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NY Paper Publishes Legal Gun Permit Holders Names


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:nono: Unbelievable....wait. It's the NY media. This is par for the course. This is one of the worst forms of irresponsible journalism. When you paint the image of a law abiding citizen with the same brush used to highlight vile citizens such as sex offenders, you have gone beyond simple misuse of your authority as a reporter. This asshat should be canned immediately.
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Well now the bad guys know what houses to avoid
Oh absolutely! Just use the map, find a well-to-do neighborhood that has few if any legally armed residents and his the jackpot. This article just undermined the whole idea that one of the benefits of proper gun ownership is that if one doesn't know who is armed, assume they all are.
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I feel for the folks listed, but it is giving the NRA another perfect reason as to why all guns shouldn't be registered. Why is this public record? This will be brought up many times in the violation of gun owners rights debates to come.

If I recall correctly, Ohio's initial concealed carry law allowed for this media access. Not sure if it went away though.

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Oh absolutely! Just use the map, find a well-to-do neighborhood that has few if any legally armed residents and his the jackpot. This article just undermined the whole idea that one of the benefits of proper gun ownership is that if one doesn't know who is armed, assume they all are.

Just because one is not a licensed pistol holder doesn't mean there aren't any guns in the house. ;) There are other types of guns that don't require you to have a permit.

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If I recall correctly, Ohio's initial concealed carry law allowed for this media access. Not sure if it went away though.

Yes it did. Media insisted on having access to records. Wiser heads prevailed, and it was dropped.

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lol at the side bar question:

Yes, but you have to break the firearm down to it's molecular components. And transmit the type, configuration and arrangement of the molecules across the data stream and re-assemble at it's destination.

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Are we still doing the whole automobile analogy-stuff? "Assault Vehicles should be banned" and whatnot, with the obvious sarcasm being if we ban guns that kill, we should ban cars that kill too... (which I disagree with since guns and cars are apples and oranges)

But to continue to play that game...

Why would criminals steal a gun, when they could steal a car? If they're equivalent and a car can be just as nefarious as a gun... why not take the car?

All your traffic citations are public record, so they could've just as easily published information of all tickets and see who owns (or has access to) vehicles.


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I'm sure the addresses of gays are public record (if they got married), or if they got a gun license or a traffic citation -- you just wouldn't know they were gay in those cases.

But the sex toy registry is a great concept. I can't wait for all the Facebook images of people asking to ban "assault dildos"

Edit: It DOES happen -- I totally forgot about this case: http://www.truecrimereport.com/2011/07/sam_mazzola_moron_of_the_day_w.php

Sam Mazzola of Columbia Station, OH (about 20min southwest of CLE)

Edited by JRMMiii
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If I recall correctly, Ohio's initial concealed carry law allowed for this media access. Not sure if it went away though.

nope, didn't go away.

in 2004, when Ohio's concealed carry was initially passed, 'journalists' could request a list of all licensees from the local sherrif.

this was amended in 2007 to forbid the release of lists; 'journalists' can now only view the lists, and are not allowed to take notes.

Ohio House Bill 328 was introduced in 2011 to require a court order to view the lists, it appears as though that bill went nowhere.

the relevant section of the law is (2)(a) at 2923.129 (click)

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Are we still doing the whole automobile analogy-stuff? "Assault Vehicles should be banned" and whatnot, with the obvious sarcasm being if we ban guns that kill, we should ban cars that kill too... (which I disagree with since guns and cars are apples and oranges)

But to continue to play that game...

Why would criminals steal a gun, when they could steal a car? If they're equivalent and a car can be just as nefarious as a gun... why not take the car?

All your traffic citations are public record, so they could've just as easily published information of all tickets and see who owns (or has access to) vehicles.


:confused: Who before you mentioned anything about automobiles in this thread?

Oh wait, you just wanted to stir the pot and deflect the issue being discussed. :rolleyes:

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Ohh, so nothing discussed in the other threads is fair game because this is a WHOLE new thread? :confused: People can have one opinion in one thread, but can have a different one because this is a different thread? It all falls under the same umbrella.

The point still is, there are other public records out there for things -- why is a "gun list" different? Because guns are more dangerous-er-er than cars, or traffic tickets, or gay marriage? Or, guns are no different than any other "tool" like a car?

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When the information regarding the purchases and registration of a gun owner who has done right by law are published publicly, it empowers fucktards like this fishwrap hack in NY to use said information to paint a defamatory and inaccurate picture of law abiding citizens. I have a problem with that. Compound that with the fact it was only done in a grandstanding manner in the wake of a national tragedy and you have another misguided misrepresentation of the truth. How many of those people now outed as gun owners are folks that went and bought a gun, registered it properly, trained themselves on it, keep it locked safely at home, yet now find themselves cast under a light as if they are a criminal on the lam? Perhaps when the next mentally unstable criminal chooses a 1300cc superbike to slaughter two dozen plus folks, you won't mind being outed as a Huyabusa owner that is the next potential crackpot that is one missed Xanax away from exhibiting Michelin-ensconced evil. I know you ride quasi-responsibly and do your racing in approved environments, but how does John Q. Public know that, and would he and his uneducated socialite wife who hinges on CNN's every word not know that you are a responsible bike owner and wouldn't do that? Some other biker did. You are no different in their eyes.

Wuv ewe, Justin! :D

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I have no control over how John Q. Public paints their opinion flying couch riders that can't turn, or legal gun owners. People are going to have their biases either way.

I don't see how it it was inflammatory or derogatory. It's just information.


I don't see the author giving an opinion that these are horrible gun people, or they're the best thing since sliced bread. That's the reader bias that puts those ideas in your head or John Q Public's.

Here's an article where they revealed the CCW list back in.... 2010


I wuv ewe too... just much less since you sold the RC :D

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nope, didn't go away.

in 2004, when Ohio's concealed carry was initially passed, 'journalists' could request a list of all licensees from the local sherrif.

this was amended in 2007 to forbid the release of lists; 'journalists' can now only view the lists, and are not allowed to take notes.

Ohio House Bill 328 was introduced in 2011 to require a court order to view the lists, it appears as though that bill went nowhere.

the relevant section of the law is (2)(a) at 2923.129 (click)

I stand corrected.

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