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Concealed Camera Help (Paging Scruit)


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Here is the scenario: I live in an apartment and just recently started using my assigned garage space (never used a garage before, but lack of close parking spaces makes it more convenient). Within the last 2 weeks I have had 5 new scratches appear on my passenger door magically overnight. Four of these scratches are about 1/2" by 3" with one of them leaving behind red paint and it just so happens the person next to me has a red vehicle. It also is convinced that the pain on the edge of their door is scraped away at the same height of the scratches. I don't doubt these can be removed, but I don't want to pay for their irresponsibility. I went to the police station and they told me to install a camera and catch them in the act, otherwise I wouldn't have enough evidence. I have just gotten permission to install a self contained camera in the detached garage to catch them (I don't doubt it will happen again)

So what camera would do best in a low light situation and can run for ~24 hours (at minimum 12 hours) while still retaining enough clarity to identify the person and contact with my vehicle? I also want this to be the cheapest camera possible while getting it and installing it in a short amount of time so I don't have to see 10 more scratches by the time I get it. Help me out here guys!

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You want an IR camera. These bubbys will tell you to buy some POS Chinese internet camera. I did it for a living for years and I will tell you that if you want facial recognition in low light, buy a name brand camera (GE makes a nice one) from your local security supply store. You should have an Alarmax near by that will sell to you.

The little tiny concealed cameras are going to provide a shit picture in low light. Just get a regular camera and mount it in an inconspicuous place (like inside the parking space up high looking between the cars) and they (the scratcha!) will just think that the complex installed it for their security. Im gonna guess that a young fat chick parks next to you?

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An IR trail/game camera should work out. Funny, I picture it mounted directly above looking straight down...

Even more fun, get a wireless motion detector that sounds the alarm indoors, and point it at the trail cam...

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There is an Alarmax on my tomorrow that I can stop by, depending on their hours. How much are we talking for a name brand camera? If I am buying a camera for this explicit purpose, I was hoping to keep the price under what it would cost to repair the scratches.

An IR trail/game camera should work out. Funny, I picture it mounted directly above looking straight down...

Even more fun, get a wireless motion detector that sounds the alarm indoors, and point it at the trail cam...

That is how I was planning on mounting it so that the person doesn't see it. I would (oddly) prefer them do it again so I can get it on tape and get the other scratches they caused paid for versus just scaring them into not doing it anymore. I don't get how the motion detector setup works though, can you explain it?

I have a security system for sale. It's a high end one that came out of our store when we closed. Pm me for details, you'll be able to see whether or not they cleaned their shoes. Oh yeah, did I mention we can put dog shit on their front porch? That's all included.

You, I like you.


Kmanlyst cave me an idea. What about something like this? Its only $40 (open box ones) and I am close enough to the garage that the wireless should function.

Edited by imprez55
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