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Is there more to the story? Was Libya an inside job?


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You can repeat what you just said, but that doesn't negate the fact that you are wrong.

if you want to come over to the house sometime I will happily fire up my grandfather's coal forge, stick a piece of steel in it, turn on the fan, and we can kick back and watch it melt... no pure oxygen sources, just open air...

What type of coal and what cfm fan and blade length?

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You can repeat what you just said, but that doesn't negate the fact that you are wrong.

if you want to come over to the house sometime I will happily fire up my grandfather's coal forge, stick a piece of steel in it, turn on the fan, and we can kick back and watch it melt... no pure oxygen sources, just open air...

a open air fire like in that office building isn't the same as a coal forge designed to heat up steel.

besides, the jet fuel was all burned up in a matter of minutes. the rest is just the office stuff burning.

and no one seems to be able to explain all the eyewitness statements from firefighters and cops about the loud explosions right before the towers started falling.


Edited by serpentracer
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then there's the fact that all of the buildings fell without any kind of resistance. physics can easily prove why this cant happen without help.

Are you familiar with Gravity, momentum?

if you remove the natural force (by weakening girders in a fire) the force of gravity will pull the building towards the ground. once the top of the building gets underway, it's mass carries with it a lot of momentum, the increased force which the subsequent floors were never designed to handle caused the remainder of the descent..

Are you a member of the flat earth society, too?

Edited by magley64
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I would like a young candidate that is active military with combat experience in all the recent Middle East conflicts. One that was on the ground on the front line. One that lost men in his unit because of political shot callers. One that was told to stand down when he could have made a difference. One with brass balls that firmly believes in an eye for an eye. One with a no bullshit zero tolerance approach to all things foreign and domestic

Yeah no shit!!!!!!

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a open air fire like in that office building isn't the same as a coal forge designed to heat up steel.

besides, the jet fuel was all burned up in a matter of minutes. the rest is just the office stuff burning.

actually it's EXACTLY the same concept...

As the fire was consuming oxygen, and the heat was driving air up and out the big holes the impact left, cooler denser air from lower floors were drawn upwards *gasp* in exactly the same fashion as a forge. as the fires got hotter, and consumed more oxygen, the effect was multiplied...

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Sooooooo. Lets totally overlook the amount of impact a 737 or what the planes were would make on a structure that tall and how it would weaken the structure. The ither things is unless your happy ass was in that building taking temp readings you can only guess how hot it was or any other specifics for that matter....... So the plane were remote controlled? The passengers are on a island some where........ All the towel heads claimed they did it cause they hatevus just for the hell of it......

explain building 7. no plane impacts but it also fell? that doesn't just happen from fires.

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and no one seems to be able to explain all the eyewitness statements from firefighters and cops about the loud explosions right before the towers started falling.

Wow, now that your pseudo-sciencey case about heat capacity and momentum fall apart you start grasping at straws regarding eyewitnesses?

I imagine when the girders started failing they made a hell of a racket... could those sounds have been mistaken for explosions? *facepalm*

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Are you familiar with Gravity, momentum?

if you remove the natural force (by weakening girders in a fire) the force of gravity will pull the building towards the ground. once the top of the building gets underway, it's mass carries with it a lot of momentum, the increased force which the subsequent floors were never designed to handle caused the remainder of the descent..

Are you a member of the flat earth society, too?

they fell too fast. 12 seconds? no. it's not physically possible

you clearly don't have a open mind about the whole thing. you're over looking significant scientific facts about the whole thing.

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Soooooo...... A buncha guys snuck in and placed high explosives allnthe way down that huge structure and nobody noticed...... Have you ever watched em demo a buiding and all the wires running from charge to charge to make sure it falls right. And nobody noticed this out of the thousands in and out of those buildings.........:wtf:

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Gotta admire those who have an answer for everything and seem to know it all. Perhaps they reside in or near a Holiday Inn Express? I agree with allot of what Serpentracer has said by the way, there are some things about 911 that just does not logically fit the answers given. Oh and the black boxes were found.....I guarantee it, experts say they are always found.


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they fell too fast. 12 seconds? no. it's not physically possible

towers top floors were 1300 ft..

gravity is 32 ft/second squared... it's not that hard to set up a table showing that the freefall descent would have been under 10 seconds, the couple second delay was mostly due to the valiant effort of the floors directly below the collapse absorbing a little of the initial collapse impact... once it got underway, it's just gravity... there was little the rest of the structure could do.

you clearly don't have a open mind about the whole thing. you're over looking significant scientific facts about the whole thing.

either that or I understand physics better than you do...

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don't mistake my posts as something "I" came up with. there has been thousands of experts around the world doing studies on this stuff.

there is also the odd fact they started getting rid of all the steel before anyone did any kind of tests. basically destroying evidence.

when a plane crashes there's always a reconstruction and investigations of the materials. yet nothing was done to any of the steel from the buildings.

there's a lot of damning evidence to the whole "conspiracy" that contradicts the NIST report. and the fact that NIST even put in it's report that back up some of the evidence that was never investigated.

basically it was the sloppiest crime scene investigation in world history.

