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Trailer rebuild, Aluminum welding


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I have a Triton aluminum motorcycle trailer. I am looking for a shop or person who will completely go over the trailer and make it like new. It is approximately 12 years old and in great condition. I want to replace the main plywood deck with diamond plate aluminum to reduce weight even further and prevent future rotting. The left side is starting to rot, or feels like it is under foot. I'd like all new LED lighting and everything cleaned up ready for next spring. I'm not in any hurry. Tires are still in great shape. Not sure about the wheel bearings, want those greased/checked. I want to build in chocks for 3 bikes.

It is the older version of this http://www.tritontrailers.com/products/Model.aspx?CatID=28&SubCatID=40&ModelID=353&info=features

Anyone know of a place or person that does all of the above at a reasonable price?


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I say sell this one and buy the newer version with the extruded aluminum deck. Everything will be up to the standards you are looking for & close to the some money that you would spend adding materials and labor to this one except you know what you have is done right and you won't be disappointed in someone’s work that doesn't meet your expectations. Use pit bull trailer restraints.

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Unless he knows he'll be moving the same 3 bikes all the time, the TRS might be a bit of a gamble at $250 a pop.

but I'd definitely do 1 TRS in the center (for whatever bike you move the most) and then traditional chocks on either side for friends' bikes.

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I definitely can't go with a permanent mount that is for one size only. I haul around 2 little OMRL bikes often but also have full size bikes and a scooter. The new trailer is $4K and I don't expect that I'll have to spend more than $1000 plus chocks to get it rewired and the deck replaced. I could be off by a few hundred, but I only paid $1500 for the trailer and it is in great shape now.


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