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Health costs?


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just posting to say that i get 100% coverage, on everything (including post surgery office visits and PT).....i pay $10 deductible for office visits, $25 for ER visit, and $0 prescription.....oh, and my benefits are free......carry on :)

Been there, done that.

Next question. What effect will national health care have on Veteran's Administration benefits?

As far as I can tell the current write-ups for the bill exempt veterans who are enrolled in VA benefits from having to participate. They will have to comply if they want to use care facilities outside of the VA. (There are plenty of exceptions to non-VA services which the VA will cover.) The decision will be through the IRS, who will control the penalty for not having bought health insurance per the national plan.

The penalty is through the IRS and so is the collection of the penalty. Which will be deducted from the refund. If there is no refund, nothing can be collected. There might be a way around that. Once a certain limit is reached, assets could be confiscated.

Currently VA does not cover dependents, and currently most insurers do not cover dependents without the principle policy holder being included.

"The provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court will not affect the current role the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has in the lives of America’s Veterans. We will continue to provide Veterans with high quality, comprehensive health care and benefits they have earned through their service. VA health care does not change as a result of the ACA."


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My health insurance went up/benefits went down last year in anticipation of full implementation of Obamacare. Same with the wife. We both work in healthcare as well so we may be getting double screwed, lots of hospital policy changes coming down the pike and upper management is freaking out. It seems as if the federal government is saying "Here is a large group of hard working and well paid professionals...how can we get in there and screw this up for them like the rest of the American workforce??" Nothing sacred anymore I guess. I feel bad for those living closer to the edge than my family does (and we are by no means wealthy), because I feel these changes are going to benefit mostly the lowest income levels while having the most negative impact on the lower middle and middle class. We will see, I could be wrong...I hope I am wrong actually.

You are correct...................

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Yeah, I don't get it butters. My coverage is great! I think most of the people here are getting screwed because their employer CHOOSES to screw them.

My coverage is great now as well, but I am fooling myself if I think it will remain the same for much longer.

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You guys can blame obamacare all you want but this phenomena of escalating healthcare costs has been going on for quite some time. When I first entered the workforce I had my premiums paid 100% by my employer. Fast forward a decade and a couple job changes and I'm suddenly paying 50% of my healthcare premiums to the tune of 384 bucks a month! That was 2001...who was in office then hmmmmmm? Can I blame him? It's this thing called capitalism you guys keep pushing causing the problem, not anything else. Big companies trying to make more money is all it is. They saddle us with more and more of THEIR costs and then have us blame "X" leader in power. It's ridiculous that we accept this as "normal commerce". The house of cards will fall the day we can no longer afford to pay for the things they are fleecing us for.

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Obamacare hasn't had any affect yet, because it isnt fully in effect yet..............but it will be. Yes healthcare has been rising for a bit now, but this country has never seen anything like we will be seeing with Obamacare.

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Obamacare hasn't had any affect yet, because it isnt fully in effect yet..............but it will be. Yes healthcare has been rising for a bit now, but this country has never seen anything like we will be seeing with Obamacare.

True. However don't villainize it before it is. I'm finding that most of the negative press against it is funded press. Meaning big companies that will lose profits are fighting hard core against it. I believe that if someone spends big money to make you believe something is bad then it is most likely the opposite.

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True. However don't villainize it before it is. I'm finding that most of the negative press against it is funded press. Meaning big companies that will lose profits are fighting hard core against it. I believe that if someone spends big money to make you believe something is bad then it is most likely the opposite.

Go talk to family practices, many specialists, hospital admin, after hours clinics...etc. These folks will tell ya what is coming. There are allot of healthcare options out there at the moment, they will be going the way of the dinosaurs soon. Still don't believe me, just wait and see. You must go here, you must go there....it is coming. This is going to be one hell of a deal for some, the rest of us will not be so lucky. I hope I am wrong, I truly am.

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My coverages/deductibles have always been a function of the employer I worked for.

Worst I ever had was at a small shop when I first started working. Dental only covered cleanings/fillings and had a max benefit for $500 per year. 70% in-network coverage on health with co-pays in the $40 range for doctor visits. No prescription coverage. This was mid-90s.

Every time I went to work for a better employer I'd get better health insurance, but every year the costs would go up a bit and/or the coverage would go down a bit. Over the last 15 years my insurance has become better overall. But "better" in terms American healthcare funding, versus how it used to be - I always have to deal with deductibles, copays, max out of pockets/max benefits, reasonable-and-customary limits and all the other bullshit that means you have to be a CPA to be sure you're not getting screwed over. And I've caught my insurance making mistakes a few times resulting in my losing half of the coverage I should have received , and I have fought with my insurance company for 18 months on one case where they kept making mistake after mistake and I proven them wrong every single time.

Currently I work for a non-profit and my insurance is on the higher end of so-so.

Here is where I fan the flames... The best insurance I every had was working for the Ohio office of a UK company. Everything was covered 100% with no copays after a $4k deductible - and the company gave you an extra $3k in a an FSA linked to your insurance so any health claims automatically went against the FSA first. If you paid an extra $1k pre-tax into the FSA yourself then (for $650/year) you paid nothing more for healthcare.

In the UK if you are sick you got to the doctor or hospital and you get fixed up and pay nothing out of pocket.

The UK does not have the problem of uninsured/medicare/medicaid people using the emergency room for a Cold so that they get colds meds for free. They burn up a $2500 ER visit for a $6 bottle of cough syrup. Why do you think the rest of us even pay $2500 a visit? If everyone is covered then they will go to the doctor instead.

