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Does this scare anybody?


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I got a lot of respect for you doc, and some of the things you've said I totally agree with.

It's easy for some to blame someone on the other side of a tv screen for your problems. It's easy for outgroups to hate each other and members to follow suit on an individual basis.

It sure would be nice if people were to put aside their beloved fairy tales and start dealing with others on the basis of logic and reason.

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I never said that all Muslims are bad, that would be like saying all Christians are good and that all Atheists are good. I however find it interesting that former Muslims who became Christians later, or whom denounced being a Muslim and have no religious affiliation, have a different outlook than you. I like many fear the Muslim Nation in America, this country is still very much scarred by 911, and pissed about this ridiculous war that we are in that is a total waste of money and lives. I guess maybe like anything else, the bad apples tend to spoil the good apples. This exact analogy can be said for Christians too, although the very worst for the last several hundred years have been basically harmless. Christians can be chastised and made fun of for practically anything and everything, so where is the legal action, or special rights and privileges for them? The 1st amendment is not being upheld and or allowing a level playing field for everyone, so that in itself is a pure defamation of the Constitution. So what is the reason for the enormous growth in the Muslim community in just the last 10 years alone, how can that be explained? Each side is going to have an argument, give their facts and opinions....and then it will repeat again and again. When I was growing up in the 70's-90's....this shit just simply didn't happen like today. Everybody went about doing their thing, and everyone pretty much stayed relatively low key. Individual freedoms, and freedom of religion can only go so far.....shit today is totally out of control. So since you asked for examples of Sharia Law here, I have listed just 1 simple link out of many out there "whether good or bad". I do genuinely try to educate myself, and I am not a sheep of any herder. I have my gut feelings, and I have my own rationale and reasons for why I feel the way I do. Right or wrong, it is what it is. I have no hate in my heart, just concern and worries on what I believe is coming. I fear the bad Muslims "and they are in fact here", not the ones I am sure are good. And I do believe that President Obama is very much a Muslim sympathizer, he is not impartial to religions like he should be. And no I do not believe he is a Muslim, you either are or you are not, there is no gray area.......am I correct? There are way too many Christian churches still popping up as well, just to prove that I am not being biased. ;)



Bro , i didn't check any of the links u posted here , not for any reason but being lazy .

your original posting is about how scared you are of sharia law and the fact the according to the video u posted it is growing in the USA.

you still haven't answered any of my previous questions

sharia says to cut the hand of a theif that he used to steal ..... would u point out how many countries have that as a law ? 1 Saudi arabia

it says that you can't have sex without marriage , and if you did you are to be whipped only if you were proven that ur dick penetrated someone's pussy by 4 witnesses who should agree to all details " of course if you are having sex with someone who isn't your wife but you are married " then you are to be stoned " same as in the bible right ? stoning adulteries ?

how many countries actually do this ? none that i know of

being scared of something that you don't understand is natural , but the natural way to avoid fearing it is trying to understand it.

you are saying that some muslims in america are on holy war, where did you get this ?

if you look at 911 and read the teaches of islam, you would find that it is saying " even at war , you aren't to hurt elders, kids, women, trees , animals unless if they fight you or blocked your way in a way you can't go around it " ,then you come around and say Osama said he did it cause of religion , he can say what ever the fuck he wants, doesn't make it true .

people in afghanistan and iraq fighting the US soldiers isn't a holy war , altho for them it might be as they see them selves defending their lands ...... i don't agree to war period.

again i see this post as another bash to a religion you aren't trying to understand.

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Bro , i didn't check any of the links u posted here , not for any reason but being lazy .

your original posting is about how scared you are of sharia law and the fact the according to the video u posted it is growing in the USA.

you still haven't answered any of my previous questions

sharia says to cut the hand of a theif that he used to steal ..... would u point out how many countries have that as a law ? 1 Saudi arabia

it says that you can't have sex without marriage , and if you did you are to be whipped only if you were proven that ur dick penetrated someone's pussy by 4 witnesses who should agree to all details " of course if you are having sex with someone who isn't your wife but you are married " then you are to be stoned " same as in the bible right ? stoning adulteries ?

how many countries actually do this ? none that i know of

being scared of something that you don't understand is natural , but the natural way to avoid fearing it is trying to understand it.

you are saying that some muslims in america are on holy war, where did you get this ?

if you look at 911 and read the teaches of islam, you would find that it is saying " even at war , you aren't to hurt elders, kids, women, trees , animals unless if they fight you or blocked your way in a way you can't go around it " ,then you come around and say Osama said he did it cause of religion , he can say what ever the fuck he wants, doesn't make it true .

people in afghanistan and iraq fighting the US soldiers isn't a holy war , altho for them it might be as they see them selves defending their lands ...... i don't agree to war period.

again i see this post as another bash to a religion you aren't trying to understand.

