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Kid tried to spit on me!!


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So I finally got the bike out yesterday for a short ride. Was in Dublin travelling South on Riverside Drive. At the intersection of 161 the road veers off and goes under a bridge to bypass the intersection. While I was approaching the bridge I looked up and saw a couple of kids (13 yrs old ish) on bicycles going accross. One of the kids saw me coming and stopped. As a went under he SPIT off the bridge in an attempt to hit me :mad:!! That little fucker!

After I went under the bridge you can either go straight or make a left hand turn to go back to the intersection. So I turned left and caught up with the kids at the next intersection and really laid into them! I know they are just kids but it stupid shit like that that ends up escalating to something else. Next time it could be rocks thrown or something bigger. Kids dont think there are consequences for their actions I guess... but I know two kids that learned the lesson quite quickly.

And for the record I didnt touch either of them, just told them FIRMLY that they shouldnt do that kind of stuff.

Was I wrong for doing this?

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I know what you meant but had to point it out anyway. :)

I think you were in the right.

lol fixed it.

.. I bet they about shit when you caught up with them :eek:

They were definitely shitting themselves! Until yesterday I had ever seen a kid physically shake b/c they were scared. In their defense the one kid admitted he did it and apologized. But that didnt stop me from speaking my mind still.

good job. little fuckers need to learn at a young age not to do that shit. i would have followed them home though told the parents, let them take care of it.

I guess some people here, being parents, would not appreciate somebody else beside themselves trying to disciplin their kids. I was just so pissed off I couldnt resist.

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