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Help save this pit!


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My brothers friend Matt found this dog around Easton and the Franklin County Animal Shelter came and got her. She is a girl and is malnourished as you can tell in the picture. She is NOT going to be put down because Matt is going to foster her until we can find her another good home. She'll need some TLC and will probably become your new best friend.

I don't really know much else since I didn't find her, but Matt might know a little more.

If anyone is interested in taking her in, let me know and I'll give you Matt's info.(Haven't heard back from him for the OK to post his info on here).


Edited by Saacattack
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Thanks for doing the right thing to help find a home for this dog.

While I'd hate to see a good animal destroyed, make sure whomever adopts the dog does so for the right reasons and not just to save its life. My wife and I do a lot with the SPCA and there are a lot of people who do just that and then end up neglecting or mistreating the animal. I'd rather see it put down humanely than "saved" and subsequently mistreated.

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Thing looks like it hasn;t eaten in days/months, and really sad. I'd love to meet the people that had it as a "pet" and beat their faces in with a baseball bat. Although that might be too fast, what about a golf club, like a putter? Maybe something even smaller than that, a childs set putter.

Or pull a SOA and use a snow globe to the back of their skulls.

I hate people.

Too bad I jsut saw this, my coworker is adopting a pit today. Puppy came over and visited last night, said they couldn't say no. It's been in foster for 3 months and is about that old, so they are very excited. I am happy for them, just hope they know what a puppy is.

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Yeah, I'm trying everything that I can. It's not much but it's something. I agree with you scubacinci. I'd rather see her put down than go to a bad home, but always hope for a good one. I haven't heard anything yet so I'm not sure what the story is with her as of now.

Madcat-if I met them, you can tag along and eat those sons a bitches. I think a bat or a golf club would be acceptable. Although a toddler putter would probably do the job. Although, we might need a few of them.

When I rescued one of mine, it took everything in me not the beat the living shit out of him. He asks about her all the time and I tell him to fuck off.

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I got my pit in the same condition and she turned out to be the best damn dog I've ever had. she was even potty trained.

she's actually sitting next to me with her head on my leg as I type this.

if she was in my area I would take her in a second. go save this poor girl, she might be the best damn dog you ever had too!

just because I can...look at this cute face and tell me you wouldn't save it.


Edited by serpentracer
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when was the puppy picked up?

the "lady", and i use that term loosely, said that the dog i was referring to (using the dog id) is not theirs and is not available for adoption. she would not give me ANY information unless I was the dog owner and then she would make sure I am the owner by questioning me on the dogs information. she said it is four days from the time a dog is turned in until it is available for adoption, when i asked "when was the dog turned in" she said. "I can't tell you that, unless you are the owner..."

not sure what to do?

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Ill ask my brother and see when they picked her up. I know it's been at LEAST 3 days since she was picked up. So I'd keep pestering them for the next couple of days. Maybe see if they can call you if they don't hear anything? But by the sounds of it, it doesn't seem like they'd do anything like that

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FIJi, I spoke with my brother and here's the situation. My brothers friend Matt found the dog had the shelter pick her up. Matt told the shelter that if no one was claimed her that he would take her(until she was found another good home). So I believe the shelter is waiting that four days and will call Matt(owner in their eyes now)to get her. If that's the case, ill get in touch with you and then you and Matt and go about it however you guys want.

Still trying to get in touch with Matt but want to keep you posted with everything I know.

But good news, I'm thinking she won't be put down, but will need the good home!

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I got my pit in the same condition and she turned out to be the best damn dog I've ever had. she was even potty trained.

she's actually sitting next to me with her head on my leg as I type this.

if she was in my area I would take her in a second. go save this poor girl, she might be the best damn dog you ever had too!

just because I can...look at this cute face and tell me you wouldn't save it.


Good looker!

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