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Does this scare anybody?


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I think Muslims killed Biggie -- and they've never been brought to justice.

Obama hates rap.

Proof: http://www.atoast2wealth.com/tag/nation-of-islam-killed-biggie-smalls/

I just made that up (since it is news that Biggie's autopsy report was released (see TMZ) and the fact that we were talking about Islam, but out of fun I plugged it into Google and there was a link. Internet, you crazy!

Edited by JRMMiii
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You love to pull the Crusades out of your ass and mention that Christians have been violent through out history. So what has happend in lets say the last 400 or 500 years, that has been contributed to Christians slaughtering or killing those that are non believers? Yes Muslims have been in the USA for quite some time now, and I never said they were all bad and evil, that would be like saying all "so called" Christians are good. To say that there is no possible way that a Holy Jihad is being carried out in ways other than pure violence would be very foolish and naive.

You brought up the crusades pal, Not me...

I see a resemblance to the crusades happening in the very near future all over again, this time it would be much worse and expands way beyond the Christians.

If i was gonna bring up some shit it would be about the inquisition, or the dark ages...

but guess what, the religions are becoming LESS powerful, not more powerful... So I'm not so worried about a small percent of crazies in a 1 billion populational cross section...

this is why our government needs to remain secular... you want to be a protestant? go for it. A catholic? great. Shiite or sunni, jew or shinto, buddhist, mormon, scientologist, rastafarian, pastafarian, or something else, go do it...

this just shouldn't be the business of the united states government.... period.

these religions will all become classified as mythology eventually anyway, so what does it matter?

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You brought up the crusades pal, Not me...

If i was gonna bring up some shit it would be about the inquisition, or the dark ages...

but guess what, the religions are becoming LESS powerful, not more powerful... So I'm not so worried about a small percent of crazies in a 1 billion populational cross section...

this is why our government needs to remain secular... you want to be a protestant? go for it. A catholic? great. Shiite or sunni, jew or shinto, buddhist, mormon, scientologist, rastafarian, pastafarian, or something else, go do it...

this just shouldn't be the business of the united states government.... period.

these religions will all become classified as mythology eventually anyway, so what does it matter?

Except that Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists etc.....are not killing people and doing horrible things in the name of their God or belief system. And religions are weakening huh, where is that "legitimate" proof? Like I said before, why should the USA and other countries be more tolerant of the Muslim religion, when in many of their countries the infidels are to be destroyed and not tolerated? Just throwing that out there is all, and "NO" religious beliefs should be able to trump the laws that the rest must abide by. Nobody is to get preferential treatment, just because of their religion and laws. Matter of fact, it seems that Christians and Jews get the shortest end of the stick many times, but I do agree 100% that too many religious folks are too judgmental and harsh toward Atheists. I agree that the world would be MUCH more peaceful if religion was taken out of the equation, but that isn't the reality we live in. I am not alone in believing that the Islamic Nations are working hard at world domination, and it is being done without violent ways. They are using the United Nations and are totally starting to gain serious ground and control concerning US laws and state governments. Call me crazy or call me a conspiracy whacko, but I am far from being alone in my psychosis.

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I love how these threads keeps poping up on every forum everyonce in a while , Sharia laws, Muslims are doing .....

first of , I am a Muslim.

Second of, what is Sharia Law OP ?

Where is it applied ?

Which countries do actually rule by Sharia Laws ?

How bad is Sharia law?

Or are you just scared because you don't understand it ?

too many questions.

Muslims ....

God be with us they are building another Mosque ...... fuck they are taking over the USA

Muslims are assholes dude, they kill all none believers.....

I am from Palestine , lived my life in Jordan until i moved to the USA

in Palestine we have Muslims, Christians, and jews , none is being killed by muslims for their religion.

In jordan we have Muslims and christians, and of course jewish , none was killed for his religion.

Yeah but Osama bin laden did this or that, alqaeda is doing this and planning that ..... get real, i never believed in Osama to be doing what he is doing because he is following the teaches of Islam , but of course you do , cause you don't know what are those teaches or whatever, you just want to pash something and as the world is pashing islam and muslims u joined the crowd.

Seriously dude get real , widen your horizon , then post about what actually is threatening this world.

if you want to talk about Holy jihad or war for religion please remember our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan had weapons with quotes of the bible on them, or didn't you read about that ?

