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Does this scare anybody?


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Might consider watching the vids, this is not some conspiracy bullshit.......this is happening now, and if this comes full circle the damage could be irreversible. 911 was nothing compared to what the scope of this would entail, the USA is under attack right before our eyes.

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Might consider watching the vids, this is not some conspiracy bullshit.......this is happening now, and if this comes full circle the damage could be irreversible. 911 was nothing compared to what the scope of this would entail, the USA is under attack right before our eyes.

Ok, but you do know our government is already bought and paid for right?

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The videos were not from Fox news, and the Huffingtonpost is not a good periodical for the truth. Give this a try instead. And CNN.......are you joking?


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The videos were not from Fox news, and the Huffingtonpost is not a good periodical for the truth. Give this a try instead. And CNN.......are you joking?


And you toss back a right wing site? Really? Come on man, this is just more crap to keep you distracted from the real issues with our country. Wake up! Obama is not the boogie man and you won't be tried by a Muslim judge on your traffic tickets. Just right wingers spreading more fear, uncertainty and doubt so we stop paying attention to REAL inequalities in our country. Mainly dealing with money and who pays for what and how much of it. I call bullshit on this. Especially considering our court system recently tried and convicted Amish people even though the were operating with "their law". And I know what you posted wasn't from fox directly but by god they're sure as hell pumping the bullshit out about it.

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:lol: Where's the 'Tin Foil Hat Club' smiley?

I just can't get over how "fringe" websites are the truth, and mainstream ones are misleading. Or any more misleading than the other sites.

Long live the First Amendment theatre where anyone with a computer, an internet connection, and $100 can put together a website of "information" that they can spread like herpes.

God Bless America.

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And you toss back a right wing site? Really? Come on man, this is just more crap to keep you distracted from the real issues with our country. Wake up! Obama is not the boogie man and you won't be tried by a Muslim judge on your traffic tickets. Just right wingers spreading more fear, uncertainty and doubt so we stop paying attention to REAL inequalities in our country. Mainly dealing with money and who pays for what and how much of it. I call bullshit on this. Especially considering our court system recently tried and convicted Amish people even though the were operating with "their law". And I know what you posted wasn't from fox directly but by god they're sure as hell pumping the bullshit out about it.

I am not distracted by anything, and where did I mention Obama? The government is already bought and owned....remember? So what is happening in Dearborn Michigan, and the number of Mosques that are popping up everywhere "74%" increase since 911 doesnt seem at all suspicious? We are once again becoming too complacent, and would Christians, agnostics, and atheists be welcomed with open arms in the Islamic nations? There is a plan and it is being carried out.......it is happening right under our noses.

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You didn't mention Obama. It was more or less an example of the targets from the alarmist websites that cater to the tea party mentality. Ever hear the method of "bread and circuses" the Romans used? Look it up I'll wait.

Like this? http://blacksheepreport.com/when-the-bread-and-circuses-are-gone-in-america/

You might have shot yourself in the foot with the whole bread and circuses comment, isnt that what a large percentage of Obama supporters live by? There....I mentioned his name. ;) So you truly believe there is no big plan to squash all the infidels in the United States of America and throughout the world? Violence is obviously not getting the job done, so now much more effective methods are being put into place......and they are occurring. Oh.....and the Amish and Mennonites are harmless, I don't see them waging a holy war against the English, nor is violence and purification part of their beliefs. I see a resemblance to the crusades happening in the very near future all over again, this time it would be much worse and expands way beyond the Christians.

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Ummmm no. Bread and circuses were used by the Romans to control their own people. It has nothing to do with Obama man. It doesn't matter what talking mouth is in the White House. Keep the people fat dumb and entertained and we'll be able to do what we want. What you're talking about has less to do with what THEY are doing and more to do with what our government is doing. And you're falling for it hook line and sinker.

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Saw that link as well "and read it" while I was searching, and no doubt this is occurring, where we are, and where we will be ending if we don't change. Now add this to what I have discussed and things look even worse for this country. Much easier to exploit and fly under the radar when the infidels are vulnerable and consumed with bread and circuses.

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So what is happening in Dearborn Michigan, and the number of Mosques that are popping up everywhere "74%" increase since 911 doesnt seem at all suspicious?




Hey, look what some crazy abrahamic religion believes, lol, that's funny...

now go get your bible, and remember that the crusades were a christian thing...

so obviously it's not a specific religion that is the problem, but religion itself becoming too powerful.

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Hey, look what some crazy abrahamic religion believes, lol, that's funny...

now go get your bible, and remember that the crusades were a christian thing...

so obviously it's not a specific religion that is the problem, but religion itself becoming too powerful.

You love to pull the Crusades out of your ass and mention that Christians have been violent through out history. So what has happend in lets say the last 400 or 500 years, that has been contributed to Christians slaughtering or killing those that are non believers? Yes Muslims have been in the USA for quite some time now, and I never said they were all bad and evil, that would be like saying all "so called" Christians are good. To say that there is no possible way that a Holy Jihad is being carried out in ways other than pure violence would be very foolish and naive. Plenty of research, statistics and facts out there from more than just right wingers and Christians........so to lump all those crzy folks into 1 bucket would be asinine. Everything is just fine and dandy here, no possible way that our enemies are scheming and putting plans into action to topple us. Religious freedom is good for all and not dangerous whatsoever, Sharia Law is not in effect here and poses no threat to the non believers in this country. And yes each side posts this and posts that with their facts, and both sides have things that cannot be disputed. But if there wasn't something to it, how could the crazy whacko right wingers be totally wrong? And yes BHO is in "fact" paving the way for Sharia Law and giving more power and "immunity" from Western laws. Do some research and findout for yourselves that not all religious freedom is good and harmless. Or just go about your daily routines and believe all is fine and no possible way that the USA and the Constitution isn't under attack. Here is some more obvious lies and rightwing babble.


Edited by Pokey
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