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No WiFi connection (Apple)


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So i get a 4th gen Ipod touch for X-mas. Besides being an Apple product my problem with it is that it wont connect to my home wireless internet. All my other devices (phones, tablets and laptop) will connect just fine. I have tried to let it automatically find the router and i have also manually entered in the info for it to connect. It will find the router but will never connect.

Beating around the internet looking for answers it may be a firmware update needed for my router. Did that and still nothing. So i take it into work to see if it will connect there and it does. I get iTunes downloaded onto the work PC and hook the ipod up. Apple says there is an update available for the ipod with a few bug fixes. One of them being a wireless connection bug fix for WPA2 secured routers. So now i think im onto something. I get home try again and still nothing. My patience is running pretty thin with this thing. Anyone know of a fix? Honestly what is the purpose of these anymore when basically all newish phones (Apple or Android) can do the same thing and more?

I will say that some of the apps. that i wanted to use on it work better than they do on my Android phone.

Edited by 20thGix
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What kind of router? Have you tried (temporarily) disabling the WPA2 encryption and see if it connects that way? Is there a MAC address filter on the router?

Router: Linksys WRT54G2 no MAC filter

One of the "fixes" i read online was to hard reset my router. After i did that it would connect. Then after setting back up to WPA2 i would be back to square one, no connection. I guess i could try different encryption types to see it that solves it. I dont think there is to many hackers in the neighborhood to worry about using a lesser type encryption. At the same time i dont want to use some retarded long passwords either.

I may find the router a bit easier to mess with now that all the house guests have left. As i was trying to mess with the router setting i had about 5 different people trying to connect as im screwing with it. Every 2 minutes i would hear "My Kindle/phone/laptop/tablet wont connect is there something wrong with your wireless?". YEAH MOTHERFUCKERS WHAT PART OF IM BOUT TO FUCK WITH MY ROUTER DONT YOU UNDERSTAND GIVE ME 30 FUCKING MINS! Everytime i tried to save the router changes or go to a new page in the router setting it would geek out. Talk about aggrevating.

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...Every 2 minutes i would hear "My Kindle/phone/laptop/tablet wont connect is there something wrong with your wireless?". YEAH MOTHERFUCKERS WHAT PART OF IM BOUT TO FUCK WITH MY ROUTER DONT YOU UNDERSTAND GIVE ME 30 FUCKING MINS!...

:lol: +rep

if it connected with no security (after the reset), then maybe move up one step, security-wise, to WEP with an easy-to-remember password. If that works, then you could try WPA2.

baby steps.

also, the easiest/best thing to do, imho, is to hide your network's name (make the SSID non-broadcasting). Neighbors won't see it, won't try to connect. If there's a car parked out front with a big can-tenna sticking out the window, you're in trouble, but just in the neighborhood you shouldn't need super-duper security.

no matter what security you set up, if someone wants in/on badly enough, they'll get in.

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Home alone, spent 15mins messing with it and now have everything working as it should. Well except for the wifes phones since she isnt here. Went from WPA2 to WPA and bing bang boom all is well.

Now for the 2nd question i had: Tell me why ipods are relavent anymore since smartphones have become the norm? This ipod is the only Apple product i have owned since the 1st ipods came out. Is there something super special about it i havent figured out yet?

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Some older generations don't like the smart phones, they like an "old school" cell phone with a number pad, etc. They still like portable music - bam iPod! Younger kids shouldn't have a phone or shouldn't at least have an iPhone etc so bam iPod! For everyone else, yeah it makes more sense to have an all in one device.

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you need to upgrade your router. don't settle for using wpa. that's long outdated. I was having connection issues with a new laptop. bought a new router and it works now.

some newer stuff just doesn't work on older stuff. (they know how to get you to buy shit) lol

it's a G router anyway....it's long overdue for an upgrade. you're not getting all the potential speed you could be with it anyway. I upgraded mine and the speeds of my browsing jumped up a ton.

I like netgear so I went with this one.


Edited by serpentracer
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you need to upgrade your router. don't settle for using wpa. that's long outdated.


Im sure your right. I think i have had this router for 4-5ish years. I assumed it would have just stopped working by now. Getting better reception upstairs would be nice too!

Now about the ipod. What i have noticed with the limited use that i have had with it is that the apps i run on my Android phone work better and have more functions on the Apple platform. Would i buy one if i didnt get it for X-mas.......no.

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