Take care dude.

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I love how these threads keeps poping up on every forum everyonce in a while , Sharia laws, Muslims are doing .....

first of , I am a Muslim.

Second of, what is Sharia Law OP ?

Where is it applied ?

Which countries do actually rule by Sharia Laws ?

How bad is Sharia law?

Or are you just scared because you don't understand it ?

too many questions.

Muslims ....

God be with us they are building another Mosque ...... fuck they are taking over the USA

Muslims are assholes dude, they kill all none believers.....

I am from Palestine , lived my life in Jordan until i moved to the USA

in Palestine we have Muslims, Christians, and jews , none is being killed by muslims for their religion.

In jordan we have Muslims and christians, and of course jewish , none was killed for his religion.

Yeah but Osama bin laden did this or that, alqaeda is doing this and planning that ..... get real, i never believed in Osama to be doing what he is doing because he is following the teaches of Islam , but of course you do , cause you don't know what are those teaches or whatever, you just want to pash something and as the world is pashing islam and muslims u joined the crowd.

Seriously dude get real , widen your horizon , then post about what actually is threatening this world.

if you want to talk about Holy jihad or war for religion please remember our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan had weapons with quotes of the bible on them, or didn't you read about that ?

Take care dude.

I never said that all Muslims are bad, that would be like saying all Christians are good and that all Atheists are good. I however find it interesting that former Muslims who became Christians later, or whom denounced being a Muslim and have no religious affiliation, have a different outlook than you. I like many fear the Muslim Nation in America, this country is still very much scarred by 911, and pissed about this ridiculous war that we are in that is a total waste of money and lives. I guess maybe like anything else, the bad apples tend to spoil the good apples. This exact analogy can be said for Christians too, although the very worst for the last several hundred years have been basically harmless. Christians can be chastised and made fun of for practically anything and everything, so where is the legal action, or special rights and privileges for them? The 1st amendment is not being upheld and or allowing a level playing field for everyone, so that in itself is a pure defamation of the Constitution. So what is the reason for the enormous growth in the Muslim community in just the last 10 years alone, how can that be explained? Each side is going to have an argument, give their facts and opinions....and then it will repeat again and again. When I was growing up in the 70's-90's....this shit just simply didn't happen like today. Everybody went about doing their thing, and everyone pretty much stayed relatively low key. Individual freedoms, and freedom of religion can only go so far.....shit today is totally out of control. So since you asked for examples of Sharia Law here, I have listed just 1 simple link out of many out there "whether good or bad". I do genuinely try to educate myself, and I am not a sheep of any herder. I have my gut feelings, and I have my own rationale and reasons for why I feel the way I do. Right or wrong, it is what it is. I have no hate in my heart, just concern and worries on what I believe is coming. I fear the bad Muslims "and they are in fact here", not the ones I am sure are good. And I do believe that President Obama is very much a Muslim sympathizer, he is not impartial to religions like he should be. And no I do not believe he is a Muslim, you either are or you are not, there is no gray area.......am I correct? There are way too many Christian churches still popping up as well, just to prove that I am not being biased. ;)



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I like many fear the Muslim Nation in America, this country is still very much scarred by 911, and pissed about this ridiculous war that we are in that is a total waste of money and lives.

Yes because it was muslim americans who started this war... not a trigger happy retarded cowboy, and his evil faced sidekick.:nono:

I guess maybe like anything else, the bad apples tend to spoil the good apples. This exact analogy can be said for Christians too, although the very worst for the last several hundred years have been basically harmless.

Harmless? You call bombing abortion clinics harmless?:eek:

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Except that Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Atheists etc.....are not killing people and doing horrible things in the name of their God or belief system.

the fuck they aren't!!






spend some time on google... you will find hundreds, thousands of cases where people have murdered and blamed their god... murdered their own children or parents...

Remember what it means to be a true christian.

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
Call me crazy or call me a conspiracy whacko, but I am far from being alone in my psychosis.

you got glenn beck and the fox news nation backing you up...

Edited by magley64
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Yes because it was muslim americans who started this war... not a trigger happy retarded cowboy, and his evil faced sidekick.:nono:

Harmless? You call bombing abortion clinics harmless?:eek:

I did say "so called" Christians, and mentally unstable or brainwashed people come from all walks of life. The war was started by Osama Bin Laden, but GW "and" the military's top dogs went about the whole situation and retaliation very poorly.

