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WTF is wrong with people?


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First I've heard of this actually. Wish I'd have known what was up and who he was before the cops nabbed him. If I hadnt straightened up years ago, I could've done "something" to get a free weekend in there with him to administer a bit of justice, but Miami County jail is a weak joke at best. There's no hazing or violence going on in there and sadly enough its easy to sleep peacefully. Small cell blocks of 8-10 inmates each and they're always being watched via cameras and random walkthroughs every hour. Cant get away with shit in that place.

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You guys are fucking twisted.. and incredibly inefficient. Just put a bullet between his eyes and leave him where he drops. No sense spending more time on him than absolutely necessary.

Ah yes, but liberals say we cant do that, we have to try to rehab these fucking shit stains.

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You guys are fucking twisted.. and incredibly inefficient. Just put a bullet between his eyes and leave him where he drops. No sense spending more time on him than absolutely necessary.

The fuck you say? Freaks like this kid need to be made examples of. Pussy ass country needs to take a look back at how shit went 300 years ago, then there would be a lot more 2nd thoughts coming from rapists/criminals. I say turn him loose in a cage and let people pay to take turns skinning the bastards and a whipping him to death with needle infested leather belts. Fuck the fast ending, I'm sure the little kid he fucked didnt get a fast ending

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