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"S2230-2013: Licensure, suspension and revocation of firearms licenses"


-7 round mag limit

-NO grandfathering of pre 1994 mags / rifles

-Registration of "assault weapons"

-No online ammo sales

-All ammo sales to be tracked

-Renew license after 5 years

The provisions discussed in private conferences were confirmed to The Associated Press by five officials, Republicans and Democrats, in the Assembly and the Senate. The proposals would:

—Further restrict assault weapons to define them by a single feature, such as a pistol grip. Current law requires two features.

—Make the unsafe storage of assault weapons a misdemeanor.

—Mandate a police registry of assault weapons.

—Establish a state registry for all private sales, with a background check done through a licensed dealer for a fee, excluding sales to immediate relatives.

—Require a therapist who believes a mental health patient made a credible threat to use a gun illegally to report the threat to a mental health director who would then have to report serious threats to the state Department of Criminal Justice Services. A patient's gun could be taken from him or her.

—Ban the Internet sale of assault weapons.

—Restrict ammunition magazines to seven bullets, from the current 10. Current owners of higher-capacity magazines would have a year to sell them out of state. An owner caught at home with eight or more bullets in a magazine could face a misdemeanor charge.

—Require that stolen guns be reported within 24 hours. Otherwise, the owner would face a possible misdemeanor.

—Increase sentences for gun crimes including for taking a gun on school property.

—Limit the state records law to protect handgun owners from being identified publicly. The provision would allow a handgun permit holder a means to maintain privacy under the Freedom of Information law.

The proposal comes as Republican state Sen. Greg Ball criticized The Journal News newspaper for identifying pistol permit holders in Westchester and Rockland counties based on a FOIL request.

The officials requested anonymity because lawmakers hadn't yet signed off on some provisions.

The castration of America has begun. Now we can wait and see what Washington does.......bet it ain't gonna be pretty.

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"In New Jersey, one of 18 new gun bills submitted to the legislature would require gun buyers to submit to a psychological evaluation."


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tracking NY S2230

not introduced yet...

NJ stuff not introduced yet, but they did try to confiscate all unregistered assault weapons by voluntary surrender, in 2010 and again in 2012. Both failed.

And keep an eye on Texas legislation. They are getting angry.

Edited by ReconRat
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tracking NY S2230

not introduced yet...

NJ stuff not introduced yet, but they did try to confiscate all unregistered assault weapons in 2010 and again in 2012. Both failed.

Doesn't sound like its going away. This is being pushed by Cuomo who has aspirations of a run at the White House.

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This NY. They already have very limited gun rights.

Couple clarifications at the link:

- Safe storage added for households that contain at least one person who is federall banned from owning guns. No requirement to store ammo seperate, and you can have it on your person, so CCW/Open carry in your house is ok, and you can have a quick-access safe. This is the setupd I already use at my house. In my holster or in my safe, no exceptions.

- Mental health professionals must report any person they believe may use a gun illegally to the govt, who may then confiscate the guns.

- Private sales must go through an FFL unless it is a sale to an immediate family member (as a gift I guess)

- 10 round mags ARE grandfathered but cannot be loaded with more than 7 rounds. +10 rounds mags must go away.

This only covers semi-auto rifles with detachable mag. Under the 1-feature test an SKS with original wooden stock would still be legal and wouldn't be registered but you cannot load it more than 7 deep.

If you use a fixed mag (the bullet button still appears to be considered a "removable fixed magazine" under this new law, so an AR with a bullet button would not have to be registered. Also, making the AR into a hybrid manual-semi rifle would remove it from having to be registered too (using the Unicorn conversion, wherein the bolt locks open after every shot and must be manually released using a device similar to a magpul battery assist device that is modified to be sear-operated so it cannot just be "held down" to create for semi-auto operation).

So, every gets 10 round mags or permanently converts their 30 round mags to 10 round max, then installs a bullet button, and they are legal again.

