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Wow... 1 in 5 now has no religious affiliation...


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I have read the entire bible and studied other religions (out of curiouity, not as a member). I think religion, it's origin, and associated beliefs are infinitely fascinating. Religion and even church serve a purpose in society, but I personally don't believe in the existence of any type of god.

As a rule, I don't piss on anyones beliefs (except Mormons an Scientologists of course). However, when Christians decide they feel bad for me for not sharing their beliefs, I have no problem pointing out obvious flaws in their superstition.

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I have read the entire bible and studied other religions (out of curiouity, not as a member). I think religion, it's origin, and associated beliefs are infinitely fascinating. Religion and even church serve a purpose in society, but I personally don't believe in the existence of any type of god.

As a rule, I don't piss on anyones beliefs (except Mormons an Scientologists of course). However, when Christians decide they feel bad for me for not sharing their beliefs, I have no problem pointing out obvious flaws in their superstition.

Some people get so offended at that....my ex's mom used to get after me for not following her exact beliefs...then id poke some holes in them and she would crazy mode on me...i just avoided that subject with her all together....she pretty much thought i was going to hell because my church used a different version of the bible than hers does....i asked why she isnt reading the original then? i told her the shit wasnt written in english back in the day! .....she didnt like that

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I dunno, maybe you're right...

I'm pretty outspoken about my religious viewpoint, so I would think others without a religion would also be just as outspoken.


You do not have a religious viewpoint.

You have a non-religious viewpoint.


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Some people get so offended at that....my ex's mom used to get after me for not following her exact beliefs...then id poke some holes in them and she would crazy mode on me...i just avoided that subject with her all together....she pretty much thought i was going to hell because my church used a different version of the bible than hers does....i asked why she isnt reading the original then? i told her the shit wasnt written in english back in the day! .....she didnt like that

There is so much bickering among different sects of Christianity (same is true for other religions).

According to the chruch I attended as a child, all Catholics are going to hell. Catholics are misguided because they pray to Mary, and Mary is a false god.

This isn't some small church in a shack by the river. This is a large, surburban church with a big following.

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I don't believe in any religion but have had relationships go sour because of it. I don't have anything against religion, but don't push the subject on me. I have my own beliefs, or non beliefs if you will, and when someone feels the need to push their own on me that's when I have a problem.

Edited by JStump
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You do not have a religious viewpoint.

You have a non-religious viewpoint.


Any viewpoint on religions is a religious viewpoint...

I am non-religious...

Sorry, no. By saying the phrase "religious viewpoint" instead of "viewpoint on religions", it contradicts the concept of non-religious affiliation.

viewpoint is a noun.

religious is an adjective

which means: pious, devout, godly

so you said a pious, devout, or godly viewpoint

none of which is possible by the non-religious person

I know, I'm way too picky. And if I get started, religion isn't about God, it's about people, tribes, community, society, etc. You could have a totem pole or rock that brings people together, and functions in a similar fashion. What I'm saying, is it's not God that's being rejected, it's the association between society and self that is being rejected.

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Sorry, no. By saying the phrase "religious viewpoint" instead of "viewpoint on religions", it contradicts the concept of non-religious affiliation.

I could see how it might imply that... but not explicitly.

But, to ease your mind, I'll refer to it as my own personal "viewpoint regarding religions, mythologies, and cults"...

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There are stars we will never see, solar systems far beyond mans reach, oceans full of life we do not get to see or know of. Who made god? Why would a "loving" father ever send his children to eternity of suffering because of what they did in a short lifetime? Why are the dinosoures not mentioned? too many holes in the story that solely rely on "faith". if i'm betting my life on it i need some sort of proof beyond just saying and believing.

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....And if I get started, religion isn't about God, it's about people, tribes, community, society, cults, etc. You could have a totem pole or rock that brings people together, and functions in a similar fashion. What I'm saying, is it's not God that's being rejected, it's the association between society and self that is being rejected.

Fixed that for you.

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it's not God that's being rejected, it's the association between society and self that is being rejected.

