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Interesting interview


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Hmmm, interesting.

Sometimes if it smells like a pig, it just might be a pig. I do feel the govt has an agenda about gun ownership and I wouldn't put anything past them when it means them accomplishing their main objective.

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Lots of problems with the 5 mins of the breakdown I read. The investigators said he was wearing earplugs, so the whole section about it being too loud is irrelevant.

My son has no public paper trail, nor does the 20-yr-old kid of a friend of mine. Nothing comes up on google.

He points to how Brazil shows gruesome footage of their school shootings, but the US doesn't, as if it it evidence that the shootings are not happening in the US? Not, we just have different standards of broadcast decency. Some countries showed the Daniel Pearl execution video on the news - the US did not. Does that mean it didn't happen? You even seen a penis on the news? Does that mean penises don't really exist?

They mention that the police "just happened to have their military weapons ready to go at the time of the shooting". Seriously? They don't bury them in the ground between calls! They are stored where they are easy to get at quickly, otherwise what's the point?

I hope he's not putting himself forward as any kind of gun expert if he calls it a "Muffle Break, not a "Muzzle Brake".

One interesting thing I need to clarify: The Canadian teacher's car was shot? I didn't know there was gunfire outside the school.

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Hmmm, interesting.

Sometimes if it smells like a pig, it just might be a pig. I do feel the govt has an agenda about gun ownership and I wouldn't put anything past them when it means them accomplishing their main objective.

Exactly, there's definitely hidden agenda. Very interesting about Conn AR law banned and yet those were registered to her. They clearly didn't do their homework or someone purposely lacked in it in hopes we would catch on. If my dad were to ever come back to the states he could tell all kinds of government tales that would terrify you. I doubt he ever does though sadly enough, probably the smartest thing for him. ;)

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Lots of problems with the 5 mins of the breakdown I read. The investigators said he was wearing earplugs, so the whole section about it being too loud is irrelevant.

My son has no public paper trail, nor does the 20-yr-old kid of a friend of mine. Nothing comes up on google.

He points to how Brazil shows gruesome footage of their school shootings, but the US doesn't, as if it it evidence that the shootings are not happening in the US? Not, we just have different standards of broadcast decency. Some countries showed the Daniel Pearl execution video on the news - the US did not. Does that mean it didn't happen? You even seen a penis on the news? Does that mean penises don't really exist?

They mention that the police "just happened to have their military weapons ready to go at the time of the shooting". Seriously? They don't bury them in the ground between calls! They are stored where they are easy to get at quickly, otherwise what's the point?

I hope he's not putting himself forward as any kind of gun expert if he calls it a "Muffle Break, not a "Muzzle Brake".

One interesting thing I need to clarify: The Canadian teacher's car was shot? I didn't know there was gunfire outside the school.

I think the transcript is off the spelling they're hearing ;) If you get chance listen to the whole thing, several interesting points. Nancy's obituary, Adam's photoshopped picture, lack of Adam's existence, the father has yet to speak of his ill child commiting these heinous murders, Nancy's small funeral of about 25 people yet she was a volunteer and had many friends, so many good points and yes the shots outside. The alleged retired physiologist who has no record but a 2 year community college?

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The entire crux of all this is there's no official word on any details of the shooting - YET.

We're basing conspiracies on bad press, no press, and leaks.

Did the same thing during Columbine, and now we know all the pesky details some years later. It wasn't anything like the speculation, or how the press said it was.

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I think its "interesting" that the shooting itself seems to have been brushed-over, and quickly. The anti-gun crusade came out immediately,and is still rolling at full throttle, but the situation at the school was immediate coverage, then disappeared quickly other than a blurb here and there (i.e. "the funerals started today" then on to the next story).

Adam Lanza never existed?

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Exactly over a month has passed and nothing new has surfaced other than conspiracy videos, blogs, and recently this guy. I'm more apt to listen to this guy, he seems to have more logic and I like I the fact he dicredited the wacko guy down the street taking in the children. I want more info from him! This was a recent interview so I'm very hopeful new evidence and facts will surface.

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