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Under NY law the Unicorn mod would make the rifle NOT a semi-automatic any more:


21. "Semiautomatic" means any repeating rifle, shotgun or pistol, regardless of barrel or overall length, which utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge or shell to extract the fired cartridge case or spent shell and chamber the next round, and which requires a separate pull of the trigger to fire each cartridge or shell.

Using the unicorn mod, the loading of the next round requires manual intervention.

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- Mental health professionals must report any person they believe may use a gun illegally to the govt, who may then confiscate the guns.

This one scares me. First, it will greatly increase the amount of people who will not submit to nor self-report their mental problems. Who would? You're risking losing your guns or the ability to ever own one. Great way to make people even less likely to get help. Worse, what are the criteria for diagnoses? Feelings? Opinions? Audible confession? Who says what's a danger and what isn't? It's subjective and fucked up. Terrible law.

- Private sales must go through an FFL unless it is a sale to an immediate family member (as a gift I guess)

Great way to expand the black market, while doing nothing to actually stop harm from guns.

- 10 round mags ARE grandfathered but cannot be loaded with more than 7 rounds. +10 rounds mags must go away.

This only covers semi-auto rifles with detachable mag. Under the 1-feature test an SKS with original wooden stock would still be legal and wouldn't be registered but you cannot load it more than 7 deep.

10/22's with a Butler Creek mag now become assault weapons. Awesome law there, squirrels rejoiced throughout the New York area. Enfield rifles now considered high-capacity weapons.

If you use a fixed mag (the bullet button still appears to be considered a "removable fixed magazine" under this new law, so an AR with a bullet button would not have to be registered. Also, making the AR into a hybrid manual-semi rifle would remove it from having to be registered too (using the Unicorn conversion, wherein the bolt locks open after every shot and must be manually released using a device similar to a magpul battery assist device that is modified to be sear-operated so it cannot just be "held down" to create for semi-auto operation).

All of this just stands in the way of normal, law abiding folks and every single member of the criminal element will still get and use normal guns to do their work without a single care about this bullshit law....while the police and hypocrites still have their "scary" guns at their disposal.

So, every gets 10 round mags or permanently converts their 30 round mags to 10 round max, then installs a bullet button, and they are legal again.

Fuck that miserable stinking liberal shithole, and fuck everyone who cheers for this kind of feel-good draconian bullshit. I hope their violent crime rate goes up, stays up, and they never figure it out. The voting block deserves the low-capacity soft-drink utopia they have begged for.

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"In New Jersey, one of 18 new gun bills submitted to the legislature would require gun buyers to submit to a psychological evaluation."


psychological evaluation for exercising a constitutional right.

we should start requiring women who enjoy their 19th amendment rights to submit an evaluation as well before voting.

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'Restricted' weapons legally on sale in Stafford


"In a heavily guarded store just southwest of Houston, twin .50-caliber "Ma Deuce" machine guns rise up side by side from a mount that could be bolted to the deck of a warship or truck bed.

The guns can fire about 1,200 rounds a minute and take down a plane. The price tag reads $75,000.

They are among an arsenal of "restricted" or Class 3 weapons, all legal and for sale at Houston Armory, a company that caters to the elite of the gun world and specializes in machine guns, silencers and other weapons required to be registered with the U.S. government.

A few feet away is a fully operational M-60 machine gun, similar to the one carried by "Rambo" through the jungle. There also is a pristine-condition Tommy gun modeled like those used in the Al Capone days.

About 28,690 machine guns are legally owned and registered in Texas, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. That includes thousands of such guns believed to be in Harris County and the surrounding area and owned by private citizens, as well as corporations and police departments....."


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“From the hour the Pilgrims landed, to the present day, events, occurrences, and tendencies prove that to insure peace, security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable . . . the very atmosphere of firearms everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that is good”

George Washington

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That affects all of the wankers up in NY....even the so called Repub's didn't protest or vote it down so they get what they deserve from a moron Guv who is only thinking about how to position himself politically for a run at the WH in 2016.

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"In New Jersey, one of 18 new gun bills submitted to the legislature would require gun buyers to submit to a psychological evaluation."


Reminds me of reading tests before voting.
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