I'd support dropping the non-insured penalty in exchange for a notarized declaration that you accept that you will never be able to discharge medical expenses via bankruptcy if you were uninsured when the charges were incurred.

Edited by Scruit
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My health insurance just went up. I thought Obamacare was supposed to lower costs??? :D

forbes.com says to expect:

Health care premiums will go up.

Some provisions will be repealed.

Government spending will increase.

State Medicaid costs will soar.

State and Federal taxes will go up.

Employer sponsored plans will shrink.

Pay will go up, due to employer shifting payment from provider to employee.

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forbes.com says to expect:

Health care premiums will go up.

Some provisions will be repealed.

Government spending will increase.

State Medicaid costs will soar.

State and Federal taxes will go up.

Employer sponsored plans will shrink.

Pay will go up, due to employer shifting payment from provider to employee.


Anti-Obama scaremongering from a conservative periodical? Really? :rolleyes:

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Anti-Obama scaremongering from a conservative periodical? Really? :rolleyes:

lol, most of those items have already happened.

edit: and it didn't matter who was elected.

This relates to implementing health care.

And is Forbes really considered conservative?

Not from some of the articles I've read there.

Edited by ReconRat
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Here's a chart for all those that think rising health care costs is an Obama phenomenon...


Source ; http://www.annfammed.org/content/10/2/156.full.pdf+html

This is all through the prior administration... Look carefully at the Y axis and notice that the line going downards does NOT mean the cost is going down, it means it's not rising as fast.

During the Bush era healthcare costs were rising 8%-12% per year for most of his presidency. Yet you act like your health care costs never went up before Obama came along...

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I did not start this thread to have anything to do with Obama and Romney.

Health care is coming regardless of who was elected.

Drop the politics and grow the fuck up.

Kiss my ass. This thread devolved into anti-Obama and I was responding to that. You yourself quoted a Forbes article about the Supreme Court & Obamacare showing that prices are going to rise - so don't act all high and might like you didn't invoke politics yourself.

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Instead of arguing about something you cant directly control, maybe you should look at how to lower your heathcare costs that you can control. Look at what your healthcare needs are. An employer provided health coverage has to cover all age groups and heathcare needs. For example older people that have on going heath problems that require ongoing persciptions. Younger workers that need maturnity coverage and everthing inbetween.

So lets say your 30-35years old, done having kids and in realitivly good health. Why would you want to pay for all this extra coverage that you dont need? Your premiums are paying for the younger people starting family's, the older coworkers healthcare issues and everything inbetween. Also that i just think is dumb is that most employers still want a doctors excuse if you miss work if your sick. Which inturn drives up the costs because now your just going to the doctor's for the excuse slip so you dont get a unexused missed day of work.

This is basically how i felt when i dropped my employers health plan. At that time the premiums were and average of $550 a month with a (i think) $5K-$6 deductable. I switch to a private HSA that has a vanishing deductable. It drops 20% every year that i dont meet the deductable. Since i never hit my deductable its at $2500ish now. No co-pay check ups, wifie gets all her yearly womaly stuff and wellness check-ups for the kid. My premium is less than half of what it was from my employer.

Before my wife finally got a job at the hospital we did not carry matunity coverage. We had already looked into the costs of child birth paying out of pocket and its cheaper than paying premiums and meeting the deductable. Now she alone takes the hospital coverage while our kid and i are on the HSA.

The point is you need to fine tune your health coverage to what you need. Dont just blindly take whats offered. The goverment isnt going to look at your personal healthcare needs and budget for you. Thats your job.

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Here's a chart for all those that think rising health care costs is an Obama phenomenon...


Source ; http://www.annfammed.org/content/10/2/156.full.pdf+html

This is all through the prior administration... Look carefully at the Y axis and notice that the line going downards does NOT mean the cost is going down, it means it's not rising as fast.

During the Bush era healthcare costs were rising 8%-12% per year for most of his presidency. Yet you act like your health care costs never went up before Obama came along...

You need to put the rising and falling of healthcare costs over the years and different presidents completely out of the equation. Obamacare raising prices is the very least of our concerns, healthcare facilities and medical practices shutting down due to this "is" the main concern. This country has never seen anything like what is about to happen and go into effect, there is allot of smoke and mirrors at play. Go ahead and say that the bad won't happen and that I am being paranoid, but I am betting that you will be wrong. This will not happen immediately, best rest assured that some things that I have mentioned will happen.

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You need to put the rising and falling of healthcare costs over the years and different presidents completely out of the equation.

If we all agree that the problem is the continuing rise in healthcare costs that predates obamacare then sure. If people get it in their heads that Obamacare is the one and only reason for the rise in healthcare costs then they will mistakenly believe that repealing obamacare is the answer. The problem existed waaaay before Obama and needs a solution appropriate to that better understanding of the issue.

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The thought that any government implementation is having a positive/negative effect on the economy is enough to make me hate all of you.

I hate all of you.

Step 1 to fix healthcare costs - make it non-profit. How much of your healthcare dollar goes to shareholders?

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Is Meijer still giving some scripts for free? Anyone?

This year my wife may have to take a different job so I'm not looking forward to the insurance payment and craptacular health insurance.

They don't do what I'm on. The one is $140 without ins but cost us 1.30 and haven't filled other one but got a $30 off coupon ;)

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