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U.S. gas can maker goes out of business...


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I agree, the litigation is a little absurd, perhaps, then they should stop making "gas cans" out of plastic...

Change the name of their plastic products to "chemical resistant water containers"

You put gasoline in it, and it's your own problem.

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I understand your rebuttal, but at what point is a person going to be held liable for their own dumb decisions? As I said before; it's a gas can. Not a fire containment or suppression device.

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Huh... Interesting. I take it thats why they put those annoying as hell spouts on the cans, but still doesnt stop morons from taking em off and pouring gas on a fire. Seen a guy damn near get it doin that. Drove by a dude burning leaves and seen him dump the gas..... It chased rigth to the can which he had launched just before it got there...... Lucky moron. I dont get the safer part..... You could make it outta titanium and it would just be a bigger explosion with the idiot did something retarded around fire.:dunno:

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You could make it outta titanium and it would just be a bigger explosion with the idiot did something retarded around fire.:dunno:

Actually, good steel fuel containers will contain gasoline explosions... Where as the plastic ones melt almost instantaneously from the heat, and spray gasoline and burning plastic all over everyone in the vicinity.

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So, it's just bad parenting then when a 7yr old knocks over a gas can and the vapors reach an ignition source, and explodes?

I'm just trying to get a grasp on where some ORDN people stand on the balance between personal responsibility vs. corporate greed/negligence vs. gov't regulation.

Because there's 300M+ people in this country, so there's about 300M different scenarios on how stuff could happen -- so I just want to make sure that I'm not going to see any posts in the past or future from these folks on blaming someone or something else for their own accidents.

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No.... Thats an accident. But like i said it explains those annoying as hell spouts. Ive dropped mine with no spillage...... Bbbuuuttttttt, the thin crap that they make metal gas cans out of i cant see taking a explosion without turning into shrapnel... And for gods sake lets not go back to the metal/fire discussion like there was on the towers! :D

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So, it's just bad parenting then when a 7yr old knocks over a gas can and the vapors reach an ignition source, and explodes?

I'm just trying to get a grasp on where some ORDN people stand on the balance between personal responsibility vs. corporate greed/negligence vs. gov't regulation.

Because there's 300M+ people in this country, so there's about 300M different scenarios on how stuff could happen -- so I just want to make sure that I'm not going to see any posts in the past or future from these folks on blaming someone or something else for their own accidents.

I don't know of any gas cans sold today that don't have lids. If the parent didn't properly put it on the can we're back to a negligent parent. If the can doesn't have a lid then it's unserviceable. Will you use an unserviceable/unsafe gas can in your house?

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Well, it's still the parents' fault for not buying the safest can on the market right?

The Blitz cans don't have those spouts, which are designed that way because they're 'flame arresting' spouts that prevent those can explosions. So, it's still the parents' fault for buying a can without a flame arresting spout right?

Everyone here knows you can buy a gas can with a flame arresting spout, right? Everyone knows all the other products you buy and all their safety features that are available and spend hours pouring over mounds of research on whether to buy the $20 item, or the $26 item because its safer and will prevent you from becoming a story on the internet where everyone says -- "Ha. Darwinism."

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Well, it's still the parents' fault for not buying the safest can on the market right?

The Blitz cans don't have those spouts, which are designed that way because they're 'flame arresting' spouts that prevent those can explosions. So, it's still the parents' fault for buying a can without a flame arresting spout right?

Everyone here knows you can buy a gas can with a flame arresting spout, right? Everyone knows all the other products you buy and all their safety features that are available and spend hours pouring over mounds of research on whether to buy the $20 item, or the $26 item because its safer and will prevent you from becoming a story on the internet where everyone says -- "Ha. Darwinism."

The original intent of this thread was to point out the idiocy of the lawsuits that were brought against this company by people who did stupid things that caused injuries to themselves. You've subverted it to a discussion of 7 year olds running around a garage unsupervised causing accidents. Now you're making it a commercial for a subscription to consumer reports. All the while you're still supporting my original suggestion that Darwinism works. Why would you let a 7 year old in a garage unsupervised? That makes no sense to me.Now you're arguing over flame arresting spouts? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a cap (when properly installed) a flame arresting device? If you don't know this, why are you playing with gas cans? If you want to argue,please start your own thread. You're boring me.