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don't mistake my posts as something "I" came up with. there has been thousands of experts around the world doing studies on this stuff.

So why are all of these "experts" relegated to conspiracy theory websites?

Why don't you take a physics class, and stop being a lemming.

there is also the odd fact they started getting rid of all the steel before anyone did any kind of tests. basically destroying evidence.

when a plane crashes there's always a reconstruction and investigations of the materials. yet nothing was done to any of the steel from the buildings.

Okay, so instead of digging through the rubble, searching for survivors and cleaning poisonous chemicals from city streets, you wanted them to "rebuild" the building and recreate how it fell?

there's a lot of damning evidence to the whole "conspiracy" that contradicts the NIST report. and the fact that NIST even put in it's report that back up some of the evidence that was never investigated.

basically it was the sloppiest crime scene investigation in world history.

So you have evidence? The open air burning was your trump card, when i showed you the flaw in that you switched to speed of descent, or why momentum took a holiday, and when that got burned you switched to eyewitnesses heard something that sounded like explosions. (which by that logic: tornadoes are also a myth because everyone says it sounds like their trailer park was hit by a train)

Now somehow a lack of evidence is evidence? seriously?

I mean, I'm no fan of george bush's presidency, I liked his campaign promises though (balance the budget, no more foreign wars, education reform) and I liked his "bushisms". But to claim he somehow masterminded a plot to blow up the largest buildings in his own country... seriously?

COME ON MAN...:nono:

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towers top floors were 1300 ft..

gravity is 32 ft/second squared... it's not that hard to set up a table showing that the freefall descent would have been under 10 seconds, the couple second delay was mostly due to the valiant effort of the floors directly below the collapse absorbing a little of the initial collapse impact... once it got underway, it's just gravity... there was little the rest of the structure could do.

either that or I understand physics better than you do...

I don't think you understand physics at all to be honest.

saying the top levels made the lower levels fall by falling straight down on them breaks the 2nd law of physics.

the materials above would only accelerate at the rates they did if they didn't meet any resistance on the way down.

the buildings were designed to carry 5 times the weight they had to. yet they fell at almost 0 resistance and actually accelerated on the way down through undamaged structural steel columns. it can't happen.

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I don't think you understand physics at all to be honest.

saying the top levels made the lower levels fall by falling straight down on them breaks the 2nd law of physics.

the materials above would only accelerate at the rates they did if they didn't meet any resistance on the way down.

the buildings were designed to carry 5 times the weight they had to. yet they fell at almost 0 resistance and actually accelerated on the way down through undamaged structural steel columns. it can't happen.

then I don't think you understand "the second law of physics" (I believe you meant newton's second law of motion)...

Those floors were designed to support the "normal" force of gravity for the floors above them, and the load on the floor itself... once the floors above started carrying momentum, due to their acceleration, the force that they applied to the floors below them were exponentially multiplied.

I tutored physics (and philosophy) in college...

basically the issue you have is that you think of it as a statics and strengths problem, when as soon as the top floors started moving, it became a kinematics problem.

Edited by magley64
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I do pray that it wasn't an inside job because that would suck big time, and would be so confusing on so many levels.

We are told that we are not at war with Islam. Well, they all know they are at war with us, and history has proved that they are.

It has been said that Islam will attack us financially. The attack on the World Trade towers was a financial attack as much as anything else you want to call it.

So as an American Muslim, should I be in war with my own country ?

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Fucking Bullshit!

you can get pissed all you want... make the letters BIGGER!! (underline and bold them, too... that helps)

Fact is, your religion is no better than theirs.

There are plenty of people who do/have done terrible things in the name of Christianity...

The distinction you make is clearly different than the distinction I make.

Are there people who care nothing for others, and do terrible things? Sure are, and they use all kinds of justification as an excuse. Just so happens these particular people use Islam as their justification (being the mainstream religion in their geographic area).

There are, and have been people just as violent and selfish who claim Christianity as their excuse...You can't reflect it back on the specific religion because they are all the same god, yaweh, allah different language for the same deity.

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get pissed all you want...

Fact is, your religion is no better than theirs.

There are plenty of people who do/have done terrible things in the name of Christianity...

There are millions of people in this country alone that would disagree with you on that. People kill people plain and simple, but to think for 1 second that the nation of Islam doesnt have it out for the rest of the infidel non believers "in one way or another" is fooling yourself.

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Don't feed the trolls.

Having said that...I'd advise everyone to go research world history and humanities, before you start ranting on how 'bad' one particular religion is. Pot...meet kettle.

We are all trolls......you included.

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but to think for 1 second that the nation of Islam doesnt have it out for the rest of the infidel non believers "in one way or another" is fooling yourself.

They don't

You can believe anything you want , listen to all what fox news has to say .

read all the books that someone had "quoted" according to them a verse or half a verse from a holy book or another .

as a Muslim i know, understand and believe in what my religion taught me , to respect all heavens religions, and i do hope and try to be respectful to all religions .

I am on a drop in a sea of people who are even better than I am , but fox news would never show them ;).

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