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School shooting in Connecticut


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So, can anyone confirm or deny why the NRA Facebook page was taken down and they stopped Tweeting?


That's... weird if its true. I get this whole tact thing, but I mean... you need to stand by your views on good days and on tragic ones, no?

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You won't have seen this in the news, since the media is suppressing it.

The Oregon mall shooter was stopped by a CCW.

Local Oregon news station:


US News/NBC ran this, but google has taken it off the search engine.


That's it, except for a couple of fringe news pickups. Almost no coverage at all.

Tell me why that is happening...

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You won't have seen this in the news, since the media is suppressing it.

The Oregon mall shooter was stopped by a CCW.

Local Oregon news station:


US News/NBC ran this, but google has taken it off the search engine.


That's it, except for a couple of fringe news pickups. Almost no coverage at all.

Tell me why that is happening...

You have to feed the sheep what they want.

Facts are hard to digest.

Shit just flows right in one end and out the other

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You won't have seen this in the news, since the media is suppressing it.

The Oregon mall shooter was stopped by a CCW.

Local Oregon news station:


US News/NBC ran this, but google has taken it off the search engine.


That's it, except for a couple of fringe news pickups. Almost no coverage at all.

Tell me why that is happening...

the nbc news article doesn't mention the Concealed carry guy at all. did they remove him from the story?

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says he shot himself... so the CCW citizen must have used mind control or something...

cgw article should have been renamed "CCW owner does nothing at all to stop rampaging shooter."

How about: "Armed resistance from CCW holder forces mall shooter to flee without firing a shot."

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How about: "Armed resistance from CCW holder forces mall shooter to flee without firing a shot."

except that wouldn't be accurate at all, he may not have even seen the CCW guy taking cover behind a pole.

The masked gunman who killed two people and wounded a third at an Oregon mall packed with holiday shoppers before committing suicide was identified Wednesday as Jacob Tyler Roberts, 22.
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Oh, so it *would* not be accurate because he *may* not have seen the CCW?

No, it WOULD not be accurate because he DID not "flee without firing shots". He in fact shot and killed 2 people and injured a third... He may or may not have even seen the other person holding a gun as he (the ccw guy) was hiding behind a pillar by his own account.

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No, it WOULD not be accurate because he DID not "flee without firing shots". He in fact shot and killed 2 people and injured a third... He may or may not have even seen the other person holding a gun as he (the ccw guy) was hiding behind a pillar by his own account.

I think what he was saying is that when a shooter meets armed resistance he decides to conclude his shooting spree by offing himself. That I would buy.

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i don't always fail to read articles being discussed... but when i do, i'm magley64

per article:

"I'm not beating myself up cause I didn't shoot him," said Meli. "I know after he saw me, I think the last shot he fired was the one he used on himself."

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i don't always fail to read articles being discussed... but when i do, i'm magley64

per article:

"I'm not beating myself up cause I didn't shoot him," said Meli. "I know after he saw me, I think the last shot he fired was the one he used on himself."

I read that, did he hear that from the masked shooter, or is he psychic? :rolleyes:

Maybe he saw the shooter look in his direction (no proof that the shooter actually saw him hiding behind a pillar). and that happened to be when he turned suicidal...

fact is the ccw kid could have "hoped and prayed" and done as much good.

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fact is the ccw kid could have "hoped and prayed" and done as much good.

No, your hopeful opinion is...there's no fact in your sentence.

It might have saved a few more lives, too, but you discount that as a possibility because it doesn't fit your narrative.

Because you're a shivering pussy terrified of guns.

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or... you're the one who's terrified he isn't enough of a man without one.

Having or not having a firearm, not sure I would want to tangle with Swingset. He is in fact a most excellent shot and marksman, plus he has pretty powerful looking elbows.

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And while we've been talking about it, several more google search links have vanished. Gone.

One of the articles did mention that Nick Meli previously had a job as a security guard at the mall. But not currently.

And you can no longer find that either. Gone.

edit: one of the remaining links that comes up in a search of his name, does not mention him. Gone.

Internet archive just decided it's not archiving usnews.nbcnews.com. Gone.

Edited by ReconRat
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