :wtf:

I must have missed that part. Yeah man, don't be a dick and go to a breeder or a puppy mill, get a dog from the adoption center. There are plenty of shelters around.

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I had a Boston for about 10 years - he was unusually large for the breed, but otherwise was a good example. Very intelligent, but very stubborn. You could train him to do anything, but it he didn't want to do it, tough shit. Very loyal, very protecting. X2 on the snores and farts, but if you feed them good food, it's better.

I can't emphasize enough how intelligent they are - I have a friend who still has 3, and they have a TON of personality because of their smarts. You know how sometimes when you talk to a dog, you have the feeling it hears you like an adult on Peanuts? Not so with the Bostons. They have a very good comprehension of what's going on.

The one caution - they're a bit hyper for the first couple of years as puppies, but heck - they're terriers.

I'd love another one, but my boy is allergic to dander, so we had to get a yorkie/bichon mix which is hypoallergenic. To be honest, quite a bit dumber.

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I'm just doing the due diligence, it's not a sure thing. I love dogs but I'm impatient and selfish when it comes to my schedule so my gf would need to take a large amount of the responsibility before I'd agree

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Mine did a lot of chewing - they like people, like to be active. Keep them moving, they're fine. My wife had a Bichon, and our Yorkichon are both three times as bad. I'd take my Boston a hundred times over. They're not terrible, but don't expect a Basset Hound either. Once they get the terrier out of their system, they're fine. by 18 months, mine was about as mellow as any dog I've met.

I really think they're about the best dog I've come in contact with - I'm not a "big dog" guy, so there's not really any interest on my part for a 100 pound mate for life. Bostons are great little guys - very good for a smaller space, but do fine in a larger space too. I didn't have kids when I had mine, but he did great with all sorts of people.

Side note, I had mine trained when I was at OSU. I could take him to the edge of the Oval, drop the leash and he'd run off. I'd give him about 5 minutes, then start calling him. He'd bark. I'd follow his bark, and find him. Sounds dumb, right? Well he was trained to run to the blanket full of the hottest girls on the Oval and plop down in the middle of it. He'd get steak on the grille that night if he did.

That dog ate a lot of steak.

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Man, now you've got me all nostalgic. I have about a million Otis stories. I got him my sophomore year at OSU, so a lot of the stuff he did went side by side with my own debauchery. But he was such a great dog.

Get a Boston, you won't be sorry.

Mine would do this thing, where he wouldn't ever let you have the last word. He'd bark, you'd say "Otis, shut up." He'd woof, slightly quieter than the bark. "Otis, be quiet." There'd be a pause, then a quieter woof. This would go on as long as you'd let it, only the woofs would get quieter and further from when you told him to be quiet. I let it go on for an hour once, just to see how long he'd go. Buy the end, he'd wait damn near a minute and his woof was really more of a loud sigh, but that little fucker wouldn't let me have the last word.

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