Well of course it isn't a god being rejected, it's the belief in a god that is being rejected. (you can't reject something that doesn't exist)

Now as for the second part, I have a loose association with certain societies, and a strong association with other societies. Motorcycling isn't a religion (there is no deity) yet there is a society surrounding the activity and it's various manifestations. Societies within societies based on what your desired terrain would be, the manufacturer of your machine, or the aesthetic/functional design.

Nobody honestly classifies it as a religion, regardless of it being a society or a group of societies.

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So, if secular ethics is based on science and logic, what do we have.

A hypothesis that God doesn't exist.

A hypothesis that God does exist.

Neither of which are acceptable as science or logic, being hypothesis.

Therefore, any statements regarding such are patently unacceptable, in science and logic.

However, completely acceptable in philosophical and theoretical discussions,

which is what we have here.

Therefore, to be scientific and logical, one can neither confirm, nor deny the existence of a God, gods, or deities. Simply not enough valid information to work with.

edit: And when we say cults, I have to think of Charlie Manson... who was a god, theoretically, according to himself...

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So, if secular ethics is based on science and logic, what do we have.

A hypothesis that God doesn't exist.

A hypothesis that God does exist.

Neither of which are acceptable as science or logic, being hypothesis.

Therefore, any statements regarding such are patently unacceptable, in science and logic.

However, completely acceptable in philosophical and theoretical discussions,

which is what we have here.

Therefore, to be scientific and logical, one can neither confirm, nor deny the existence of a God, gods, or deities. Simply not enough valid information to work with.


It's a true statement that science cannot prove that God does not exist. You can extend the logic of that arguement to say that science cannot prove that many things don't exist.

However, science can prove something unnecessary by proving an alternative.


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So, if secular ethics is based on science and logic, what do we have.

secular Ethics is actually based on a social contract. I leave you alone, in return for you leaving me alone, we don't steal from each other, so on and so forth.

A hypothesis that God doesn't exist.

A hypothesis that God does exist.

Neither of which are acceptable as science or logic, being hypothesis.

Therefore, any statements regarding such are patently unacceptable, in science and logic.

Actually there is only one hypothesis, there exists somewhere in the universe, an all knowing, all powerful, intelligent sentient being, you call a god...since you can never prove a negative, the other "hypothesis" you suggest is not actually a scientific hypothesis.

There is no physical evidence for this being, there is only the assertion of them by certain individuals throughout history.

Any question regarding anything that actually exists (made up of matter or energy) can absolutely be tackled by science...

However, completely acceptable in philosophical and theoretical discussions,

which is what we have here.

Therefore, to be scientific and logical, one can neither confirm, nor deny the existence of a God, gods, or deities. Simply not enough valid information to work with.

A common cop out, and failure of what is known as the burden of proof.

A failure demonstrated by the celestial tea pot.

As for the assertion that there is or is not a "god" in the universe as a philosophical question comes down to a number of arguments. Arguments from design, arguments from authority, so on and so forth.

edit: And when we say cults, I have to think of Charlie Manson... who was a god, theoretically, according to himself...

Cults are the birthplace of the 3 groups I've listed earlier.

They start out as cults, someone professes something that cannot be proven, and simply must be taken on "faith". If this idea takes root in the popular imagination, it typically remains a cult until the cult leader dies, or until enough people become adherents to make it a religion. As time passes, the religion gets watered down, and loses adherents until it is abandoned by enough of society to be called mythology. Some never make it out of the cult stage, some hit "religion" status while their leader is still alive, but by and large this is the life cycle of these types of thoughts.

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....They start out as cults, someone professes something that cannot be proven, and simply must be taken on "faith". If this idea takes root in the popular imagination, it typically remains a cult until the cult leader dies, or until enough people become adherents to make it a religion. As time passes, the religion gets watered down, and loses adherents until it is abandoned by enough of society to be called mythology. Some never make it out of the cult stage, some hit "religion" status while their leader is still alive, but by and large this is the life cycle of these types of thoughts.

And Mags gets a star! If you look at the definition of cult, you'll find things like: A particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies. A group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.

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Are cults all tax exempt too? This is the biggest BS of it all is churches not paying taxes on the FREE money they demand of their zombies. Then they throw it in our faces by building butterball jesus even after nature burned it down.

Touchdown Jesus has been replaced with Zombie Jesus.

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