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Does this make me an asshole?


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Headed north on sawmill in the middle lane, passed 161. As we approach the next intersection the right lane becomes right-turn-only. As I crossed the intersection I realized the car to my right is still headed north, didn't turn right as required. I look over like WTF just as he drives into the sidewalk. A few moments later he passed me on the left like nothing happened and went on his way.

I played the video back and realized he flipped his left signal on as the right-turn-lane markings started. I didn't see this. Apparently he was expecting me to yield to him? Either way he kept going straight and finally hit the kerb.

Weird and random.


Edited by Scruit
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Well, you can't see everything. But the oddness should have been a warning.

And he apparently couldn't judge and handle the variables of some one missing his turn signal.

Seriously, throw in a third variable and all hell could easily result.

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The car to your right, failed to turn right, from a right-turn-only lane.

The car to your right chose to continue forward knowing that his lane had expired.

The car to your right chose to drive onto the sidewalk.

He flipped on his left signal but failed to slow his vehicle to allow traffic to clear to his left in order to safely enter your lane.

I don't see anything here that involves you at all and if I was behind you and you suddenly braked to allow him in, I would be irritated because he should have made the turn or sat waiting for an opening without interrupting the flow of traffic in our lane. We didn't owe him an entry. He f'd up when he didn't prepare for lane change back there like we did.


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His fault, he should of slowed down and got behind you. Even if you saw the turn signal and there was no one behind you why should you slow down? Now if there was a line of cars behind you and you saw this it would be polite to slow down, but not necessary. I'll usually just slow/stop if I make a mistake like that and either get behind someome or wait for someone to let me in. it's easy to do on unfamiliar roads.

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If I was the driver on the right and realized I was in a right turn only lane, I would have turned right and just turned around on the sidestreet or the parking lot. Not your responsiblity to try to guess the driver on the right's intentions.

Good choice. Since accidents are common in intersections when people do things out of the ordinary. Turning would be good (and normal).

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Ok, read it. I don't think so. It's not your obligation to yield being in a moving lane. If you'd have let him in, you'd have been nice, but just because you didn't doesn't make you an ass.

Now if I had done this, you guys would be all over my shit calling me an asshole lol. I see how ya all are :rolleyes:;)

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I drive too much for work and don't need to be "that guy" just to prove a point. Especially when you are driving a work vehicle with the company name plastered all over it, kinda makes you a target anyways.

A little mud on the "Hows my driving?" sticker on the back of the vehicle goes a long way ;)

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It makes you a little clueless, and lucky that they payed enough attention not to knock your ass out of his way in the lane he wanted to be in. There are a lot of drivers that would have swerved to miss the curb and never looked into the left lane first.

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