Don't be lazy, read some of what I posted trying to address what you said is false and not happening. For you to say there are not evil Muslims in this country wanting to wage a holy war, would be the same as saying there are no evil Atheists, Christians, Agnostics.....whatever. You obviously missed that I never said all were evil and had it out for America, just that I believe there are things in the works to punish the rest of us. Shit is going down whether many choose to accept that or not, time will tell all. I have no beef with you whatsoever, and I am not totally condemning the Muslim Faith. Yes the Holy Bible is full of violence in the Old Testament , but like NinjaDoc mentioned, "we went wrong by the mere fact that deep inside we are all filthy animals". And those that choose to act out their violent nature for whatever God.....is WRONG in doing so. Ninjadoc by the way, has said some very amazing things which I totally respect and agree with. :cool: All people are capable of using their faith or lack there of for their own selfish ways or agendas. Christians have done some horrible things throughout history, but "some" Muslims seem to be very much doing horrific things to their own people still and currently. It is a totally different culture, and one that Westerners find very hard to accept and understand.

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Muslims seem to be very much doing horrific things to their own people still and currently. It is a totally different culture, and one that Westerners find very hard to accept and understand.

The biggest problem you have here is labeling these people "muslims"... first and foremost.

Yes, most of them happen to be Muslim, but that isn't a deciding factor in their violence, it's just their some of their excuse for some it...

It would be like if every crime that was committed by someone who happened to be christian was first labeled as such...

"Christian pushes man in front of subway train"

"Christian kills wife, and then commits suicide"

"Christian shoots and kills several people in a crowded movie theater"

"Christian goes on shooting rampage while attempting to kill a congresswoman"

yes, those are factually accurate, but none of those things happened because the person was a christian. Even the examples I posted earlier.

"Christian drowns her children"

"Christian kills his girlfriend"

"Christian kills his daughter" Would be an awfully skewed perception of reality, although they are factually accurate and they did blame their religion for their actions...

So stop thinking about people in the news who are committing these violent acts as people who are representative of the Muslim population or the religion of Islam as a whole, because they simply are not.

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The biggest problem you have here is labeling these people "muslims"... first and foremost.

Yes, most of them happen to be Muslim, but that isn't a deciding factor in their violence, it's just their some of their excuse for some it...

It would be like if every crime that was committed by someone who happened to be christian was first labeled as such...

"Christian pushes man in front of subway train"

"Christian kills wife, and then commits suicide"

"Christian shoots and kills several people in a crowded movie theater"

"Christian goes on shooting rampage while attempting to kill a congresswoman"

yes, those are factually accurate, but none of those things happened because the person was a christian. Even the examples I posted earlier.

"Christian drowns her children"

"Christian kills his girlfriend"

"Christian kills his daughter" Would be an awfully skewed perception of reality, although they are factually accurate and they did blame their religion for their actions...

So stop thinking about people in the news who are committing these violent acts as people who are representative of the Muslim population or the religion of Islam as a whole, because they simply are not.

There are in fact those representing the Muslim faith who are in fact doing bad and violent acts and punishments, forcing laws to be changed, and getting a smack on the hand for it here in America. That is one of the reasons I started this thread to begin with, how many Christians and non believers are able to get away with shit like that? :wtf: All forms of Sharia are not going to be tolerated and accepted here, and there are plenty here that abide by and follow the extreme. That being said.... I have not condemned the Muslim population as a whole, I am talking to the extreme side......and they are here.

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There are in fact those representing the Muslim faith who are in fact doing bad and violent acts and punishments, forcing laws to be changed, and getting a smack on the hand for it here in America. That is one of the reasons I started this thread to begin with, how many Christians and non believers are able to get away with shit like that? :wtf: All forms of Sharia are not going to be tolerated and accepted here, and there are plenty here that abide by and follow the extreme. That being said.... I have not condemned the Muslim population as a whole, I am talking to the extreme side......and they are here.

They are only representative of islam because they are labeled as such by the media. You percieve them as representative, but you have to remember that it is a billion adherent population, a few violent crazies in a 3rd world nation do not speak for the whole.

and as for christian persecution in the united states court system?

Feel free to continue fornication with that chicken...

You must really love playing victim... your religion receives the most favorable treatment of any religion in our courtrooms, hell the 10 commandments are still posted in courtrooms all over this country. People are still asked to swear on bibles in courtrooms all across this country (no not in every case, but it still happens)...

Please enlighten me as to how poor christians are persecuted in the united states. Specific examples...

Like how coincidentally all of your holidays are also national holidays...that kind of persecution?

or like how you plan to build a house of worship on property you own, and it gets blocked by the court system of Murfreesboro Tennessee? that kind of persecution?

