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removing cigarette smell?


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Short backstory: My cousin (closest I have to a brother) has gotten a job out in california and is moving there in February, and along with the new job he's trying to make some other changes in his life, one of which is quitting smoking. We have been on him for a while to stop and he is finally giving it a try, been smoke-free for a week now after 10 years. Anyways, he left his car with me while he goes out for training, because he can't afford some of the service on it right now to get it out there with him, and I told him I would fix it for free. As a bonus gift, I'd like to try and get all the cigarette smell out because I know it would make a huge difference to him since he's been working so hard to get cigarettes out of his life.

Does anyone know any home remedies or good commercial products for getting rid of the smell? Anyone know what the dealerships use? I know I'm going to have to clean close to every square inch of the interior as well as change out any cabin air filters, but any help would be greatly appreciated. Alternatively, if you know any good places that can get the job done for a reasonable price I may have to resort to that option if doing it myself doesn't work out.

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The normal shampooing/cleaning/changing filters will get a lot if it out, but it will still have that stale smell. I've heard white vinegar can help get it out, pour some in a few bowls and place them in there with the windows up. Leave them in for a week/few weeks. Only problem is when you're done, it's gonna smell like vinegar. Roll the windows down, and just let it air out for awhile.

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I would think that you would have to clean/shampoo every surface. The tar build up in the fabric will probably hold the smell in. :dunno: I don't know though, I don't have any experience with smoke smelll removal

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Try leaving an open can of coffee in the car for a few days. I had a customer tell me thats how they got rid of the

burned electronics smell inside their fire panel when it had caught fire. They poured coffee grounds in the bottom of

the panel for a week or so then vacuumed them out and the smell was gone.

And if you don't know what burnt electronics smells like, well its the worse!

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Thanks for all the responses so far. I think I'll probably start with trying the baking soda followed by a thorough cleaning of all surfaces(I agree with you Mj). Still looking for the best cleaning product, if anyone has any tips of things that have worked in the past or know what the commercial places use that'd be great.

We have a deionizer or some shit like that at work. It takes a few hours but it worked on my wife's van when we went to sell it. If u wanted I could do it for u.

I'm gonna try to get it cleaned out on my own first, but I may take you up on the offer if I fail miserably. I can pay for your time or bring over some beers, thanks for the generous offer.

If all else fails I may check out the place Pokey posted, thanks for the suggestion.

Other opinions welcome as I probably won't get to cleaning for another week or two.

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I've read about the coffee thing on other sites too, hmm. Maybe coffee can for a week since it's passive, then once I get time do the baking soda and thorough cleaning. I like the idea of vinegar but not sure making it smell like vinegar is much better than the smoke smell:D, plus with it being winter I don't have a lot of options for leaving the windows down and airing it out after.

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Lowes has a bunch of hard core odor remover cleaners,

but this little bottle of concentrate will knock out everything.

Won't be able to smell anything. Just one drop is enough.



Ace hardware stores probably have it somewhere. Amazon has it cheap.

It's concentrated spearmint or peppermint oils? I think? Dunno, it works.

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I'm gonna try to get it cleaned out on my own first, but I may take you up on the offer if I fail miserably. I can pay for your time or bring over some beers, thanks for the generous offer.

If all else fails I may check out the place Pokey posted, thanks for the suggestion.

Other opinions welcome as I probably won't get to cleaning for another week or two.

No payment needed its literally a machine u set inside the car and leave the car running with the heat in to get it out the vents. Supposedly it kills all the oxygen in the car depleting the smell or some shit like that. It really works though. If your home remedies don't work, wich they sound like they will, the offer is open.

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