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Here We Go Again, Florida Man Shoots and Kills Young Man Over Loud Music


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As expected, I disagree...

Knife is an escalation from a fist fight. gun is an escalation further.

You aren't prohibited from owning knives if you are a felon.

Just because something CAN cause death does not mean it should be classified as a deadly weapon...

I could kill someone with a pillow, but that doesn't mean that it is a reasonable response to shoot someone for bopping you with a pillow.

I love it. Every thread that magley starts on topics like this you never have to wait long for him to show his ass and his lack of knowledge on the subject. Bravo!

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I just want clarification as to why a knife and a gun are on the same level of force, but a pillow and a squirt gun and a fist are not, when any one of them can be deadly given the right situation, application, and intent.

Clearly Skittles and Snapple are deadly weapons.

oh boy, here comes the famous hurr durr logic


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just in case pic doesnt show up
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I love it. Every thread that magley starts on topics like this you never have to wait long for him to show his ass and his lack of knowledge on the subject. Bravo!

Correct me where I'm wrong my good chum...

do felons have to forever eat steak with a fork and spoon?

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we all know the law doesn't work on a level of "common sense". Things need to be expressly written, understood and conveyed by law.

Ssshhhh, shhhhh... Relax. The haldol will kick in in a moment. Yes, the arms are supposed to be tight.


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Why waste your time in pointing him in directions of trying to become educated on the subject? He will look at the Tueller drill and throw in his own parameters to try to make it fit his fixation that nobody is granted the right of self defense. I'm waiting for the "What if Tueller had a pillow?"

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Bear in mind a kick to the head can be considered deadly force. Especially if there is a disparity in the fight, such as an incapacitated victim, or a trained fighter against someone clearly not capable of putting up an effective fight.

So yeah, fighting arts are great, but if you were to ever actually kick someone in the head then I would expect you to have to justify that much more than a punch.

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Just because something CAN cause death does not mean it should be classified as a deadly weapon...

yes it does. lol

2923.11 Weapons control definitions.

As used in sections 2923.11 to 2923.24 of the Revised Code:

(A) “Deadly weapon” means any instrument, device, or thing capable of inflicting death, and designed or specially adapted for use as a weapon, or possessed, carried, or used as a weapon.

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I could kill someone with a pillow, but that doesn't mean that it is a reasonable response to shoot someone for bopping you with a pillow.

This is idiotic logic and a slanted comparison. If you were smothering someone with a pillow and they couldn't get out, it would probably be deemed justifiable for them to shoot you. They were in fear for their life, you had control of the situation, their only way to survive was to shoot you.

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Blows to your opponents head, that cause physical damage, are always considered serious. It is the quickest way to produce fatal results. And jail time.

Baseball bats are in that category of a dangerous weapon, when used on the opponent's head. Pretty much anything that you can swing that is harder than a skull/bone. So is any training that will enhance the strike to the head.

Any modification to an ordinary object, can be "a weapon of design". Intent can be construed as built in by the owner/operator. A somewhat famous example is to drive a spike or big nail through a board or baseball bat and swing that. You can include duct taping a make shift grip on a piece of steel. Even being found in possession of a modified device can result in charges.

I do know some one that was hit in the head with a baseball bat. Serious damage was done. The attacker was given a long prison sentence. I know some one that was hit over the head with a pitcher of beer. If the attacker had been found, he also would have had a prison sentence.

Yes, just because something can cause physical damage does mean it can be considered a deadly weapon if the circumstances warrant that conclusion.

Yes, it's a grey area. The thoughts, decisions and actions of the operator have to be considered. In criminal prosecution, certain elements need be present for conviction:

Mental State

The criminal act must be voluntary or purposeful.


A criminal act or an unlawful omission of an act, must have occurred.


Either overt and voluntary action or a failure to act when physically able as required by statute or law.


In some offenses, the crime actually has to be completed for prosecution.

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