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There are in fact those representing the Muslim faith who are in fact doing bad and violent acts and punishments, forcing laws to be changed, and getting a smack on the hand for it here in America. That is one of the reasons I started this thread to begin with, how many Christians and non believers are able to get away with shit like that? :wtf: All forms of Sharia are not going to be tolerated and accepted here, and there are plenty here that abide by and follow the extreme. That being said.... I have not condemned the Muslim population as a whole, I am talking to the extreme side......and they are here.

WoW i seriously think this is a dead end argument , as obviously your mind is set, anyway good luck

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Please enlighten me as to how poor christians are persecuted in the united states. Specific examples...

Like how coincidentally all of your holidays are also national holidays...that kind of persecution?

I've heard from a reliable source (who has a certain small woodland creature in it's name) that there is a War on Christmas going on right now.

I'm barricading my door with Bibles and Blunderbusses so the Jews and Muslims don't force me to put up Menorahs and blank pictures of Muhammad while they haul away my very Jesus-y tree and presents.

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Just exercising my 1st Amendment right, there are those that I am sure agree with me and those that obviously don't/won't. Like I said.....I am not condemning the entire Muslim religion and the followers, just the dangerous Muslim extremists that are here in this country, that some of you deny exist. And how the Hell could you deny they are here, is there not enough proof for some of you? Other bad things in the works in this country other than financial collapse, the pissing match between the red and the blue, and the unemployment rate, at least there are some that actually see and believe it. Now I will put on my foil hat and go watch Fox News.

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Just exercising my 1st Amendment right, there are those that I am sure agree with me and those that obviously don't/won't. Dangerous Muslim extremists that are here in this country, that some of you deny exist. And how the Hell could you deny they are here, is there not enough proof for some of you? Other bad things in the works in this country other than financial collapse, the pissing match between the red and the blue, and the unemployment rate, at least there are some that actually see and believe it. Now I will put on my foil hat and go watch Fox News.

exercise away...

AGAIN the problem you're having here is assuming this is somehow a problem regarding Muslims...rather than a problem regarding anti-american terrorists (who in some cases happen to also claim be Muslim, and justify their actions through a few cherry picked verses from the Qu'ran).

Think abortion clinic bombers... does the bible say that people who don't follow the abrahamic law should be put to death? absolutely... you can pick and choose the same type of shit from the bible, and justify all kinds of horrible actions. Now is that a "christian" problem? NO, it's a terrorist problem, it doesn't matter what holy book or crazy cult leader the person claims to follow, it's about the individual, or in some cases a fringe group.

You want to say Al-Queda is a problem, fine. you want to say the Taliban is an issue, most would agree, but the second you say Muslims (even if you add the word "extremist") you're missing the point, entirely.

While the Taliban, and Al-Qaeda are populated with people who claim to be Muslim, their actions aren't taken because they are Muslim, they are taken because they are Al-Quaeda or Taliban... do you get it yet?

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No I obviously don't get it Magley, but neither do you. Im sure all the links that I have posted are obviously false, no possible way there is any truth to any of it. :rolleyes: You are always right in your own mind, and believe there is nothing other than what you personally see, hear, witness, believe, disbelieve, taste, smell, watch, learn, read and experience for yourself. You go about your daily life oblivious to what is going on around you and in this country, Im not really sure if you can properly differentiate between actual right and wrong sometimes, or better yet reality. Keep on thinking everything is fine in this country, one day your reality will be shattered. The world isnt all bad that is for sure, but it is far from good as well. Putting too much faith and trust in man, is gonna bite ya in the ass. Good Muslims and good Christians end up getting put into the same bucket as all the bad ones, seems like a pretty even playing field in that regard to me. Nothing wrong at all with being skeptic of both, and that is what many are in fact doing.

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I judge all Christians by KKK and Westboro Baptist standards. I'm sure they're all like that.


Crazy brainwashed mentally unstable people are what they are, don't condemn all Christians, as I don't condemn all Muslims. It is just the crazy ones that we all need to worry about, and there are plenty of whacko deranged Christians out there too. Of course in the way I was taught and brought up.......those are not Christians.

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in the way I was taught and brought up.......those are not Christians.

and likewise in the way many Muslims were brought up "those are not Muslims"

There simply isn't a religion more like christianity than islam...they literally worship the same abrahamic god, and while their prophets have different names, they really did teach a lot of the same stuff.

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and likewise in the way many Muslims were brought up "those are not Muslims"

There simply isn't a religion more like christianity than islam...they literally worship the same abrahamic god, and while their prophets have different names, they really did teach a lot of the same stuff.

Wow who would have thought......I actually do agree with you to a small point. ;)

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