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Nobody is a "victim" of a fucking gas can.

I agree, the litigation is a little absurd, perhaps, then they should stop making "gas cans" out of plastic...

Change the name of their plastic products to "chemical resistant water containers"

You put gasoline in it, and it's your own problem.

Problem with that is "It is unlawful to dispense gasoline into unapproved containers."

Huh... Interesting. I take it thats why they put those annoying as hell spouts on the cans,

What you're thinking of is a evaporative emissions thing.

Actually, good steel fuel containers will contain gasoline explosions... Where as the plastic ones melt almost instantaneously from the heat, and spray gasoline and burning plastic all over everyone in the vicinity.


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Looked at this to be fare, and came away laughing.

The list of bed wetting buzzwords was too much...had to stop at the Walmart comment.

Again, you bring politics and liberal ideology into a non political post.

I assume its because you see the words "PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY" and become defensive. "Personal Responsibility" deconstructs your belief that everyone owes you something or is the reason for your problems.

Never have I seen a person; attack, over react, or otherwise become defensive over simple discussions. Anything that is counter to your politics, even if not political at all, you will be there pissing your self all over the place.

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The "rebuttal" had a couple of good points about poor practices of not meeting regulations and ignoring it.

However the arguments over the "safety" devices totally neglects personal responsibility. I'm guessing those devices are the ones that annoy 95% of the users. Why cant we have a gas can with a good cap and a spout that actually allows the gas to flow :mad:

Because of stupid limitations and laws.

The rebuttal also fails to mention the fact the jobs that will go to competitors will often go to overseas factories. So from a domestic prospective it is jobs lost.


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The rebuttal also fails to mention the fact the jobs that will go to competitors will often go to overseas factories. So from a domestic prospective it is jobs lost.


If they are low enough volume that they are rotomolding, it might make it's way to mexico... if they are high enough volume that they are blow molding, it's unlikely that the business will go anywhere outside of the country based on logistics.

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If you want to argue,please start your own thread. You're boring me.

If you're just looking for like-minded people to pat you on the back, smile and to nod in agreement with you, go to church.

Don't post things on a public discussion forum on the internet - you're liable to find someone that isn't so agreeable.

Again, you bring politics and liberal ideology into a non political post.

:confused: I think you're confused about politics. I only posted that link to show that not ALL consumer lawsuits are frivolous since it's so easy to be dismissive because one idiot DOES decide to sue frivolously. Not only that, but because the company filed for bankruptcy, all those lawsuits magically disappear.

I assume its because you see the words "PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY" and become defensive. "Personal Responsibility" deconstructs your belief that everyone owes you something or is the reason for your problems.

Yes, "Personal Responsibility" is sooo scary for me. Please tell me all about how you're personally responsible for your life in areas that I'm deficient in.

Never have I seen a person; attack, over react, or otherwise become defensive over simple discussions. Anything that is counter to your politics, even if not political at all, you will be there pissing your self all over the place.

Shows you don't get out much - I'm not being defensive about anything, just pointing out how hypocritically humorous it is that - God forbid someone has a contrary opinion to yours, since I'm sure all you do and say is the only perfect and right solution to all the worlds' problems.

I just hope you're getting enough oxygen to your brain since the air is so thin up there on your high horses.

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Why cant we have a gas can with a good cap and a spout that actually allows the gas to flow :mad:

Because of stupid limitations and laws.


Its because everyone knows someone that has poured gas on a fire and shit almost got out of hand in the process. Surley more of them wouldnt just be a funny story to tell afterwards with out the safety nozzles or what have you. I've seen a guy catch his hand and face on fire doing it (funny story). Its the accidents that happen and morons playing with gas. Im going to lean towards morons being more of the reason for more limitations and laws. <---You could probaly use that sentence to explain alot of things really.

Edited by 20thGix
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Problem with that is "It is unlawful to dispense gasoline into unapproved containers."

that's my point.. now people can no longer sue that company for injuries sustained as a result of gasoline use in their container. Any gasoline dispensed into such a container would have been done so unlawfully...

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that's my point.. now people can no longer sue that company for injuries sustained as a result of gasoline use in their container. Any gasoline dispensed into such a container would have been done so unlawfully...

Actually after I typed that I realized that no race fuel jug I have ever bought says "gasoline" or has any other warning on it. Hmmm....

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