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Is there more to the story? Was Libya an inside job?


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They don't

You can believe anything you want , listen to all what fox news has to say .

read all the books that someone had "quoted" according to them a verse or half a verse from a holy book or another .

as a Muslim i know, understand and believe in what my religion taught me , to respect all heavens religions, and i do hope and try to be respectful to all religions .

I am on a drop in a sea of people who are even better than I am , but fox news would never show them ;).

Fox news is the most egregious offender, but all of the media are guilty of it, at least subconsciously...

it's like their favorite adjective for anyone in the middle east who has done something terrible. "2 muslims today.... yadda yadda yadda"

I get it, it makes for captivating news, and everyone loves a good broad label, but it's absurd.

Why don't they do that with all the news stories? "Today, a Catholic man shot and killed his wife"

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Gotta admire those who have an answer for everything and seem to know it all. Perhaps they reside in or near a Holiday Inn Express? I agree with allot of what Serpentracer has said by the way, there are some things about 911 that just does not logically fit the answers given. Oh and the black boxes were found.....I guarantee it, experts say they are always found.


Ah yes, the bastion of truth and objective journalism: Infowars. What book is good ol' Alex peddling these days?

So let me get this straight: Irrespective of how the buildings fell (here's a hint though, it wasn't thermite/semtex/whatever nefarious deus ex machina you cook up as a alternative to the fact that you have a ~400,000 pound plane that's spontaneously added to the building weight while setting everything around it on fire, deforming the girders) you mean to tell me that you "guarantee" that both the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder were located after being on or near fire hot enough to melt steel, THEN taking a ride down 100 some-odd floors to ground level where it got smooshed with all the other debris? Dude, these things are resilient, but they're not built out of diamond.

As for the Benghazi stuff, there was shitloads of unrest in a country with a government that is literally months old. I would have expected State to supply extra resources, especially to a sitting Ambassador in a consulate that doesn't have the protections of a full-scale embassy (most consulates don't), and a group of people took advantage of it. I'm sure that someone, somewhere is hunting them down right now, and I'm OK with that. What I'm not OK with is getting into yet another intractable campaign over this. Yes, it happened. Yes, it sucks. Yes, it probably could have been mitigated, but all that's over now. I get that most of you aren't the biggest Fartbongo fans, but with all the talk about ZOMGWTFBBQ TWEASON! do you really think that what this country needs right now is to stop focusing on our economic problems for 6 months, spend shitloads upon fuckloads of money, and have a wonderful witch-hunt trial to possibly maybe non-bindingly impeach or maybe censure Obama?

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Focused on the troll statement...disregards a chance to learn history.

Got it.

Yeah, he doesn't do history or really learnin' of any stripe that's not coming from Alex Jones or Liddy very well. Better to let him just sit there and stew in his own impotent rage.

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There are millions of people in this country alone that would disagree with you on that. People kill people plain and simple, but to think for 1 second that the nation of Islam doesnt have it out for the rest of the infidel non believers "in one way or another" is fooling yourself.

Yes, millions of prejuduced bigots... What is your argument?

Lots of people think that muslims are violent, unstable, america-hating criminals, so therefore they must be?

Sorry, one group's perception of another group doesn't dictate reality.

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I'm glad the people on ORDN don't let threads be dictated by the "fact-checkers". Facts shouldn't stop an honest debate.
Take your facts somewhere else, they ruin a perfectly good debate

God forbid someone actually study physics before parroting what some conspiracy theorist posts on the interwebz as physically impossible.

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