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Well, at least he felt safe...


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can you give me any explanation as to why you're a tinfoil hat brigade member for all of the wings of government aside from the one with all the weapons?:confused:

I don't know what a "tinfoil hat brigade member" is, but most government officials are egotistical, looking to gain power, and money. And the so called weapons hoarders, do it to serve their country and to protect it's citizens.

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can you give me any explanation as to why you're a tinfoil hat brigade member for all of the wings of government aside from the one with all the weapons?:confused:

everyone observe the precise moment magley gives up and changes subject to draw fire away from his original flawed contention.

i'm going to get you back on point.

there is a simple answer to this: ask your cousin whether he would kill/shoot/bomb/"eliminate" you because you were armed and his superior ordered him to.

you're tight with your cuz, right? cause you're balls deep in his killer robot mind according to your posts.

don't worry, we'll wait.

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everyone observe the precise moment magley gives up and changes subject to draw fire away from his original flawed contention.

i'm going to get you back on point.

there is a simple answer to this: ask your cousin whether he would kill/shoot/bomb/"eliminate" you because you were armed and his superior ordered him to.

you're tight with your cuz, right? cause you're balls deep in his killer robot mind according to your posts.

don't worry, we'll wait.

jbot cutting though the bs like a hot knife through troll butter :bow:

he just got moved to hawaii... so I won't be seeing him for a while

Right, because Hawaii is a 3rd world country without mail, phones, email, internet, or text messages.

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oh? what a coinkidink, i'll be in hawaii in november for my honeymoon.

i hope he doesnt straight up eliminate me gangsta style cause his commanding officer told him to kill all dudes with fucked up hair who waves frantically at EVERYONE while riding his rented scooter around the islands.

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US military personnel have an obligation and a duty to only obey Lawful orders and indeed have an obligation to disobey Unlawful orders, including orders by the president that do not comply with the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The moral and legal obligation is to the U.S. Constitution and not to those who would issue unlawful orders, especially if those orders are in direct violation of the Constitution and the UCMJ.

Unlawful Order:

An unlawful order is one that is clearly outside the authority of the person giving it.

Ordering someone to commit a crime is clearly unlawful. Killing a civilian (meaning an unarmed non-combatant, not simply someone who doesn't wear a uniform) would be an example.


"I was only following orders," has been unsuccessfully used as a legal defense in hundreds of cases (probably most notably by Nazi leaders at the Nuremberg tribunals following World War II). The defense didn't work for them, nor has it worked in hundreds of cases since.
Edited by jdonn
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Killing a civilian (meaning an unarmed non-combatant, not simply someone who doesn't wear a uniform would be an example).


Even if you're right about how a soldier would react...

are you unarmed?

If the government came to move you from your home or relieve you of items deemed violent instruments of war, would you be non-combative?

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Even if you're right about how a soldier would react...

are you unarmed?

If the government came to move you from your home or relieve you of items deemed violent instruments of war, would you be non-combative?

Personally? yes, I would be... I just wanted to clear up the bullshit that was being rolled around about a soldier being a mindless fucktard unable to make ethical decisions. That is not the case...

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Even if you're right about how a soldier would react...

are you unarmed?

If the government came to move you from your home or relieve you of items deemed violent instruments of war, would you be non-combative?

Violent instruments of war.... you mean the things the second amendment enables us the right to keep? That's where the moral and legal obligation to the constitution come to play.

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oh? what a coinkidink, i'll be in hawaii in november for my honeymoon.

i hope he doesnt straight up eliminate me gangsta style cause his commanding officer told him to kill all dudes with fucked up hair who waves frantically at EVERYONE while riding his rented scooter around the islands.

Watch out for the women in clear shoes. :D

Now...Back to the BS

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He lures you into his twisted and sticky web of mental social retardation, you cant argue or reason with him, he is incapable of actual logical thinking. He thinks only outside of the box, because he doesn't like the box. Seems to live a relatively boring and blah life, possibly an idiot savant bordering more on idiot. If there is a majority, he will lean toward the minority. His favorite places to frequent are bridges, trolls love bridges. Not sure if he still lives at home with his parents, but seems to fit that profile. This site is one of his proving grounds, yet has problems proving anything.

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In the 1700s, magleys ancestor who was born with massive, deadly bear elbows proclaimed to all that would listen "hear ye hear ye... Why do you need guns? Why so afraid? If you need equal weaponry, why don't you carry a cannon around? My minuteman cousin said he'd put you down without blinking or shedding even a single manly tear if ordered to do so."

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Guns arent the problem. It's stupid people who own them that are. If your gonna pull a gun on someone, you need to make its something you absolutely need to do. When we lived in Florida, my Mom work at the ER in Miami. There was a cop who was walking around and all he saw was what he thought was a gun pointed at him. So he shot what would have been the shoulder of an adult, turns out it was the head of a 12 year old kid with a water gun. People just need to be more careful with them that all.

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I think the OP's point was the gun made the cop feel safe but ended up being a tragic mistake that cost his son's life and frankly he should be put in jail. Accidentally shooting someone on purpose isn't 'excusable'.

I agree with most everyone's rights to own guns or do drugs, or whatever.

But with guns, little things can turn into big things. I believe you are more likely to use that gun if you have it with you. It's too easy to turn to the gun 'solution'.

I own guns, but choose not to carry a gun.

Yes, I served 6 years in the world's finest Navy on the USS Pennsylvania SSBN-735 (B).

I can't imagine feeling like I need a gun everywhere I go. That sounds like torture. I see it and hear it all the time about how I need to protect myself. I don't want that burden. I'm comfortable using my wits and situational awareness to keep me and my family safe.

Plus, in today's crazy out of control penal system time we all live in, every crime you might be involved in will be compounded significantly if there is a gun on your person or near you when it happens.

And as already listed earlier in the discussion, military members are required to follow LAWFUL orders. For those that are in denial, the US Military has been eliminating US Citizens without trial (some argue without due process). Granted these are people who are not on US soil.

When I was at Kings Bay Naval Base, I volunteered for ASF (Aux. Security Force) and it was like the base police (Shore Patrol) when needed. There was a normal list of when to use deadly force, things like, protect yourself, to protect others. The funny thing, or what I found to be whimsical at the time, there was one extra line item for when Nuclear Weapons were present. I'll paraphrase as I don't have the wording exact, but it basically said, NO REGARD for bystanders in the protection of nuclear weapons. Meaning, if someone is trying to steal the nukes, get out of the line of fire, as they are authorized to shoot everyone.

Biggie #72 OMRL

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