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the fuck they aren't!!






spend some time on google... you will find hundreds, thousands of cases where people have murdered and blamed their god... murdered their own children or parents...

Remember what it means to be a true christian.

you got glenn beck and the fox news nation backing you up...

Nice try on twisting around the Bible, and what was actually meant.


I love how Glen Beck, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh....always gets the blame and the credit, when folks are not of Liberal thinking. :rolleyes:

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so now YOU are the judge as to who is a true christian or not?

That's an awfully important post you've been assigned.

Yup......I know the difference, and there is a huge difference. Compare the similarities and differences between an Atheist and an Agnostic to those that claim to be Christians.

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Nice try on twisting around the Bible, and what was actually meant.


I didn't twist shit, I wrote the original english translated text, word for word.

plain english...

seems you're the one trying to do some twisting, spinning, and apologetics.

I love how Glen Beck, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh....always gets the blame and the credit, when folks are not of Liberal thinking. :rolleyes:

I didn't say they were to blame, I said they agree with you, you're not alone.
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i am going against my own better judgment to keep away from inflammable topics by posting here,

Living in different parts of the world and seeing many different caste culture creed religion and being from a family who fortunately are very broad minded I have been directly related to different religion from marriage etc. I am prolly an agnostic as best as i can define myself.

As every one in the world already know, and been said zillion times before, i just repeat it just for name sake,

Human being is basically an animal who is born with the tendency to survive, all the so called 7 sins is in our true nature. The ability to think and act based on good thoughts sets us apart from the rest of the animal kingdom. In the past with minimal development in science, tech, maths, philosophy etc etc religious teaching were used to keep the man thinking and build up a sort of good vs evil, heaven vs hell theory. This helped the common man and the population as such to reach and follow a consensus as to what we should and should not be doing, In short all the books taught one and the same think... DO NO HARM TO OTHERS.

a person who follows his own religious book will be a true believer and he will do no harm to others. for drawing the example from the books of two contrasting religion as you call them, both koran and bible have all the story and all the teaching almost very identical. In fact the koran has the teaching that those who follow any of the "holy" books to the tee will attain "heaven". So where did we go wrong, we went wrong by the mere fact that deep inside we are all filthy animals. No matter where in this world there will be assholes who will try to use the religion as a cover for what ever economical/political advantage, If there is only one religion in a nation then they will bring in caste/ race/ gender some thing to suit their purpose. so what ever you see now is just a few people trying to play the rest of the world.

its not just one religion, every religion has been used as a cover by some one or some group. Just imagine, just because of what one hitler did, will it be wise to call their action as christian terrorism? just like that here are some examples, even from the epitome of so called peace "buddist monks" (all random Google searches just to site examples for the religion in question)


http://indianterrorism.bravepages.com/gujarat%20pictures%202.htm some pics in here are really bad, :( duly adviced


now the argument is not, they did it so the other did it etc, every life lost was precious and was dear and close to some one. 1, 5, 300, 7000 doesn't matter as long as this cycle of hate from our own selfs keep building. Cycle of hate propagated by some and fueled by other media who all end up benefiting. Proper education, economic strength, freedom, employment, health , quality of life etc is what we should be promoting and not trying to trash and fight for or against some unscrupulous fellows. But that an utopian society which will never exist, as our human brain is tuned in a way that we need the hate center to be active, against some thing. I guess, Only an alien invasion can save us now by uniting all of us.

there is only one question to be asked when ever you see some of these atrocities. WHO BENEFITS? for eg some assholes did 911 as they claim in the name of religion, who gained what? certainly not islam as it became one of the most hated religion in the world, certainly not muslims as they are shunned upon by rest of the world. Huge war lot more death and in the end just few people walk away better than this all started.

lastly, go out and meet some american muslims like Biker boy here, he will be one of the nicest person you know and might even be your best friend if you give him the chance. Ask any one around if they know any single muslim in USA who they know in person who wants some thing bad for this country, i bet you wouldnt find even single soul who will turn back on this place who provide them food and shelter. Of course you will find one in a million who is walking around with the wrong motive, but he doesnt define the rest of the one million.

i say at least in here, lets just have one religion, RIDING and just keep doing that to clean our souls.

Edited by NinjaDoc
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