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Going to the range this week... help me out...


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Why not print out your own targets online? I use the foam insert ones but I am partially hard of hearing already I also have muffs I wear sometimes also.


New Albany and Blackwing don't allow you to use printed targets. You have to use manufactured paper targets. They tell people is because normal paper clogs up the air handling system, I think its to help them sell more targets, but be forewarned. Don't know about Powder Room, although I'd say they probably allow it because I honestly don't know if the PR has any air handling at all, be prepared to see black in your snot after leaving PR.

For first time to the range I would recommend New Albany or Blackwing. Grab someone there and have them walk you through basic safety and handling. They will be glad to do it. New Albany will actually require you to watch a video on safety and procedures, which I think is actually really helpful to first time shooters. It always makes me feel good when I'm at New Albany knowing the guy in the lane next to me holding a .45 auto had to watch the same video I did.

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